home-assistant / Iconic

:art: Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
Apache License 2.0
1.58k stars 86 forks source link

Swift 3 Support #56

Closed zhubofei closed 7 years ago

zhubofei commented 7 years ago

Will there be a swift3 branch?

dzenbot commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/dzenbot/Iconic/pull/55 was actually all about Swift 3.0, but I had to downgrade for multiple reasons, most importantly, SwiftGen needs quite some work for 3.0 support. This repo uses a custom version of SwiftGen with many commits behind. It was easier to use Swift 2.3 meanwhile. I plan to convert the lib to swift 3. I will also need to port the enhancements made on the swiftgen fork, back to the original source. I'll until SwiftGen migrates to swift 3.0

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

Bumping the thread to get notified when Swift 3 gets supported.

gmarm commented 7 years ago

Any progress on this? Maybe an alpha branch?

dzenbot commented 7 years ago

Not yet! I've been waiting for SwiftGen to update to 3.0, if that ever happens.

CREATE-AI commented 7 years ago


sametdumankaya commented 7 years ago


rickyjwhong commented 7 years ago


CREATE-AI commented 7 years ago

i 'am use another way to fix it . use http://www.iconfont.cn/ icon , than user UIlable.font or UIbutton.lable that is ok !

Nemesisprime commented 7 years ago

+1 Iconic set the benchmark for working with icon fonts in iOS - I'd love to help with Swift 3 if needed since it seems like SwiftGen finally has support.

dzenbot commented 7 years ago

I've pushed https://github.com/dzenbot/Iconic/tree/swift-3-support including Swift 3 support for static files. Still need to figure out SwiftGen's.

dzenbot commented 7 years ago

I would appreciate some reviewing on this PR folks!

Things are looking good in the samples and all tests are passing, but I haven't tested it on a real environment yet (Slack's app is still using Swift 2.3). Therefore, it would be great if someone could install this branch on their real environment and let me know if thing are ok too. Thanks! 💪