holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
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How to use admin commands? #14

Closed naryfa closed 2 years ago

naryfa commented 2 years ago

Any way to use sudo? Can it be compiled / installed? I can't even access /etc :(

holzschu commented 2 years ago

Hi, the goal is to make an app that is compatible with the AppStore rules and restrictions. Making sudo (or any way to be super-user) would not be approved by Apple. The important files for a-Shell are in $HOME and $APPDIR, and you have access to them.

/ is a funny bit: you can read /, but no directories under it, but some sub-directories (try /System/Library).

naryfa commented 2 years ago

Then maybe release these commands here, as installable, let users find and install them. You'd still be compliant with the app in the store. No?

holzschu commented 2 years ago

It's not the commands that are the problem, it's the ability to access root privilege. I can't create something in the App that lets users escalate privilege (it's also technically impossible, because Apple has several layers of protections).

naryfa commented 2 years ago

Sucks. OK, thanks for the info.