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Tibber has become very unstable over the past week #100410

Open ZyberSE opened 10 months ago

ZyberSE commented 10 months ago

The problem

Over a long time the Tibber integration was very unstable, at some point that was fixed and only few dropouts happened. Now since about a week or so I'm getting more issues, today the integration have been offline most of the time. I've reloaded it multiple times but it just won't come back.

All this time I get live data in the Tibber app from my Pulse.

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?

Not sure

What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website

No response

Diagnostics information

{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2023.9.2", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.11.5", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Stockholm", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.1.21-v8", "supervisor": "2023.09.2", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 10.5", "docker_version": "23.0.6", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "lametricboot": { "version": "1.0.0", "requirements": [] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.32.1", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "nordpool": { "version": "0.0.14", "requirements": [ "nordpool>=0.2", "backoff" ] }, "home_connect_alt": { "version": "0.6.3", "requirements": [ "home-connect-async==0.7.8" ] }, "daikin_residential": { "version": "2.3.1", "requirements": [ "oic==1.6.0" ] }, "watchman": { "version": "0.5.1", "requirements": [ "prettytable==3.0.0" ] }, "sensorpush": { "version": "0.1.4", "requirements": [ "pysensorpush>=0.1.7" ] }, "duet3d": { "version": "v0.1.3", "requirements": [] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "tibber", "name": "Tibber", "codeowners": [ "@danielhiversen" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [ "recorder" ], "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tibber", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "loggers": [ "tibber" ], "quality_scale": "silver", "requirements": [ "pyTibber==0.28.2" ], "is_built_in": true }, "data": { "homes": [ { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-14T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": null, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-13T21:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-14T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": null, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-13T21:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-14T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": null, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-13T21:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-14T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": null, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-13T21:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-14T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": null, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-13T21:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" } ] } }

Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

home-assistant[bot] commented 10 months ago

Hey there @danielhiversen, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (tibber) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!

Code owner commands Code owners of `tibber` can trigger bot actions by commenting: - `@home-assistant close` Closes the issue. - `@home-assistant rename Awesome new title` Renames the issue. - `@home-assistant reopen` Reopen the issue. - `@home-assistant unassign tibber` Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command.

(message by CodeOwnersMention)

tibber documentation tibber source (message by IssueLinks)

Danielhiversen commented 10 months ago

Is it the data from Tibber Pulse that is unstable?

Danielhiversen commented 10 months ago

has_real_time_consumption": null

So the api report that you do not have any connected pulse

0x442E472E commented 10 months ago

I had the same problem for a long time but it has become unbearable since 1 or 2 weeks. Today, the integration has not reported new Pulse values for 16 hours until i reloaded it. The Tibber app still had live data.

Taken from the log, right when the connection broke:

ESC[31m2023-09-16 01:24:45.265 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 959, in transfer_data
    message = await self.read_message()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 1029, in read_message
    frame = await self.read_data_frame(max_size=self.max_size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 1104, in read_data_frame
    frame = await self.read_frame(max_size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 1161, in read_frame
    frame = await Frame.read(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/framing.py", line 68, in read
    data = await reader(2)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/streams.py", line 729, in readexactly
    await self._wait_for_data('readexactly')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/streams.py", line 522, in _wait_for_data
    await self._waiter
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/selector_events.py", line 964, in _read_ready__get_buffer
    nbytes = self._sock.recv_into(buf)
ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 433, in _start
    async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1064, in subscribe
    async for result in inner_generator:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 960, in _subscribe
    async for result in inner_generator:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/transport/websockets_base.py", line 388, in subscribe
    answer_type, execution_result = await listener.get()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/transport/websockets_base.py", line 56, in get
    raise item
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/transport/websockets_base.py", line 301, in _receive_data_loop
    answer = await self._receive()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/websocker_transport.py", line 37, in _receive
    msg = await asyncio.wait_for(super()._receive(), timeout=self._timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/tasks.py", line 479, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/transport/websockets_base.py", line 231, in _receive
    data: Data = await self.websocket.recv()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 568, in recv
    await self.ensure_open()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/legacy/protocol.py", line 935, in ensure_open
    raise self.connection_closed_exc()
websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: no close frame received or sentESC[0m
ESC[31m2023-09-16 01:24:45.967 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-09-16 01:26:03.752998ESC[0m

After that, and even after reloading the integration, the log is spammed with this entry every 10 seconds:

2023-09-16 18:07:24.566 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 433, in _start
     async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe(
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'session'

The diagnostic information reports "has_real_time_consumption": null, but the Tibber app still shows realtime data.

