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Update sensors.md #996

Closed blakadder closed 8 months ago

blakadder commented 8 months ago

That line was not true since iBeacon integration filters out beacons without a name and doesn't discover them

dshokouhi commented 8 months ago

Seems to be working for me



blakadder commented 8 months ago

people disagree https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/80357 also https://discordapp.com/channels/330944238910963714/1065905393047449601/1155628042689982614

dshokouhi commented 8 months ago

that issue will never get solved, too many users using a wide variety of different devices.

dshokouhi commented 8 months ago

BTW device name is transmitted but its up to the device if it wants to transmit a name, typically it takes the BT device name but every android device here is different.

See this comment on some research done on this by the library that we use: https://github.com/home-assistant/android/pull/2941#issuecomment-1272379540