holub008 / xrf

eXtreme RuleFit (sparse linear models on XGBoost ensembles)
43 stars 13 forks source link

Cut new CRAN release #13

Closed holub008 closed 4 years ago

holub008 commented 4 years ago

Possibly also verify R 4.0 compatibility.

holub008 commented 4 years ago

@topepo Are you happy with current state of xrf? I'm going to start a CRAN release if so.

topepo commented 4 years ago

Yes. I had planned on some other api changes but other crises came up. It's good and I can get rules ready for submission with this version.


topepo commented 4 years ago

How's the submission going?

holub008 commented 4 years ago

@topepo Just submitted - will let you know when it's through.

holub008 commented 4 years ago

Dear maintainer, thanks, package xrf_0.2.0.tar.gz is on its way to CRAN.