homaily / Saudi-Arabia-Regions-Cities-and-Districts

Saudi Arabia Regions, Cities and Districts
GNU General Public License v2.0
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incorrect format for boundaries #8

Closed usefksa closed 4 years ago

usefksa commented 4 years ago

Hello Abdulaziz, Thanks for the library. I tried the new updated but I found this incorrect value (it always happen))

(24.64900056 46.7248791,24.64742521 46.7310504,24.64701684 46.73275344,24.64690287 46.73323508,24.64676244 46.73320262,24.6466208 46.73317722,24.64647825 46.73315892,24.64633508 46.73314778,24.64621162 46.73314857,24.64608834 46.73315606,24.64596556 46.73317024,24.64584357 46.73319107,24.64572267 46.7332185,24.64560317 46.73325246,24.64548536 46.73329287,24.64534909 46.73335558,24.64521486 46.73342334,24.64508282 46.73349606,24.64495313 46.73357367,24.64482592 46.73365608,24.64470136 46.73374318,24.64360222 46.72797738,24.64356174 46.72778251,24.64351567 46.72758913,24.64346407 46.72739743,24.64340699 46.7272076,24.64334448 46.72701983,24.64176405 46.72214318,24.64106062 46.71994459,24.64093537 46.71958564,24.64080483 46.71922896,24.64066904 46.71887464,24.64052801 46.71852277,24.64038181 46.71817345,24.64023045 46.71782676,24.64029238 46.71781647,24.64050761 46.71777565,24.6407215 46.71772712,24.64093382 46.71767095,24.64114434 46.7176072,24.64135284 46.71753594,24.64303509 46.71676307,24.64568255 46.71553652,24.64663551 46.71509446,24.64664452 46.71510174,24.64669486 46.71513821,24.64674788 46.7151698,24.64680319 46.71519627,24.64686038 46.71521742,24.64691902 46.71523311,24.6470839 46.71523515,24.64724855 46.71524467,24.64741271 46.71526165,24.64757608 46.71528606,24.64773839 46.71531786,24.64789935 46.715357,24.64805869 46.71540341,24.64891057 46.71559148,24.65121898 46.71615269,24.64900056 46.7248791)
)'), 3, 10100003001, 'حي العمل', 'Al Amal Dist.', 1),
)'), 3, 10100003001, 'حي العمل', 'Al Amal Dist.', 1),

The above format is not correct, it should be like this

)'), 3, 10100003001, 'حي العمل', 'Al Amal Dist.', 1),
homaily commented 4 years ago

Hi @usefksa, thanks for reporting this. Let me check on it and get back to you later today

homaily commented 4 years ago

Hi @usefksa, can you please validate this one if possible?

insert into `districts` (`boundaries`, `city_id`, `district_id`, `name_ar`, `name_en`, `region_id`)
(46.7248791 24.64900056,46.7310504 24.64742521,46.73275344 24.64701684,46.73323508 24.64690287,46.73320262 24.64676244,46.73317722 24.6466208,46.73315892 24.64647825,46.73314778 24.64633508,46.73314857 24.64621162,46.73315606 24.64608834,46.73317024 24.64596556,46.73319107 24.64584357,46.7332185 24.64572267,46.73325246 24.64560317,46.73329287 24.64548536,46.73335558 24.64534909,46.73342334 24.64521486,46.73349606 24.64508282,46.73357367 24.64495313,46.73365608 24.64482592,46.73374318 24.64470136,46.72797738 24.64360222,46.72778251 24.64356174,46.72758913 24.64351567,46.72739743 24.64346407,46.7272076 24.64340699,46.72701983 24.64334448,46.72214318 24.64176405,46.71994459 24.64106062,46.71958564 24.64093537,46.71922896 24.64080483,46.71887464 24.64066904,46.71852277 24.64052801,46.71817345 24.64038181,46.71782676 24.64023045,46.71781647 24.64029238,46.71777565 24.64050761,46.71772712 24.6407215,46.71767095 24.64093382,46.7176072 24.64114434,46.71753594 24.64135284,46.71676307 24.64303509,46.71553652 24.64568255,46.71509446 24.64663551,46.71510174 24.64664452,46.71513821 24.64669486,46.7151698 24.64674788,46.71519627 24.64680319,46.71521742 24.64686038,46.71523311 24.64691902,46.71523515 24.6470839,46.71524467 24.64724855,46.71526165 24.64741271,46.71528606 24.64757608,46.71531786 24.64773839,46.715357 24.64789935,46.71540341 24.64805869,46.71559148 24.64891057,46.71615269 24.65121898,46.7248791 24.64900056)
)'), 3, 10100003001, 'حي العمل', 'Al Amal Dist.', 1);
insert into `cities` (`center`, `city_id`, `name_ar`, `name_en`, `region_id`)
(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(46.73333003 24.69999996)'), 3, 'الرياض', 'Riyadh', 1);
usefksa commented 4 years ago