Please note that the initial connection problems might be on my end, so maybe the integration never recovers from that.

Danielhiversen commented 10 months ago

@0x442E472E You are not using the latest version of pyTibber, so please upgrade.

ZyberSE commented 10 months ago

has_real_time_consumption": null

So the api report that you do not have any connected pulse

That's not the case. I have real-time data in the app.

SiKlint commented 9 months ago

Im also having a lot of instability with the readings from my tibber pulse. the data is showing unavailable a lot. and sometimes is just does not update the data for a long time.

Diagnostics data: { "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2023.9.3", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.11.5", "docker": true, "arch": "x86_64", "timezone": "Europe/Stockholm", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.1.45", "supervisor": "2023.09.2", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 10.5", "docker_version": "23.0.6", "chassis": "vm", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "nordpool": { "version": "0.0.14", "requirements": [ "nordpool>=0.2", "backoff" ] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.32.1", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "smartthinq_sensors": { "version": "0.33.3", "requirements": [ "pycountry>=20.7.3", "xmltodict>=0.12.0", "charset_normalizer>=2.0.0" ] }, "frigate": { "version": "4.0.0", "requirements": [ "pytz==2022.7" ] }, "powercalc": { "version": "v1.9.4", "requirements": [ "numpy>=1.21.1" ] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "tibber", "name": "Tibber", "codeowners": [ "@danielhiversen" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [ "recorder" ], "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tibber", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "loggers": [ "tibber" ], "quality_scale": "silver", "requirements": [ "pyTibber==0.28.2" ], "is_built_in": true }, "data": { "homes": [ { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" }, { "last_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T23:00:00+02:00", "has_active_subscription": true, "has_real_time_consumption": true, "last_cons_data_timestamp": "2023-09-27T06:00:00+02:00", "country": "SE" } ] } }

And i activated debug log for tibber and this is what im getting in the log: tibber log data.txt

Danielhiversen commented 9 months ago

@zimm-se The logs says Home Assistant lost connection with Tibber server and then it reconnects, so I think it is either unstable network connection at your place or issues at Tibber. It always reconnects by itself?

SiKlint commented 9 months ago

@Danielhiversen thanks for responding.

I have no other network stability issues. The internet connection is a 250 Mbit/s fiber connection.

The Wifi AP's im using are TP-link Omada EAP653's, the one its connected to is 2 meters from the pulse in the same room. Its showing -36 dBm signal strength atm.

Even if im not home when it messes up i have no issues doing other stuff from my home network and my home assistant. Like watching live feeds from survailance cameras and so on.

I cant say for sure that it will always reconnect. Its been that much of an issue for me that i put a automation to notify me on my phone when it has lost the pulse data for 20 minutes. Then i usually go in and restart tibber. That will bring it back most of the time.

Im also counting every time its showing "unavailable" even if it happens for a short time and recovers. Yesterday that happend 10 times. Today its happend 1 time so far.

Is there anything else i should put in place to isolate the issue? or is there a known issue at tibbers end?

jknofe commented 8 months ago

Hi @Danielhiversen got my tibber itnergration running since 4 days, and can confirm the issue, tibber lost conntion to its server and did not update any entities for the whole night. For me I looks like the issue is somehow that the tibber integration is not able to reconnect if the connection lost once. And same here, tibber app i showing the value also during the downtime phase in HASS, rssi is fine and not other device are complaining about a lost internet connection

As soon as I reloaded the integration withing HASS settings the entity values came up again as expected.

