holzschu / a-shell

A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows
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[HELP] A few queries! Please help. #296

Closed dummifiedme closed 1 year ago

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago
  1. Can the commands be scheduled? (Crond or something)
  2. How to store git credentials locally? Currently I have to put in password every time I push.
  3. How to save and execute a script for Picking a folder, then pushing on remote? Can it be run from Shortcuts too?
holzschu commented 2 years ago


personalizedrefrigerator commented 2 years ago

commands scheduled

Shortcuts > Automation > Personal > Time of Day might work for this...

Of course, if you want the shortcut to run without prompting the user,

How to store git credentials locally?

Adding on to @ holzschu's explanation,

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

@holzschu @personalizedrefrigerator I tried the shortcuts, and as @holzschu mentions, pickFolder is tricky. It always fails with an error. 7318B48C-B4F8-4769-B010-ABDC3984022C

I use a note-taking software Obsidian, which involves a folder of files. I am syncing this folder using git. Most of my operations is completed via WorkingCopy (free version doesn’t allow push), and for pushing files I use a-shell by pickFoldering the repo folder and simply lg2 git push. I wanted to automate it a bit but couldn’t get the pickFolder command to work via Shortcuts. Though the pickFolder once run the folder is mostly mounted ‘forever’, I just have to push every time without picking again. But when I go via the shortcuts, apparently the folder isn’t mounted up.

Thanks for the ssh for git :)

holzschu commented 2 years ago

If you've used pickFolder once, the folder is stored as a bookmark (use showmarks to list them) and you can get back to it with just the command line using jump bookmarkName or cd ~bookmarkName. This should allow you to automate.

A shortcut running "in Extension" has a different set of bookmarks than a shortcut running "in App", so you probably want to run this "in App". If you need to go back to the Shortcuts app after that, you can use "open shortcuts://"

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

If you've used pickFolder once, the folder is stored as a bookmark (use showmarks to list them) and you can get back to it with just the command line using jump bookmarkName or cd ~bookmarkName. This should allow you to automate.

A shortcut running "in Extension" has a different set of bookmarks than a shortcut running "in App", so you probably want to run this "in App". If you need to go back to the Shortcuts app after that, you can use "open shortcuts://"

Thanks! This helps a lot.

Curious to know: how to assign bookmarks in extension mode? Can we do that? That way the a-shell wont have to be opened. NEAT. 😅

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

@personalizedrefrigerator I tried creating a SSH, but couldn’t understand.

I read through the manual, and generated the SSH Key for myself in a-shell. But the manual reads, there should be a .ssh folder? Where should it be? In my working directory (the repo folder) or somewhere on the a-shell app space?

and it is suggested that I take a ‘Public’ key and link it to GitHub (or GitLab in my case). I don’t think I can find public key anywhere. A-shell in output gave me a key and a pix-art :D

Can you help me set it up on iPad? Most of the manual talks about windows specific commands (file handling seems different in iOS)

holzschu commented 2 years ago

Running ssh-keygen creates your public and private keys in ~/Documents/.ssh. By default, the private key is called id_rsa and the public key is id_rsa.pub. It is the latter than you need to upload to gitlab and authorize.

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

There was no option of uploading the .pub file. So I copied the SSH keys in GitLab. Then when I ran the ‘test’ as suggested on GitLab manual: ssh -T <email> it took the permission then failed to connect stating Permission Denied (public key, keyboard-interactive)

I tried to change again, but now it is kind of stuck. I dont know how to come out of this error :D

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 6:19 PM, Nicolas Holzschuch @.***> wrote:

Running ssh-keygen creates your public and private keys in ~/Documents/.ssh. By default, the private key is called id_rsa and the public key is id_rsa.pub. It is the latter than you need to upload to gitlab and authorize.

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holzschu commented 2 years ago


dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

I did it right here. But to upload? I need to copy and paste right? It’s written right there. So I opened the .pub file in vim, copied and pasted here.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 6:45 PM, Nicolas Holzschuch @.***> wrote:


for security reasons, you should never copy the private key anywhere.

on gitlab, if you click on "Edit profile" (top right corner), you should see a menu with "Profile/Account/Billing...". Near the bottom, there is "SSH keys". Clicking on it gives you the following interface, with the opportunity to upload your public key.

