home-assistant / addons

:heavy_plus_sign: Docker add-ons for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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deCONZ addon stops itself randomly #1546

Closed SiliconAvatar closed 2 years ago

SiliconAvatar commented 4 years ago

The problem

The deCONZ addon seems to randomly stop itself without warning. It can be started again normally and work just fine, but then will stop again some indeterminate time later. It's happened to me twice so far, 7 days apart. However there are many other reports of this behaviour on the community forum.


arch x86_64
chassis vm
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.8
hassio true
host_os Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.0-42-generic
python_version 3.8.3
supervisor 235
timezone America/New_York
version 0.114.1
virtualenv false

Problem-relevant configuration


Traceback/Error logs

Photo of log output., I unfortunately did not copy out the text before starting the addon again.

Additional information

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Hi, here is the log, allthough not much to see, I face the same issue...

12:07:48:277 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
12:07:51:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:52:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:53:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:54:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:55:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:56:232 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
12:07:59:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:07:59:286 GW firmware version: 0x26330500
12:07:59:286 GW firmware version shall be updated to: 0x26350500
12:08:00:275 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:08:01:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:08:01:464 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
12:08:02:274 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:08:03:275 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
12:08:03:341 Current channel 11
12:08:03:373 Device TTL 2400 s flags: 0x7
12:08:04:275 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x1000 (end-device might sleep)
[12:08:04] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected!
[12:08:04] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)...
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 323#323: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 313, exiting
In exit
Closing socket listening at
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 1851#1851: exiting
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 1851#1851: exit
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 323#323: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1851
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 323#323: worker process 1851 exited with code 0
2020/08/14 10:08:04 [notice] 323#323: exit
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
mkono87 commented 4 years ago

Same problem. In the last week, id wake up and the container has stopped running. Im running the .qcow2 Home Assistant image on proxmox.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Lots of users are impacted , though I have no idea to troubleshoot this? Is there a way to enable somekind of debug on the add-on container? To see what it just stops? Mine was stable for last week now, it happened once to me

cllatser commented 4 years ago

Same problem:

_raise_on_error(response) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/gateway.py", line 220, in _raise_on_error raise_error(data["error"]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/errors.py", line 58, in raise_error raise cls("{} {}".format(error["address"], error["description"])) pydeconz.errors.ResourceNotFound: /lights/26 resource, /lights/26, not available 2020-08-21 17:55:09 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.139881477912800] /lights/25 resource, /lights/25, not available Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/commands.py", line 125, in handle_call_service await hass.services.async_call( File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py", line 1308, in async_call task.result() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py", line 1343, in _execute_service await handler.func(service_call) File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py", line 208, in handle_service await self.hass.helpers.service.entity_service_call( File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 454, in entity_service_call future.result() # pop exception if have File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 583, in async_request_call await coro File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 485, in _handle_entity_call await result File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/deconz/switch.py", line 62, in async_turn_off await self._device.async_set_state(data) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/deconzdevice.py", line 35, in async_set_state await self.async_set(field, data) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/api.py", line 112, in async_set await self._request("put", field, json=data) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/gateway.py", line 106, in request _raise_on_error(response) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/gateway.py", line 220, in _raise_on_error raise_error(data["error"]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/errors.py", line 58, in raise_error raise cls("{} {}".format(error["address"], error["description"])) pydeconz.errors.ResourceNotFound: /lights/25 resource, /lights/25, not available 2020-08-21 17:57:29 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform deconz does not generate unique IDs. ID 00:17:88:01:08:62:fe:31-02-0406 already exists - ignoring binary_sensor.movimiento_estudio 2020-08-21 17:57:29 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform deconz does not generate unique IDs. ID 00:17:88:01:08:62:fe:31-02-0402 already exists - ignoring sensor.hue_temperatura_estudio 2020-08-21 18:00:09 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.service] Unable to find referenced entities media_player.echo_dot_de_cllatser [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts... [cont-finish.d] done.

austwhite commented 4 years ago

This has been happening for me as well since upgrading to Home Assistant 0.114. Latest deCONZ add-on (no updates available) It seems to be a bit random, but is happening at least once a day. I'll try to grab some logs next time if I can catch it, but for now I have had to setup an automation to restart Home Assistant when it crashes as just restarting the addon doesn't bring the bulbs back online, needs a full refresh of the integration as well, so it is just as easy to just do a full restart for me.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

For me starting the add-on was enough to bring back my sensors/switches to HA ... No lights here

mkono87 commented 4 years ago

My bulbs and sensors also continue to work but I don't know the deconz is down until I realize a bulb or switch isn't working. Usually every morning. I guess there is an automation I can create to get notified the addon has gone down?