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

Same problem here as other users reported. Very unstable, no values from sensors in the energy dashboard for hours until restart home assistant. Network and pulse connected permanently. This is NOT the problem. This way the Integration is practically useless for energy dashboard. Maybe tibber has an API limit which is exceeded when using sensors in Energy Dashboard?

jknofe commented 8 months ago

Same problem here as other users reported. Very unstable, no values from sensors in the energy dashboard for hours until restart home assistant. Network and pulse connected permanently. This is NOT the problem. This way the Integration is practically useless for energy dashboard. Maybe tibber has an API limit which is exceeded when using sensors in Energy Dashboard?

An API limit might be a cause. I can confirm using the tibber values direct in Energy Dashboard.

deltaphi commented 8 months ago

I also have this problem. The Tibber Integration looses connection about 2-3 times a week for me.

Most disconnects seem to happen in the later evening, although that is not exclusive.

Danielhiversen commented 8 months ago

Could someone share some logs? So far, only logs showing HA reconnecting have been shared.

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

This is what I can find in the logs (log is full of similar entries). What I can see there is a 504 returned from tibber.

`2023-10-18 21:20:07.081 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Timed out when connecting to Tibber 2023-10-18 21:20:07.082 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Error in watchdog connect, retrying in 54 seconds, 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 104, in execute resp = await self.websession.post(API_ENDPOINT, **post_args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 560, in _request await resp.start(conn) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client_reqrep.py", line 899, in start message, payload = await protocol.read() # type: ignore[union-attr] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/streams.py", line 616, in read await self._waiter asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 103, in execute async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 141, in aexit self._do_exit(exc_type) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 228, in _do_exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError TimeoutError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/realtime.py", line 157, in _watchdog await self._resubscribe_homes() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/realtime.py", line 178, in _resubscribe_homes await asyncio.gather(*[home.rt_resubscribe() for home in self._homes]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 473, in rt_resubscribe await asyncio.gather( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 202, in update_info if data := await self._tibber_control.execute(UPDATE_INFO % self._home_id): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 103, in execute async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 141, in aexit self._do_exit(exc_type) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 228, in _do_exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError TimeoutError 2023-10-18 21:20:07.113 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Timed out when connecting to Tibber 2023-10-18 21:20:47.436 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Fatal error interacting with Tibber API, HTTP status: 504. API error: UNKNOWN / Unexpected content type: text/html

2023-10-18 21:21:27.496 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Timed out when connecting to Tibber 2023-10-18 21:21:27.497 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'xxxxx' for tibber integration not ready yet: Unable to connect; Retrying in background`

Danielhiversen commented 8 months ago

That is a server error at Tibber, and not possible to fix from Home Assistant

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

As soon as I reloaded the integration withing HASS settings the entity values came up again as expected.

Isn't it possible to handle the 504 (or what else might cause the problem) in this way?

Danielhiversen commented 8 months ago

Hmm, strange that reloading the integration solves it

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

Sometimes it is 503...

023-10-18 21:14:51.769 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-18 21:15:01.768955 2023-10-18 21:14:52.322 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Fatal error interacting with Tibber API, HTTP status: 503. API error: UNKNOWN / Unexpected content type: text/html 2023-10-18 21:14:52.326 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Error in watchdog connect, retrying in 47 seconds, 1

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

This is what tibber API Docs say. No other idea from my side. https://developer.tibber.com/docs/guides/calling-api

When implementing a client for subscribing to live data there are a few scenarios to consider:

No data due to networking issues: it may be wise to implement reconnect mechanism in case no data has been received for several minutes. During a retry, the old websocket connection must first be destroyed and proper jitter and exponential delay implemented. A realtime device may get removed: it is recommended to check that home.features.realTimeConsumptionEnabled has a true value always before reconnecting. A websocket connection may be forbidden due to invalid authentication token (e.g. a user may have removed her Tibber account). In this case the client must not retry with same token. Instead the authorization process must be ran again with user supplying new credentials. Tibber websocket API restart may occur which means the connection is closed with code 1001 and reason Going away. In that case the client can reconnect after a 1-60 second random delay (jitter applied) to avoid all clients reconnecting at the same time.