It works great now

I generated this GeoJSON file from it:

{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 46.7248791, 24.64900056 ], [ 46.7310504, 24.64742521 ], [ 46.73275344, 24.64701684 ], [ 46.73323508, 24.64690287 ], [ 46.73320262, 24.64676244 ], [ 46.73317722, 24.6466208 ], [ 46.73315892, 24.64647825 ], [ 46.73314778, 24.64633508 ], [ 46.73314857, 24.64621162 ], [ 46.73315606, 24.64608834 ], [ 46.73317024, 24.64596556 ], [ 46.73319107, 24.64584357 ], [ 46.7332185, 24.64572267 ], [ 46.73325246, 24.64560317 ], [ 46.73329287, 24.64548536 ], [ 46.73335558, 24.64534909 ], [ 46.73342334, 24.64521486 ], [ 46.73349606, 24.64508282 ], [ 46.73357367, 24.64495313 ], [ 46.73365608, 24.64482592 ], [ 46.73374318, 24.64470136 ], [ 46.72797738, 24.64360222 ], [ 46.72778251, 24.64356174 ], [ 46.72758913, 24.64351567 ], [ 46.72739743, 24.64346407 ], [ 46.7272076, 24.64340699 ], [ 46.72701983, 24.64334448 ], [ 46.72214318, 24.64176405 ], [ 46.71994459, 24.64106062 ], [ 46.71958564, 24.64093537 ], [ 46.71922896, 24.64080483 ], [ 46.71887464, 24.64066904 ], [ 46.71852277, 24.64052801 ], [ 46.71817345, 24.64038181 ], [ 46.71782676, 24.64023045 ], [ 46.71781647, 24.64029238 ], [ 46.71777565, 24.64050761 ], [ 46.71772712, 24.6407215 ], [ 46.71767095, 24.64093382 ], [ 46.7176072, 24.64114434 ], [ 46.71753594, 24.64135284 ], [ 46.71676307, 24.64303509 ], [ 46.71553652, 24.64568255 ], [ 46.71509446, 24.64663551 ], [ 46.71510174, 24.64664452 ], [ 46.71513821, 24.64669486 ], [ 46.7151698, 24.64674788 ], [ 46.71519627, 24.64680319 ], [ 46.71521742, 24.64686038 ], [ 46.71523311, 24.64691902 ], [ 46.71523515, 24.6470839 ], [ 46.71524467, 24.64724855 ], [ 46.71526165, 24.64741271 ], [ 46.71528606, 24.64757608 ], [ 46.71531786, 24.64773839 ], [ 46.715357, 24.64789935 ], [ 46.71540341, 24.64805869 ], [ 46.71559148, 24.64891057 ], [ 46.71615269, 24.65121898 ], [ 46.7248791, 24.64900056 ] ] ] }

you can preview it here http://geojson.io/#map=16/24.6457/46.7244

homaily commented 4 years ago

Thanks @usefksa, updated the sql files

Cheers, Aziz

usefksa commented 4 years ago

well done, thanks for help.