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

On community forum, in deconz thread, there is an example sensor, this will tell you when an add-on is stopped

mkono87 commented 4 years ago

On community forum, in deconz thread, there is an example sensor, this will tell you when an add-on is stopped

Terrific, il check it now thanks.

Anwen747 commented 4 years ago

This happened to me for the first time this morning. I've had a few random times when the deConz addon didn't start on boot, but this is the first time it has just randomly stopped for no reason. Up until now, it has been working flawlessly. System information: HA 0.113.3 running in a VM on Proxmox (HA OS installed using the Whiskerz script), deConz addon version 6.1.2. I had purposely not updated the addon to avoid this issue after reading reports in the forum. I am using a Conbee I with firmware 26330500 (it does need to be updated to 26350500).

arch x86_64
chassis vm
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.11
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.12
installation_type Home Assistant OS
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.56
python_version 3.8.3
supervisor 235
timezone America/New_York
version 0.113.3
virtualenv false

This is as much of the deConz log as I could see - I have an Ikea outlet that did turn on via an automation at 9:00 AM, and shortly after that is when the addon shut down.

08:58:40:741    03 temperature 30 °C
08:58:40:741    04 unknown 5032 (0x13A8)
08:58:40:741    05 RSSI dB (?) 146 (0x0092)
08:58:40:741    06 LQI (?) 4294967296 (0x0100000000)
08:58:40:741    08 unknown 516 (0x0204)
08:58:40:741    0a unknown 0 (0x0000)
08:58:40:741    64 on/off 0
08:58:40:850 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:58:44:758 Current channel 25
08:58:44:789 Device TTL 720 s flags: 0x7
08:58:45:696 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:58:51:700 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:58:57:616 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:58:57:617 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0402 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 0x00
08:58:57:617 ZCL attribute report 0x286D9700010A4A01 for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
08:58:57:913 Bind response success for 0x286d9700010a4a01 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500
08:58:58:201 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x07 pl[0]: 0x00
08:58:58:202 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 25 0x286D9700010A4A01 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500 attr: 0x0002 status: 0x00
08:59:02:871 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:08:698 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:14:697 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:21:680 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:28:775 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:34:702 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:40:700 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:44:758 Current channel 25
08:59:44:791 Device TTL 660 s flags: 0x7
08:59:46:568 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:51:823 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:59:59:708 GW firmware version: 0x26330500
08:59:59:708 GW firmware version shall be updated to: 0x26350500
09:00:00:234    0x000D6FFFFEA5C37F force poll (2)
09:00:00:266 ZCL attribute report 0x000D6FFFFEA5C37F for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:00:01:700 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:03:755 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 0x02
09:00:03:756 ZCL attribute report 0x286D9700010A1354 for cluster: 0x0500, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:00:09:608 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:11:485 APS-DATA.confirm id: 95 status: transaction expired (8 seconds)
09:00:11:517 APS-DATA.confirm id: 96 status: transaction expired (8 seconds)
09:00:14:880 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:20:701 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:26:701 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:32:659 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:32:932 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 0x02
09:00:32:932 ZCL attribute report 0x286D9700010A4A01 for cluster: 0x0500, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:00:40:566 Bind response success for 0x286d9700010a4a01 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500
09:00:40:599 Bind response success for 0x286d9700010a4a01 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500
09:00:40:855 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x07 pl[0]: 0x00
09:00:40:919 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x07 pl[0]: 0x00
09:00:40:919 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 28 0x286D9700010A4A01 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500 attr: 0x0002 status: 0x00
09:00:41:805 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:44:760 Current channel 25
09:00:44:793 Device TTL 600 s flags: 0x7
09:00:49:702 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:00:55:691 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:01:449 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:06:713 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:12:708 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:22:639 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:29:740 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:34:504 no button map for: 3320-L ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0402 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 000
09:01:34:504 ZCL attribute report 0x000D6F0005984761 for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:01:34:504 discard double entry in binding queue (size: 3) for for 0x000D6F0005984761, cluster 0x0001
09:01:35:708 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:37:545 Bind response success for 0x000d6f0005984761 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0001
09:01:39:593 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 29 0x000D6F0005984761 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0001 attr: 0x0021 status: 0x86
09:01:41:699 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:42:665 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0402 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 0x00
09:01:42:666 ZCL attribute report 0x286D9700010A1354 for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:01:44:762 Current channel 25
09:01:44:794 Device TTL 540 s flags: 0x7
09:01:44:794 Device reset watchdog 7200 s
09:01:47:530 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:50:413 APS-DATA.confirm id: 102 status: transaction expired (8 seconds)
09:01:52:795 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:01:56:302 ZCL attribute report 0x000D6F0005984761 for cluster: 0x0500, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
09:02:02:703 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:09:707 GW firmware version: 0x26330500
09:02:09:707 GW firmware version shall be updated to: 0x26350500
09:02:10:571 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:15:826 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:21:701 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:27:696 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:33:605 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:42:776 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:02:44:748 Current channel 25
09:02:44:779 Device TTL 7140 s flags: 0x7
[09:02:45] INFO: Waiting for device...
[09:02:45] INFO: Starting VNC server...
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 346#346: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 344, exiting
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 1894#1894: exiting
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 1894#1894: exit
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 346#346: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1894
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 346#346: worker process 1894 exited with code 0
2020/08/22 13:02:45 [notice] 346#346: exit
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.