mountbatt commented 8 months ago

My integration and consumption value actually get stuck every day and I have to restart HASS. Then the value changes again ...

jknofe commented 8 months ago

@Danielhiversen so it happend again, here are to logs you asked for, as the others told it happens mostly during evening time. And i can confirm my internet connection was up, cause I was watching neflix till midnight ;)

2023-10-24 12:17:13.256 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:17:23.256118 2023-10-24 12:18:19.229 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:18:29.229775 2023-10-24 12:19:26.197 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:19:36.196939 2023-10-24 12:20:31.902 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:20:41.902158 2023-10-24 12:21:37.745 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:21:47.745687 2023-10-24 12:22:43.459 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:22:53.459169 2023-10-24 12:23:50.429 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:24:00.429814 2023-10-24 12:24:56.205 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:25:06.205477 2023-10-24 12:26:01.898 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:26:11.898099 2023-10-24 12:27:07.891 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:27:17.891611 2023-10-24 12:28:16.411 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:28:26.410946 2023-10-24 12:29:22.175 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 12:29:32.175271 2023-10-24 20:45:19.014 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 20:45:29.014845 2023-10-24 20:46:24.777 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 20:46:34.777127 2023-10-24 20:47:30.498 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 20:47:40.498343 2023-10-24 20:48:36.245 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 20:48:46.245207 2023-10-24 21:16:57.391 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:17:07.391498 2023-10-24 21:17:22.504 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:18:27.343 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:18:37.343130 2023-10-24 21:18:43.395 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:19:48.335 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:19:58.335391 2023-10-24 21:19:52.658 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:20:57.606 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:21:07.606167 2023-10-24 21:21:11.969 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:22:16.916 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:22:26.915934 2023-10-24 21:22:32.148 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:23:37.088 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:23:47.088169 2023-10-24 21:23:42.338 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.home] Error in rt_subscribe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 439, in _start async for data in self._tibber_control.realtime.sub_manager.session.subscribe( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gql/client.py", line 1068, in subscribe raise TransportQueryError( gql.transport.exceptions.TransportQueryError: {'message': 'unable to start stream api:f7d02cba70d9479ab9f63d0c428d4ae2 for device f7d02cba-70d9-479a-b9f6-3d0c428d4ae2; userId 663d4557-5490-410f-a39e-6c0c36056dae', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 3}], 'path': ['liveMeasurement']} 2023-10-24 21:24:47.283 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:24:57.283282 2023-10-24 21:25:27.698 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Timed out when connecting to Tibber 2023-10-24 21:25:27.699 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Error in watchdog connect, retrying in 57 seconds, 1 2023-10-24 21:26:29.702 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-24 21:26:39.701930 2023-10-24 21:27:10.127 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber] Timed out when connecting to Tibber 2023-10-24 21:27:10.129 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Error in watchdog connect, retrying in 57 seconds, 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 104, in execute resp = await self.websession.post(API_ENDPOINT, **post_args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 560, in _request await resp.start(conn) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client_reqrep.py", line 899, in start message, payload = await protocol.read() # type: ignore[union-attr] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/streams.py", line 616, in read await self._waiter asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 103, in execute async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 141, in aexit self._do_exit(exc_type) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 228, in _do_exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError TimeoutError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/realtime.py", line 157, in _watchdog await self._resubscribe_homes() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/realtime.py", line 178, in _resubscribe_homes await asyncio.gather(*[home.rt_resubscribe() for home in self._homes]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py", line 473, in rt_resubscribe await asyncio.gather( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 138, in update_info if (data := await self.execute(INFO)) is None: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 108, in execute return await self.execute( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/init.py", line 103, in execute async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 141, in aexit self._do_exit(exc_type) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/init.py", line 228, in _do_exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError TimeoutError

Danielhiversen commented 8 months ago

Did restart the integration solved the problem?

