holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
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Add git #17

Open ChesterChowWOV opened 2 years ago

ChesterChowWOV commented 2 years ago

This is a very good app. I just hope it has the git command.

holzschu commented 2 years ago

lg2 is a clone of git, based on the libgit2 library (https://libgit2.org) and is available.

normen commented 2 years ago

It can't quite replace git for vim-plugins like fugitive or signify yet though. Even when you specify the executable name they fail to produce results. Still super happy that lg2 exists, thanks for providing a git/vim solution on iOS 👏

gaelicWizard commented 2 years ago

@holzschu, available where?

holzschu commented 2 years ago

lg2 is among the commands included with a-Shell in its AppStore version. Type lg2 -h in a-Shell.

gaelicWizard commented 2 years ago

Oy, it seems I had tried typing l2g and got frustrated. Sorry for the noise! Thank! 😃

vwkd commented 2 years ago

It seems it doesn’t support revert. lg2 revert returns command not found.