holtwick / pdfify

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Feature Request: Execute OCR via Shortcuts app #79

Open svenwiegand opened 2 years ago

svenwiegand commented 2 years ago

Since macOS Monterey we have the shortcuts app on macOS to simply automate tasks. For automatic batch processing it would be great if pdfify could be used inside shortcut workflows. I still haven't found a PDF OCR tool, which provides this feature.

The optimal solution would be, if pdfify could provide a shortcut action which accepts an input file and produces a searchable PDF as output. But it might be simpler to make pdfify'w new quick action available via shortcuts.

holtwick commented 2 years ago

You are right, that would be a very useful. I've put it on the agenda. Thanks!

svenwiegand commented 10 months ago

Hi @holtwick, any updates here. At least a command line interface would be a workaround. Currently, there seems to be no option to trigger PDF OCR via any automation.