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

Same problem here also again:

Logger: tibber Source: runner.py:186 First occurred: 24. Oktober 2023 um 21:18:52 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 24. Oktober 2023 um 21:18:52

Fatal error interacting with Tibber API, HTTP status: 504. API error: UNKNOWN / Unexpected content type: text/html

Since yesterday sensors didn‘t work. Restarted a few minutes ago, sensors are receiving data again. What I dont know is if restarting immediately after the error also solves the problem. I think when the server no more sends 504 and then retrying will solve the problem.

LAPDragnet commented 8 months ago

Same here, I just had a local network issue, after restarting the AP the Tibber app started to work by itself again but the HA integration needed a restart too.

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

Is someone also using the evcc add-on (with tibber prices) in home assistant? Seems that there are also no price updates during that time.

jknofe commented 8 months ago

Did restart the integration solved the problem?

in the tibber settings page I did a disable and then enable the plugin once, this brought the connection up again, but it was around 9h later.

interestingly the times from the failure at my HASS and the time @ignazhabibi are very close, might be some server side issue but I have no clue why the tibber Integration then is not aber to reconnct after a certain time

LAPDragnet commented 8 months ago

Same here, I just had a local network issue, after restarting the AP the Tibber app started to work by itself again but the HA integration needed a restart too.

Today I did a FW update of the AP (to which the Pulse connects) and when the Pulse reconnected no restart of the integratration was needed.

jknofe commented 8 months ago

again server side failures, timber integration stopped working over night, time similar between 20-21 in the evening

o real time device for 034810db-7aca-44d1-979f-7847dce2edd4 October 28, 2023 at 20:37:55 – (ERROR) runner.py Watchdog: Connection is down, 2023-10-28 20:34:09.499651 October 28, 2023 at 20:37:50 – (ERROR) runner.py - message first occurred at October 28, 2023 at 20:33:59 and shows up 4 times Error in rt_subscribe October 28, 2023 at 20:36:46 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tibber/home.py - message first occurred at October 28, 2023 at 20:34:28 and shows up 3 times

ignazhabibi commented 8 months ago

Happened again.

I will try a workaround and reload tibber integration via automation script when it is not available.

alias: Reload tibber description: "" trigger:

LAPDragnet commented 8 months ago

Tibber has a bit of general issues right now, thats for certain. At 2032 CET yesterday the data stopped for some reason image I noticed it at 2104 CET and by then the Tibber app was working fine but the integration was (still) stuck.

thoughtgap commented 8 months ago

Here's my DIY Automation, seems to work so far:

alias: Tibber Restart if stale values
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ (as_timestamp(now()) -
      > 3600 }}
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      device_id: <HA_DEVICE_ID>
  - service: notify.notify
      message: Restarted Tibber-Integration
Chawiby commented 8 months ago

Similar problem here: sensor.power_production_xxx freezes from time to time which makes a restart of the integration necessary.

2023-11-02 12_26_56-Verlauf – Home Assistant

Rothammel commented 8 months ago
Logger: tibber
Source: components/tibber/__init__.py:55
First occurred: 17:08:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:08:46

Fatal error interacting with Tibber API, HTTP status: 429. API error: UNKNOWN / Unexpected content type: text/plain
InfectedSoap commented 8 months ago

I wonder if there’s been a change in the way Home Assistant handles errors recently? I also get this issue with the Tibber integration but when Tibber becomes unavailable, simultaneously Local Tuya does as well (https://github.com/rospogrigio/localtuya/issues/1531).

I assume there’s a glitch in the network that causes both integrations to fail but for some reason they don’t recover like they used to.

For now I’ve set up an automation that reload both integrations when their entities become unavailable.

Edit: Another interesting fact is that I’ve setup custom queries to the Tibber API via RESTful sensors and they do not go unavailable. So I know that the issue is not on Tibbers end.

1203v245grad commented 8 months ago

For me, Tibber currently stands still once a day. In fact, sometimes even the reload of the Tibber integration doesn't work. Then HA needs to be restarted. I adjusted the automation. 5min after standstill push and reload, 20min after standstill restart HA.

For me the values ​​come every 1-2 seconds. That inevitably leads to the permissible calls being exceeded, right?

Is it possible to limit the query to 3 seconds?

Thank you, Martin.

