Closed FengLoveBella closed 6 years ago
I have no such initial model. Discussion with the author of PSPNet:
For the beginning blocks of ResNet, the original implementation use kernel size as 7 while we use 3, these two both use stride as 2 to downsize the input size as half of the original input image for faster training. It does not make much difference regards the final accuracy, while kernel size as 3 is faster than 7 for training.
There are some trained models from, but on ADE, VOC or Cityscapes.
@holyseven Thank you very much. And another question, did you try class weight in your code? does it help? (Because the classes are inbalance)
FCN tried to do the class balancing on VOC but found unnecessary.
Although our labels are mildly unbalanced (about 3/4 are background), we find class balancing unnecessary.
I tried the simplest (giving each class a weight, the inverse of pixel number rate) and focal loss with gamma=2, but found no help. Maybe more hyper-parameter tuning or more advanced techniques will help.
@holyseven OK, I got it, 3ks.
Hi @holyseven, nice work. I have a problem when using 'structure_in_paper' setting in your released paper, because of the initial model ResNet_v1_101 is different to the code in structure_in_paper. Could you share the initial resnet101 model which can be used in the 'structure_in_paper' mode? Thank you very much!