holtwick / pdfify

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Third party mail clients #32

Closed musikundberge closed 3 years ago

musikundberge commented 3 years ago

Dropping mails from Apple Mail works fine.

What about third party mail clients like Spark?

Kind regards from Germany

holtwick commented 3 years ago

Thanks for opening the ticket. Did you try it with Spark? Did you get an error message?

Usually most clients that support the eml format work with PDFify. Postbox does not AFAIK.

musikundberge commented 3 years ago

I tried to drop a simple mail to the dock icon - nothing happened (no green + sign)

holtwick commented 3 years ago

Spark will not be supported, it only offers internal data when dragging. Export is also limited to certain apps. Readdle seem to be the gatekeeper: https://sparkmailapp.com/help/191-connect-other-productivity-apps-to-spark.html

Alternative: Use the print dialog and export as PDF from there.


musikundberge commented 3 years ago

Ok - thanks a lot 😀

holtwick commented 3 years ago

Clarified in help https://pdfify.app/help#mails