holtwick / pdfify

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Making an already searchable PDF searchable results in unsearchable PDF #81

Open MacMan-HH opened 2 years ago

MacMan-HH commented 2 years ago

Please describe how the error can be reproduced:

My customer uses PDFify on a daily basis. They have a workflow where they get a folder with multiple single page PDFs. With an Automator action, they make one large PDF out of all single documents. This all-pages-PDF is then send to PDFify to make the PDF searchable. Sometimes the original PDFs are already searchable, most of the time they are not.

Now, If we take an already searchable PDF through this process, the text becomes unusable. While it is possible to copy the text into a text editor from the original PDF, the pdfified PDF only produces squares like we see on missing fonts.

Since my customer works with loads and loads of those documents , they cannot check every incoming pdf if they are already searchable or not. So, they need this workflow to work no matter what PDF goes into the workflow.

We have tested with Tessaract and Apple Vision. Both come up with the same result a square instead of a letter.

Could you please look into this.

Danke :)

App Version Info: de.holtwick.mac.PDFify@3.5+201 Y3TP0EDTCX1BFC0SNPJRMXKZRG