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Installed homeassistant supervised on my Linux machine; can't get it to run. #758

Closed moutasem1989 closed 2 years ago

moutasem1989 commented 2 years ago


So i am trying to get Home Assistant Supervised to run on my Linux 64 machine. I followed the official instructions and got Docker, OS-Agent and homeassistant-supervised.deb to all install with no issues (as far as I know). the system is up to date and all dependencies are installed without errors.

It is the part where i open home assistant through the web browser is not working.

I got suspicious so i checked if all docker containers are running and I got this:

$ sudo docker container ls                                                                
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORT
S                                       NAMES                                                                                        
6e7a67bebf01   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-multicast:2022.02.0   "/init"                  2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes       
da94475c9218   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-audio:2021.07.0       "/init"                  2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes       
74b0892e4bc1   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-dns:2021.06.0         "/init"                  2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes       
aa8005a12dae   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-cli:2021.12.0         "/init /bin/bash -c …"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes       
1c7999cd0e6a   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-observer:2021.10.0    "/init"                  3 hours ago     Up 2 minutes   0.0.
0.0:4357->80/tcp, :::4357->80/tcp       hassio_observer                                                                              
a67a5bbe2f72   ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor            "/init"                  5 hours ago     Up 2 minutes       

after over two hours of installing, there are still no access to http://homeassistant.local:8123/ or over the machine IP.

are there other ways to check what went wrong with the installation and/or something is missing?

thecode commented 2 years ago

This forum is used for architectural discussions, not for providing support, If you are in need of support I highly recommend to try our Community Forum or join our Discord chat server.

You are more likely to get the answer you are looking for in those places. Thanks! 👍