Chawiby commented 8 months ago

I have made the following observation: As soon as sensor.power_XXX is greater than zero, i.e. power is drawn from the grid, sensor.power_production_XXX remains at the last current value and is not set to zero, which would be the correct value if power is drawn from the grid. The incorrect value of sensor.power_production_XXX remains until sensor.power_XXX is zero again because electricity is being fed in.

I will now try to adjust this using automation, although it is not that easy to assign a different value (0) to a sensor. At least not for HA beginners :-)

Marty commented 8 months ago

I just installed my Pulse yesterday and immediately ran into this issue. This morning the data in HA was stuck, the Tibber App was working fine. Restarting HA solved the issue. If I had to guess, the retry mechanism does not work reliably.

I don't think it's an API limit, this extension is using the graphql subscription, right?

ehallq commented 7 months ago

I am not sure that this will help someone out. But I also experience this issue and for me this is probably what causes my frontend to crash (tried to investigate this past few weeks and only issue I see now in my logs are Tibber), however I don't know why, so I can't be 100% sure. The frontend crash might not be caused by the Tibber integration itself, but it might be something that I have done related to Tibber that crashes my FE when Tibber is being unstable. But just want to put it here incase someone else experience similar issues.

This morning it was crashing just a minute after restarting ha core and the only errors I got was from Tibber and by disabling the Tibber intergration it stopped crashing. My hardware is Home Assistant Blue (ODROID-N2/N2+)

issue-triage-workflows[bot] commented 4 months ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates. Please make sure to update to the latest Home Assistant version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

MartyWind commented 4 months ago

Still occurs. Freezes for a day or two then it goes back to normal.

kaiwasaki commented 2 months ago


Trying to get this to work too, but I don't understand, how this line works:


What is XXX supposed to be? Is that some device or entity ID?

Danielhiversen commented 2 months ago

Could someone try to enable debug logging and share the logs?

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.tibber: debug
    tibber: debug
ulfw commented 1 week ago

I just found the issue and want to provide help and some data for resolving it. here is the log of the last minutes