The HA log has no errors prior to deConz stopping but is full of websocket errors once the addon shuts down:

Log Details (ERROR)
Logger: pydeconz.websocket
Source: runner.py:119
First occurred: 9:03:18 AM (87 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:29:16 AM

Client connection error

Restarting the addon restored my sensors and switches. I don't have any lights - although deConz sees the Ikea outlet as a light. The outlet is also working after restarting the addon.

stickpin commented 4 years ago

Same story here... in the middle of nowhere goes down and not recovering. Need to start Addon manually again.

In the log see the following:

[15:07:51] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/yes)...
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 337#337: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 323, exiting
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 1651#1651: exiting
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 1651#1651: exit
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 337#337: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1651
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 337#337: worker process 1651 exited with code 0
2020/08/22 13:07:51 [notice] 337#337: exit
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
In exit
Closing socket listening at
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
vassilis-panos commented 4 years ago

I face the same problem in 2 of my 3 instances. All instances are supervised. The 2 problematic ones are installed on intel nucs. The one that does not have a problem is installed on rpi4

qtjupsrkb commented 4 years ago

I think I'm seeing this same issue as well. The add-on drops off at least once per day.

I reinstalled Home Assistant from scratch, and re-built my Zigbee network from the ground up by re-pairing all my devices. Did not seem to make a difference.

I'm tried with two of my Conbee II sticks but both exhibit the same problem. Both are flashed with firmware 26580700.

arch x86_64
chassis embedded
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.11
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.12
installation_type Home Assistant OS
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.56
python_version 3.8.3
supervisor 235
timezone Australia/Melbourne
version 0.114.3
virtualenv false
23:08:40:242 no button map for: multi ep: 0x01 cl: 0xFC02 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 014
23:08:40:242 ZCL attribute report 0x286D970001037EFA for cluster: 0xFC02, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x0C, mfcode: 0x1241 
23:08:41:140 ZCL attribute report 0x286D97000103A19A for cluster: 0x0500, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
23:08:45:094 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:08:45:886 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0500 cmd: 0x07 pl[0]: 0x00
23:08:45:886 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 38 0x286D970001042F2C for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0500 attr: 0x0002 status: 0x00
23:08:52:841 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:08:59:841 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:09:02:568 ZCL attribute report 0x286D970001034AD8 for cluster: 0x0500, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
23:09:05:752 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:09:06:152 no button handler for: button ep: 0x01 cl: 0x0001 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 0x21
23:09:06:152 ZCL attribute report 0x286D970001042F2C for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 
23:09:11:003 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:09:15:852 Current channel 15
23:09:15:860 Device TTL 5400 s flags: 0x7
[23:09:16] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected!
[23:09:16] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)...
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 323#323: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 317, exiting
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 1964#1964: exiting
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 1964#1964: exit
In exit
Closing socket listening at
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 323#323: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1964
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 323#323: worker process 1964 exited with code 0
2020/08/22 13:09:16 [notice] 323#323: exit
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
NateLogan commented 4 years ago

Same thing here. One thing that seems odd is that deconz stopped on 22.8. at 13:02, which is almost the same time as other people reported here...

austwhite commented 4 years ago

As an additional note, seems to affect x86/x64 build. Raspberry Pi build is not affected . My primary system is a VM on ProxMox and it is affected by the issue. A secondary build on a Raspberry Pi3 (32bit) doesn't seem to crash. Both are built using HassOS not in Venv