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8070736/129731957-caea16ed-8a46-4a30-8c5c-d2cb27c7d304.png

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dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

I should probably drop it. Considering I am newbie here. I should maybe stick to some manual work :D

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 6:46 PM, Dummy ME @.***> wrote:

I did it right here. But to upload? I need to copy and paste right? It’s written right there. So I opened the .pub file in vim, copied and pasted here.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 6:45 PM, Nicolas Holzschuch < @.***> wrote:


for security reasons, you should never copy the private key anywhere.

on gitlab, if you click on "Edit profile" (top right corner), you should see a menu with "Profile/Account/Billing...". Near the bottom, there is "SSH keys". Clicking on it gives you the following interface, with the opportunity to upload your public key.

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8070736/129731957-caea16ed-8a46-4a30-8c5c-d2cb27c7d304.png

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/holzschu/a-shell/issues/296#issuecomment-900288870, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AQMZMQL2GVB7LM52X3DLLALT5JOHNANCNFSM5CH4GZ2Q .

personalizedrefrigerator commented 2 years ago

Here's how I would set up authentication via SSH:

Steps for generating a new keypair

  1. Run cd with no arguments (this takes you to ~/Documents/ in a-Shell)
  2. ssh-keygen -t ed25519
For example...
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/private/.../Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519): <Enter> 
Reply is: .
Created directory '/private/var/mobile/.../Documents/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): pass.wd<Enter>
Enter same passphrase again: pass.wd<Enter>
Your identification has been saved in /private/var/.../Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519
Your public key has been saved in /private/var/.../Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:UUbfBoMEyhCwxu14Riwa5LViIM7QKCVGiik4r/Y9c/o mobile@myPhoneName
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|*Booo.  .+=.o    |
|/+o+.o . o.. +   |
|X*=.+ o .   . o  |
|o*.=     .   .   |
|. o +   S        |
| . o             |
|..               |
|. . .o .         |
|   . o*E         |
Here, I used `pass.wd` for the password * This is not a secure password, but is easy to remember * We're going to be storing this password as plaintext in `a-Shell` anyway, so if someone wanted to look for the password, they could. * We don't have to store the password as plaintext, but the alternative is entering it every time we want to authenticate. * This is what the section on `ssh-add` is about in most guides * To my understanding, `ssh-add` automatically unlocks the ssh key when you log into your computer. * `a-Shell` does not have such a command at present. In summary, my thinking is this: Having a password at all makes it more difficult for someone to steal `ssh` credentials. With a password, a script that steals `ssh` credentials would need to either try to guess the password (easy for `pass.wd`) or search for it in other files (also easy, it will be in `~/Documents/.gitconfig`).

Adding the key to GitHub

I'm using GitHub as an example here because it's what I'm most familiar with. The steps for configuring ssh authentication for other services should be similar.

  1. Copy the public key.
    • cat ~/Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | pbcopy
  2. Open settings
Click on the user icon at top right of GitHub to access the dropdown menu that contains the settings link
  1. Open the SSH and GPG keys tab and click "add new"
![In settings, click on "SSH and GPG keys", then "add new"](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46334387/129756340-ae81a57d-9e6e-44b7-a7e0-cfb739d172c2.jpeg)
  1. Paste what we copied above (we copied the public key :) ).
![paste the public key](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46334387/129756006-78d80c9f-16d7-44f6-9bdd-49dd8f4ce478.jpeg)
  1. Click "Add Key"

Testing it out

  1. Clone a repository via SSH:
    1. Let's use the repository for lg2: https://github.com/holzschu/libgit2 . Open it in Safari.
    2. Click "request desktop site"

Request desktop site is under the page settings menu

  1. Click "Clone", then "Clone via... SSH"

  1. In a-Shell, run,
    $ cd ~/tmp/
    $ mkdir gitdemo
    $ cd gitdemo

We now have a temporary directory in which we can try things out! (Temporary files are only cleared when your phone/iPad is running out of memory).

  1. Clone the repository using the URL we obtained earlier
    $ lg2 clone git@github.com:holzschu/libgit2.git
    Cloning into ./libgit2.git
    No user.identityFile found in git config: config value 'user.identityFile' was not found.
    SSH keys in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/APP-ID-HERE/Documents/.ssh/:
    1              id_ed25519
    Enter the number to the left of the desired key or the path to some other SSH key (the private key).
    SSH Key: 1
    Password: pass.wd
    Consider running,
    lg2 config user.identityFile '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/APP-ID-HERE/Document
    lg2 config user.password 'your_password_here'
    to save this username/password pair.
    remote: Enumerating objects: 108994, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    remote: Total 108994 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 108991   0% (   0/   0)(null)
    Resolving deltas 76808/7680808994)  /  idx  29% (32185/108994)  /  chk   0% (   0/   0)(null)

Note that I selected our ed25519 key above.