2024-07-03 12:29:38.418 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:29:38.421 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:29:41.740 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:29:41.742 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Starting watchdog
2024-07-03 12:29:41.743 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Waiting for rt_connect
2024-07-03 12:29:42.105 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Asking for new data
2024-07-03 12:29:42.105 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Fetching data
2024-07-03 12:29:42.184 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:29:42.542 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:29:43.065 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.coordinator] Finished fetching Tibber [name] data in 0.956 seconds (success: True)
2024-07-03 12:29:47.730 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:29:47.747 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.3635, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.4199, 'accumulatedCost': 1.618086, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 509.1, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.8135, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 929, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:29:46.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.888}}}
2024-07-03 12:29:53.110 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:29:53.114 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.365, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.4214, 'accumulatedCost': 1.618453, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 509.2, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.815, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 931, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:29:52.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.888}}}
2024-07-03 12:30:46.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:30:46.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:30:46.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:30:51.748 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:30:51.749 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:30:51.749 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:30:56.750 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:30:56.751 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:31:06.751158
2024-07-03 12:31:03.704 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:31:03.705 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:31:03.706 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:31:03.903 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:31:03.908 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:31:03.921 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:31:03.934 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:31:17.565 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:31:17.581 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.3868, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.4432, 'accumulatedCost': 1.623783, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 510, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.8368, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 940, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:31:17.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.89}}}
2024-07-03 12:31:22.463 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:31:22.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.3878, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.4442, 'accumulatedCost': 1.624028, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 510, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.8378, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 927, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:31:20.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.889}}}
2024-07-03 12:32:08.937 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:32:08.938 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:08.938 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:13.939 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:32:13.940 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:13.940 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:18.941 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:32:18.942 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:18.942 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:32:23.944 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:32:23.944 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:32:33.944566
2024-07-03 12:32:24.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:32:24.473 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:32:24.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:32:24.658 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:32:24.660 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:32:24.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:32:24.676 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:32:48.435 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:32:48.438 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.4101, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.4665, 'accumulatedCost': 1.62948, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 510.8, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.8601, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 878, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:32:47.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.884}}}
2024-07-03 12:33:29.679 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:33:29.680 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:29.680 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:34.682 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:33:34.683 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:34.683 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:39.684 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:33:39.685 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:39.685 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:44.687 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:33:44.687 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:44.687 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:33:49.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:33:49.689 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:33:59.689333
2024-07-03 12:33:54.884 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:33:54.885 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:33:54.886 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:33:55.064 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:33:55.065 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:33:55.077 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:33:55.088 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:35:00.091 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:35:00.092 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:35:10.092402
2024-07-03 12:35:00.496 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:35:00.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:35:00.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:35:00.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:35:00.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:35:00.691 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:35:00.706 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:36:05.708 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:36:05.709 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:36:15.709274
2024-07-03 12:36:08.929 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:36:08.930 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:36:08.931 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:36:09.176 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:36:09.178 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:36:09.183 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:36:09.194 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:37:14.197 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:37:14.198 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:37:24.198047
2024-07-03 12:37:19.316 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:37:19.317 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:37:19.317 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:37:19.487 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:37:19.488 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:37:19.495 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:37:19.507 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully
2024-07-03 12:37:54.872 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:37:54.874 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.485, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.5414, 'accumulatedCost': 1.647794, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 513.3, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.935, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 834, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:37:52.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.849}}}
2024-07-03 12:38:20.473 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:38:20.484 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.4915, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.5479, 'accumulatedCost': 1.649383, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 513.5, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.9415, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 832, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:38:20.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.849}}}
2024-07-03 12:38:24.509 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:24.510 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:24.510 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:29.512 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:29.512 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:29.513 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:34.514 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:34.515 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:34.515 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:39.516 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:39.516 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:39.517 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:44.518 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:44.518 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:44.519 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:47.579 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tibber.sensor] Manually updated [name] data
2024-07-03 12:38:47.587 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Data received for [home UUID]: {'data': {'liveMeasurement': {'accumulatedConsumption': 6.4975, 'accumulatedConsumptionLastHour': 0.5539, 'accumulatedCost': 1.65085, 'accumulatedProduction': 0, 'accumulatedProductionLastHour': 0, 'accumulatedReward': None, 'averagePower': 513.7, 'currency': 'EUR', 'currentL1': None, 'currentL2': None, 'currentL3': None, 'lastMeterConsumption': 9482.9475, 'lastMeterProduction': -1, 'maxPower': 2643, 'minPower': 239, 'power': 833, 'powerFactor': None, 'powerProduction': 0, 'powerReactive': None, 'signalStrength': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-03T12:38:47.000+02:00', 'voltagePhase1': None, 'voltagePhase2': None, 'voltagePhase3': None, 'estimatedHourConsumption': 0.848}}}
2024-07-03 12:38:49.521 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:49.521 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:49.522 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:54.523 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:54.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:54.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:59.525 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:38:59.526 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:38:59.526 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:04.528 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:04.528 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:04.528 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:09.530 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:09.530 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:09.531 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:14.533 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:14.533 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:14.533 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:19.535 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:19.536 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:19.536 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:24.537 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:24.538 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:24.538 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:29.540 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:29.541 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:29.541 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:34.542 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:34.542 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:34.543 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:39.544 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:39.545 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:39.545 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:44.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, True
2024-07-03 12:39:44.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Home [home UUID] is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:44.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is alive
2024-07-03 12:39:49.548 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Checking if home [home UUID] is alive, True, False
2024-07-03 12:39:49.549 ERROR (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Connection is down, 2024-07-03 12:39:59.548986
2024-07-03 12:39:50.865 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Resubscribing to homes
2024-07-03 12:39:50.866 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Unsubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:39:50.867 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.home] Resubscribe, [home UUID]
2024-07-03 12:39:51.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:39:51.035 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber] Using websocket subscription url wss://websocket-api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions
2024-07-03 12:39:51.177 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.response_handler] Response status: 200
2024-07-03 12:39:51.192 DEBUG (MainThread) [tibber.realtime] Watchdog: Reconnected successfully