holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
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Add sqlite #23

Open darkgeek opened 1 year ago

darkgeek commented 1 year ago

Hi, There's already a sqlite compiled to wasm, though it's a bit outdated by there years. Is it possible to bring in a latest version, be in wasm or in native way? Thanks.

holzschu commented 1 year ago

Given that it's been already compiled to wasm (and using wasi), if you could download the sqlite.wasm file, it should work on a-Shell. The link on the page does not work, which is weird.

rcarmo commented 1 year ago

I'd love to have sqlite baked in. Any hints on how to get it built under WASI? I tried installing it and didn't get it working...