holtwick / what-license.com

Quickly check what license text you are facing
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Mixup between versions of BSD licenses #2

Closed rpavlik closed 9 years ago

rpavlik commented 9 years ago

I pasted in the license from here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/blob/master/LICENSE and it did show a pretty high match, calling it BSD license. However, when I clicked on the link, it took me to the OSI's page for the 2-clause BSD license, while the text in the "ranking of best matches" showed it matched against the 3-clause (because that's what it is) - you can actually see the third clause in the search results.

(By the way - thanks for this app, it's super helpful, the kind of thing I've been looking for and putting off writing myself :+1: )

holtwick commented 9 years ago

I think your pull request fixed that?