holtzy / R-graph-gallery

A website that displays hundreds of R charts with their code
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Open holtzy opened 6 months ago

holtzy commented 6 months ago


JosephBARBIERDARNAL commented 3 weeks ago

not reproducible ): it uses some personal functions that she wrote outside of the main script that I can't find.

I still put the .Rmd that I wrote here just in case:

title: "R Consortium ISC Grants: Voronoi Treemap Visualization"
descriptionMeta: "This post demonstrates how to create a Voronoi treemap in R to visualize R Consortium ISC grants using ggplot2, VoronoiPlus, and ggtext."
descriptionTop: "This post demonstrates how to create a Voronoi treemap in R to visualize the distribution of R Consortium ISC grants by project year using [ggplot2](ggplot2-package.html), [VoronoiPlus](package/VoronoiPlus.html), and [ggtext](package/ggtext.html). The chart **highlights the size of funding** for each project."
sectionText: "Voronoi Treemap"
sectionLink: "package/VoronoiPlus.html"
DataToVizText: "Data to Viz"
DataToVizLink: "data-to-viz.com/graph/treemap.html"
url: "web-voronoi-treemap-r-consortium"
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```{r global options, include = FALSE}
   warning = FALSE,
   message = FALSE,
   fig.align = "center",
   fig.width = 12,
   fig.height = 7
# About *** This post visualizes the **R Consortium ISC Grants** by creating a Voronoi [treemap](treemap.html). Each polygon in the [treemap](treemap.html) represents a different grant project, with the area of the polygon proportional to the funding amount. The [treemap](treemap.html) highlights the distribution of funds over different years and provides an insightful overview of the projects that received grants from the R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC). It has been created by [Nicola Rennie](https://nrennie.rbind.io/). Thanks to her for sharing this beautiful chart! # Libraries *** To create this visualization, we will use several R packages: `tidyverse` for data manipulation, `showtext` for custom fonts, `ggtext` for enhanced text styling, and `VoronoiPlus` for generating the Voronoi [treemap](treemap.html). Install VoronoiPlus with `devtools::install_github("AllanCameron/VoronoiPlus")` ```{r} library(tidyverse) library(showtext) library(ggtext) # library(nrBrand) library(glue) library(sf) library(VoronoiPlus) ``` # Dataset *** The dataset is part of the TidyTuesday initiative and includes information about grants awarded by the R Consortium ISC. The dataset contains columns for the year the grant was awarded, whether the project was funded, and the project title. ```{r} tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load("2024-02-20") isc_grants <- tuesdata$isc_grants ``` The data is processed by selecting relevant columns, computing Voronoi polygons based on the grant data, and preparing labels for each year. ```{r} # Data wrangling grant_data <- isc_grants |> select(year, funded, title) vor_data <- voronoi_treemap(funded ~ year + title, data = grant_data) set.seed(1234) groups <- filter(vor_data, level == 1) subgroups <- filter(vor_data, level == 2) |> group_by(group) |> mutate(alpha = runif(1, 0, 0.6)) |> ungroup() year_labels <- groups |> select(group, x, y) |> st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) |> group_by(group) |> summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) |> st_cast("POLYGON") |> st_centroid() %>% mutate( x = st_coordinates(.)[, 1], y = st_coordinates(.)[, 2] ) |> st_drop_geometry() ``` # Fonts and Colors *** Custom fonts and colors are loaded to enhance the aesthetics of the plot. Google fonts `Roboto` and `Roboto Slab` are used for text, while a color palette from `rcartocolor` is applied to represent different years. ```{r} # Load fonts font_add_google("Roboto", "roboto") font_add_google("Roboto Slab", "robotoslab") showtext_auto() # Define colors and fonts bg_col <- "#fafafa" text_col <- "black" highlight_col <- "#1c68bc" cols_vec <- rcartocolor::carto_pal(length(unique(grant_data$year)) + 1, "Prism")[1:length(unique(grant_data$year))] names(cols_vec) <- unique(grant_data$year) body_font <- "roboto" title_font <- "robotoslab" ``` # Plotting *** The final visualization is a Voronoi treemap that uses custom polygons to represent different grant projects, with labels indicating the year. ```{r} # Define text social <- nrBrand::social_caption( bg_colour = bg_col, icon_colour = highlight_col, font_colour = text_col, font_family = body_font ) title <- glue("
R Consortium ISC Grants

") st <- glue("The R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) Grant Program has been awarding grants since 2016. They will accept proposals again between March 1 and April 1, 2024 (and then again in the fall). Each polygon represents a different project, with the size of the area representing the funding amount.

") cap <- paste0(title, st, "**Data**: R Consortium ISC
**Graphic**:", social) # Plot ggplot() + geom_polygon( data = groups, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = group, fill = group), colour = text_col, linewidth = 0.9 ) + geom_polygon( data = subgroups, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = group, alpha = alpha), fill = bg_col, colour = text_col, linewidth = 0.3 ) + geom_polygon( data = groups, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = group), colour = "transparent", fill = bg_col, alpha = 0.3, linewidth = 0.9 ) + geom_text( data = year_labels, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = group), colour = text_col, family = title_font, fontface = "bold", size = 12 ) + scale_alpha_identity() + scale_fill_manual(values = cols_vec) + labs( caption = cap ) + coord_equal() + theme_void(base_size = 24, base_family = body_font) + theme( legend.position = "none", plot.margin = margin(-16, 0, 0, 0), plot.background = element_rect(fill = bg_col, colour = bg_col), panel.background = element_rect(fill = text_col, colour = text_col), plot.caption = element_textbox_simple( colour = text_col, hjust = 0, halign = 0, margin = margin(l = 10, t = 8), lineheight = 0.5, family = body_font ) ) ``` # Going further *** You might be interested in: - Learning more about [Voronoi diagrams](voronoi-diagram.html) - How to create [an interactive Voronoi treemap](interactive-voronoi-treemap.html) - Explore [other visualization techniques](visualization-techniques.html)