holzweg / hwboot

eZPublish Design / Template based on bootstrap
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Open discussion : how to manage bootstrap upgrades #9

Open alafon opened 12 years ago

alafon commented 12 years ago

Bootstrap development follow-up

Solution 1

alafon commented 12 years ago

Should be in milestone 1.1 by the way ;)

workflow commented 12 years ago

Since we are likely to need a check after each upgrade, I would vote against Solution 1.

How about:

Solution 4

This way we would preserve the upgrade path, and upgrading bootstrap becomes, as simple as overwriting the two boostrap/ directories, throwing in the new .less and .js files, and possibly including any files that are new. For clarification:

This is probably fast and easy enough to cancel out any need for automation.

What be your thoughts?

tobiasstrebitzer commented 12 years ago

i agree @workflow, we should place the source files in a "bootstrap" directory underneath "stylesheets" or "stylesheets/less", or maybe "stylesheets/lib". Any changes to the bootstrap source (which should always be the last alternative) shoud then be done in override less files (like stylesheets/carousel.less overrides stylesheets/bootstrap/carousel.less).

Changes relating to ezpublish (i.e. ezdemo) should be done in "stylesheets/hwboot.less". hwboot.less is currently the only file where styles are placed. As it currently is not too large, we'll stick to that, but maybe we'll have to split it up lateron.

Additionally, we should add bootstrap as a submodule, like @alafon suggested in Solution 1.

The recent upgrade to bootstrap 2.0.0 worked charmingly well btw.