home-assistant / Iconic

:art: Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
Apache License 2.0
1.58k stars 86 forks source link

Missing count variable #86

Closed bnsm closed 4 years ago

bnsm commented 5 years ago

Description: When I tried to integrate Iconic with my project, I got an error: FontAwesomeIcon' does not conform to protocol 'IconDrawable.

IconDrawable declares count variable which was not part of the stencil file and SwiftGen didn't generate the necessary code.

Also when running unit and ui tests, I noticed some obsolete syntax, so updated it to Swift 4.2.

homeassistant commented 5 years ago

Hi @bnsm,

It seems you haven't yet signed a CLA. Please do so here.

Once you do that we will be able to review and accept this pull request.


robbiet480 commented 4 years ago

Thanks! 🐬 🍪 💯