holtwick / peer2school

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« Simple P2P teaching platform starting from the 1st class
MIT License
169 stars 67 forks source link

No commits since 2020-06-13. Is peer2school retired? If so, FOS alternatives? #76

Open porteusconf opened 4 years ago

porteusconf commented 4 years ago

Is holtwick/peer2school retired/dead? I see no commits since 2020-06-13 here, no any newer activity at any of the forks at https://techgaun.github.io/active-forks/index.html#holtwick/peer2school

At https://brie.fi/ng one author said: "During the Corona pandemic I tried to create a peer-to-peer solution for home schooling called peer.school. Although the project has been retired for various reasons..." Can project status and maybe some of the reasons it was retired be added to the readme? I did a quick search at the 2 twitter feeds saw no mention of "peer" nor "school". For those already using peer2school are there any serious known-issues, or would it be considered "stable" or at least RC/beta quality? It seems most of the current 22 issues are feature-requests.

Since it is peer-to-peer, should be possible to use in-house servers if the https://peer.school/ site goes away, right?

If it is dead, any similar FOS alternatives. (Or others interested in re-viving this project?)

It would be good to have peer-to-peer teaching software, as I expect non-peer2peer video-conf sites like zoom to have issues due to high load with all the virtual teaching expected in Fall 2020. Not to mention schools with low bandwidth internet.

porteusconf commented 4 years ago

For future reference, below are steps I used to setup local server that seems to work same as https://peer.school/ site. The steps shown are on a 10.14 macos laptop (with homebrew), but should be similar for linux. Any device with a web-browser on same network, in this case 192.168.0.x, can reach the website at in this example.

$    date
Fri Jul 24 14:17:26 EDT 2020
$    brew install node git
$    node --version
$    npm install -g serve. ### or leave out the -g to do local not global install
$    git clone https://github.com/holtwick/peer2school.git
Cloning into 'peer2school'...
### ...
$    cd  peer2school
$.   npm install
$    npm ci
$    npm build run
$    cd dist; ln -s . dist ; ls -l  ; cd ..  # symlink hack to fix /dist/css not found
total 40
drwxr-xr-x  4 emerg  wheel   128 Jul 24 14:42 css
lrwxr-xr-x  1 emerg  wheel     1 Jul 24 15:21 dist -> .   # hacky symlink
$ serve  -s dist
   β”‚                                                   β”‚
   β”‚   Serving!                                        β”‚
   β”‚                                                   β”‚
   β”‚   - Local:            http://localhost:64263      β”‚
   β”‚   - On Your Network:   β”‚
   β”‚                                                   β”‚
   β”‚   This port was picked because 5000 is in use.    β”‚
   β”‚                                                   β”‚
   β”‚   Copied local address to clipboard!              β”‚
   β”‚                                                   β”‚