holtwick / pdfify

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Error while scanning - ImageCaptureCore Code=-9933 #48

Closed holtwick closed 2 years ago

holtwick commented 3 years ago
I|*    2020-10-12T07:43:51.820Z [*] selected device: 
ICScannerDevice <0x7ff2a7dc0500>:
  delegate                      : <0x0>
  deviceRef                     : 0x1000009d
  connectionID                  : 0x00000000
  deviceID                      : 0x00000000
  name                          : HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 [B49971]
  locationDescription           : B49971
  iconPath                      : /var/folders/m9/3t_5qyxd08l_mw95_d1nk6nm0000gn/T/temp.C18j4AuM.icns
  softwareInstallPercentDone    : 100.000000
  modulePath                    : /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/AirScanScanner.app
  moduleVersion                 : (null)
  moduleExecutableArchitecture  : 0
  type                          : 0x00000402
  UUIDString                    : 1300EC18-DC2A-7520-C82E-81ED00009443
  persistentIDString            : 1300EC18-DC2A-7520-C82E-81ED00009443
  autolaunchApplicationPath     : 
  capabilities                  : 
  shared                        : NO
  transportType                 : ICTransportTypeTCPIP
    bonjourServiceType          : _uscan._tcp.
    bonjourServiceName          : HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 [B49971]
    bonjourTXTRecord            : {
    UUID = {length = 36, bytes = 0x31333030 65633138 2d646332 612d3735 ... 30303030 39343433 };
    adminurl = {length = 28, bytes = 0x68747470 3a2f2f48 50423442 36383642 ... 312e6c6f 63616c2e };
    cs = {length = 22, bytes = 0x62696e6172792c636f6c6f722c677261797363616c65};
    duplex = {length = 1, bytes = 0x54};
    is = {length = 10, bytes = 0x706c6174656e2c616466};
    "mopria-certified" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x312e33};
    pdl = {length = 51, bytes = 0x6170706c 69636174 696f6e2f 6f637465 ... 6167652f 6a706567 };
    representation = {length = 18, bytes = 0x696d616765732f7072696e7465722e706e67};
    rs = {length = 4, bytes = 0x6553434c};
    txtvers = {length = 1, bytes = 0x31};
    ty = {length = 21, bytes = 0x4850204f66666963654a65742050726f2038373330};
    vers = {length = 3, bytes = 0x322e35};
    ipAddress                   : (null)
    ipPort                      : 0
  availableFunctionalUnitTypes  : 
  selectedFunctionalUnit        : (null) <0x0>
  transferMode                  : ICScannerTransferModeFileBased
  downloadsDirectory            : file:///Users/xxxxx/Library/Containers/de.holtwick.mac.PDFify/Data/Pictures/
  documentName                  : Scan
  documentUTI                   : public.tiff

W|**   2020-10-12T07:44:03.874Z [*] Scanner error: Error Domain=com.apple.ImageCaptureCore Code=-9933 "Beim Scannen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Beim Scannen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.}

Internal reference to original message https://1b.replies.io/#182916/threads/1228682

holtwick commented 3 years ago

1bit resultion related?


holtwick commented 3 years ago

Confirmed, that's the reason.

holtwick commented 2 years ago

There is not much to do. Just avoid 1bit scanning. It is a macOS level problem :(