JcBernack commented 4 years ago

@austwhite Unfortunately I got the same issue on my RPi4.

it-guy92 commented 4 years ago

As an additional note, seems to affect x86/x64 build. Raspberry Pi build is not affected . My primary system is a VM on ProxMox and it is affected by the issue. A secondary build on a Raspberry Pi3 (32bit) doesn't seem to crash. Both are built using HassOS not in Venv

Got the same issue with Raspberry Pi 4

xbmcnut commented 4 years ago

I too have the same issue on Intel NUC with 0.114.3 with deCONZ 6.2.3 and firmware 0x26580700 on a Conbee II. My only anomaly is that I've recently added a 2nd Conbee and ZHA so I've removed both this evening to see if things settle down. N.B I also run a Aeon Z-stick on another USB port if that could be a factor.

pvizeli commented 4 years ago

Look like a bug in deCONZ. It crash some times. I think the solution will be a watchdog wich restart the add-on if they crash

mkono87 commented 4 years ago

Look like a bug in deCONZ. It crash some times. I think the solution will be a watchdog wich restart the add-on if they crash

Extra container installed outside through something like portainer?

pvizeli commented 4 years ago


vassilis-panos commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately restarting the addon in case it crashes will create more problems for me. Assuming we have activated the security alarm and restarted the addon then the state of the sensors will change and activate it. Does anyone know what was the latest stable version of the addon to restore it? Thanks.

pvizeli commented 4 years ago

I guess the .75 was very stable - otherwise, you can also look into the internal ZHA integration of home assistant.

austwhite commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately restarting the addon in case it crashes will create more problems for me. Assuming we have activated the security alarm and restarted the addon then the state of the sensors will change and activate it. Does anyone know what was the latest stable version of the addon to restore it? Thanks.

My DeConz was stable under 0.112.x. Maybe try that one. I only experienced crashes in 0.114.x. I don't recall 0.113.x as I wasn't on that version for long

SiliconAvatar commented 4 years ago

Just an update that this issue is ongoing, it just crashed again today.

18:31:36:214 Current channel 25
18:31:36:227 Device TTL 1554 s flags: 0x7
[18:31:36] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected!
[18:31:36] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)...
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 320#320: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 314, exiting
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 1734#1734: exiting
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 1734#1734: exit
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 320#320: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1734
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 320#320: worker process 1734 exited with code 0
2020/08/31 22:31:36 [notice] 320#320: exit
In exit
Closing socket listening at
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
qtjupsrkb commented 4 years ago

Weirdly, it hadn't happened to me for a few days until today.

05:13:21:999 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
[05:13:25] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected!
[05:13:25] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)...
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 325#325: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 317, exiting
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 1676#1676: exiting
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 1676#1676: exit
In exit
Closing socket listening at
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 325#325: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1676
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 325#325: worker process 1676 exited with code 0
2020/08/31 19:13:25 [notice] 325#325: exit
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting
austwhite commented 4 years ago

Did the most recent crash happen just after updating Home Assistant? Mine had been stable for a week but then crashed three times after updating

SiliconAvatar commented 4 years ago

Did the most recent crash happen just after updating Home Assistant?

Not really, I last updated when 0.114.4 was released on the 26th, and deCONZ had been running since the 21st until the crash tonight.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Same here , happened again today after uptime of 6 days, 114.4. Frustrating

jdbrookes commented 4 years ago

Deconz suddenly stopped on my tinkerboard after running fine for 10 days: happened at 23:45 last night (GMT+1). 114.3. Never happened before. Deconz firmware up to date on conbee II.

Is it a coincidence that a lot of users saw this mysterious issue at around the same time last night?

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Same timestamp here..., Also about 10 days, and indeed around 23.45

Qpernicus commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue and my log looks like most here, nothing that indicates a reason for shutting down.

aerodinamica commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Running HA in a Proxmox VM (Intel x86 host). This has happened twice now. I did abruptly disconnect three devices yesterday, possibly disrupting the Zigbee network. That could just be a coincidence though.

Edit: the shutdown seems remarkably clean to my eyes (it logs the shutdown and closes down in an orderly fashion).

falcon2k16 commented 4 years ago

Same issue happened here. This started happening in August for me but the first two times I never really thought that it could be an issue as I didn't check the logs but just started the add-on to keep the house going.

I'm running HA Supervised on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with a DeConz and Z-Wave stick.