Above, we had to enter the password for our key. Let's make it so we don't have to do that:

  1. vim ~/Documents/.gitconfig
  2. Add:
        identityFile = ~/Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519
        password = pass.wd

    (only create the [user] section if it doesn't already exist)

Finally, to test it, run:

$ cd libgit2.git/
$ lg2 fetch origin
$ lg2 fetch origin
Fetching origin for repo 0x102134080

Host: github.com
Public key hashes:
MD5: FiespXYoLTZjG1ZN69+mSA==
SHA-1: v2toJdKXfFEaR1u++4iq1UqSrHM=
SHA-256: nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8=
Unable to read known_hosts file: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/34DCDE88-
DBF0-42C9-BBA6-32B6184BA30F/Documents/.ssh/known_hosts. Error: Failed to open file
There are 0 known hosts...
No key was found for github.com in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/34DCDE8
Would you like to add the following host/key pair to your known_hosts file?
Hostname: github.com
Add the host/key pair? y/[n] y
SSH authentication: Using private key: ~/Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519
Received 0/0 objects in 0bytes

lg2 may not recognize GitHub the first few times. Verify that the host/key pair are correct (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/47708298) before telling lg2 that "yes, this is really GitHub".

If lg2 fetches successfully, without asking for a password, it should continue to work!

If you have additional questions, please ask! I'm sure this discussion can help others with lg2 in the future!

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

@personalizedrefrigerator thanks for the efforts! I really appreciate it. I managed to get it running up till your walkthrough. And it worked file for the last step too. BUt as soon as I tried it on my repo, it gives an error too many redirects or authentication replays.

Edit: Oh! I had cloned it via https in WorkingCopy That might be the issue right? Or it should work either way? Do I need to clone again? I guess, I will remove this repo locally and clone again with ssh this time.

Edit-2: I re-did everything from scratch. Managed to make it work. Thanks!! Bookmarked this post. You should maybe publish on a blog somewhere?! It’s highly detailed and understandable for noobs too :)

Only thing now remains is

Curious to know: how to assign bookmarks in extension mode? Can we do that? That way the a-shell wont have to be opened. NEAT.

If the a-shell can run without opening, then its like really smooth. :D

personalizedrefrigerator commented 2 years ago

Curious to know: how to assign bookmarks in extension mode? Can we do that? That way the a-shell wont have to be opened. NEAT.

I would also like to know how to do this!

holzschu commented 2 years ago

I don't think the extension can assign bookmarks. Apple's key principle behind files and folders authorization is that they must be assigned through explicit user interaction (there must be a window showing the file, and the user must click to open). I don't see a way to do this in extension. And since the app and the extension are two different apps, they do not share their stored bookmarks either.

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

If we have a bash file with commands, can’t we run it from shortcuts in extension mode? Will it work without opening the app?

holzschu commented 2 years ago

That entirely depends on the nature of the commands. If none of the commands require access to configuration files that are stored at the App level or in $HOME, if none of the commands require access to the GUI, if the bash file does not use some bash syntax that is not coded in a-Shell (that happens often), and if the entire set of command can be executed in less than 5 seconds, then it will work.

You can always try: the Shortcuts have an option to force running In Extension. If it works, it works.

dummifiedme commented 2 years ago

I see. I was basically thinking of using the pickFolder option somehow. The bookmarks aren’t accessible in extension, so it won’t be via bash either I guess. And pushing anyway takes more then 5 sec sometimes.

idea dumped.

On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 at 3:06 PM, Nicolas Holzschuch @.***> wrote:

That entirely depends on the nature of the commands. If none of the commands require access to configuration files that are stored at the App level or in $HOME, if none of the commands require access to the GUI, if the bash file does not use some bash syntax that is not coded in a-Shell (that happens often), and if the entire set of command can be executed in less than 5 seconds, then it will work.

You can always try: the Shortcuts have an option to force running In Extension. If it works, it works.

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