holtwick / onepile

Playground for the future of private notes and document management
MIT License
48 stars 4 forks source link

Windows App Distribution #156

Open holtwick opened 4 years ago

holtwick commented 4 years ago

Due to signing #68 complications i.e. paid certificates, complex process, update issues and infrastructure, OnePile will be released on the Windows App Store.

Advantages of App Store:

Outside of App Store:

The current approach is to publish the Electron version, because the IndexedDB is not fully supported (Multi indexes for full text search) in the PWA infrastructure of Windows 10 yet. This will change when IE Edge is Chromium based, and we will revisit the topic again then.

Another good option is to install OnePile as PWA via Google Chrome browser. This might be advertised separately.

Other Windows specific tasks:

See MS Visual Code and MS Todo for better user experience examples.