Happened 23:43 as you could see from logs screenshot below deconz_issue deconz_issue_2

cllatser commented 4 years ago

After 10 days it has stopped again. The last thing the addon did was something related to the VCN server. Leave the VCN connection as it was before, separate. Whoever wants to enter through VCN to install the client program. Thank you so much.

00:33:39:874 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds 00:33:43:917 Bind response success for 0x842e14fffe51c5d5 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0B04 00:33:46:893 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds 00:33:46:920 ZCL attribute report 0x680AE2FFFE7240CF for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 00:33:47:947 no button map for: SML001 ep: 0x02 cl: 0x0402 cmd: 0x0A pl[0]: 000 00:33:47:947 ZCL attribute report 0x001788010862E71F for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x02, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000 00:33:51:965 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds 00:33:57:914 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds 00:34:02:971 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds 00:34:04:461 Set sensor check interval to 1000 milliseconds 00:34:07:876 Current channel 15 00:34:07:884 Device TTL 6180 s flags: 0x7 [00:34:08] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected! [00:34:08] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)... In exit Closing socket listening at 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 325#325: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 316, exiting 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 1560#1560: exiting 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 1560#1560: exit 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 325#325: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1560 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 325#325: worker process 1560 exited with code 0 2020/08/31 22:34:08 [notice] 325#325: exit [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts... [cont-finish.d] done. [s6-finish] waiting for services. [s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal. [s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

My guess it's indeed the new vnc server, that was added in last release, gonna disable it

gribber commented 4 years ago

It did not die to me last night as it has done before, but I did not have a open VNC connection to it this time as I usually do

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

But last add-on version included a web bases vnc server, maybe that one is the culprit

AlexSanti commented 4 years ago

The same problem

2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 320#320: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received from 317, exiting In exit Closing socket listening at 2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 1825#1825: exiting 2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 1825#1825: exit 2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 320#320: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 1825 2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 320#320: worker process 1825 exited with code 0 2020/08/31 22:38:39 [notice] 320#320: exit [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts... [cont-finish.d] done. [s6-finish] waiting for services. [s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal. [s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Hmm , seems its not possible to disable ingress VNC only, this was last added, maybe caused by that

Dinth commented 4 years ago

Funny enough, yesterday it crashed for me around 23.45 too

pvizeli commented 4 years ago

You can update to beta (channel beta) and use the new function watchdog on the add-on

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

yeah, already have my own automation now, that checks if deconz is runnng, if not => restart but it shouldt happen, there is clearly something wrong witrh the addon, it stopped for a lot of users around 23.45

vassilis-panos commented 4 years ago

It did not stop for me this time.. The only change I made was to delete the VNC port

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

yeah, i think its caused by VNC with ingress if you disable VNC port, can you still use VNC with the tool? like it was before? or if you disable VNC, is it for both ingress and tool ?

austwhite commented 4 years ago

You can update to beta (channel beta) and use the new function watchdog on the add-on

Does this actually fix the cause of the crashing or does it just introduce a bandaid?

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

no, it doenst fix, its just a watchdog, that will restart when stopped, a temp workaround, not a solution yet

pierinho commented 4 years ago

yeah, already have my own automation now, that checks if deconz is runnng, if not => restart but it shouldt happen, there is clearly something wrong witrh the addon, it stopped for a lot of users around 23.45

Can you share this automation? Tonight My Deconz stop working...

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

offcourse here is my sensor :

  - platform: command_line
    name: deCONZ
    command: 'curl http://supervisor/addons/core_deconz/info -H "Authorization: Bearer $(printenv SUPERVISOR_TOKEN)" | jq ''{"state":.data.state,"newest_version":.data.version_latest,"current_version":.data.version,"available":.data.available}'''
    value_template: '{{ value_json.state }}'
    - available
    - newest_version
    - current_version

and here is my automation :

- alias: Deconz Addon Stopped
  initial_state: 'on' 
    platform: state
      - sensor.deconz
    from: started
    to: stopped
    - service: hassio.addon_start
        addon: "core_deconz" 
m1ke-hub commented 4 years ago

@pergolafabio if you disable VNC port, can you still use VNC with the tool? like it was before? or if you disable VNC, is it for both ingress and tool ?

You can still access through the new web vnc. This does only disable the "old" vnc. I had the port removed ever since the one update where the addon couldn't start with a port in vnc. This night at 00:31 (CEST) my addon stopped for the first time - so also around the same time (~15 min) as yours and some of the other guys.