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Emulated Hue - Unknown entity number: xx not found in emulated_hue_ids.json #103025

Open sanderlv opened 8 months ago

sanderlv commented 8 months ago

The problem

I got rid of an entity which was in emulated hue. Now it was gone it gave an error referencing it was not there anymore. Thus I deleted it from the emulated_hue.yaml. Then is started complaining with another error (forgot what). So I deleted it from emulated_hue.ids.

But now I keep getting an error:

Logger: homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api
Source: components/emulated_hue/hue_api.py:309
Integration: Emulated Hue (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:08:23 (35 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:54:07

Unknown entity number: 10 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json

What's wrong and what's the correct way to get rid of the error?


  listen_port: 80
  expose_by_default: false
    - light
    - media_player
    - scene
    - lock
    - switch
    - cover
      name: "Bowl Lamp"
      hidden: false
      name: Barn Light
      hidden: false
      name: Lamp Corner
      hidden: false
      name: Storage Light
      hidden: false
      name: sleep
      hidden: false
      name: priCAS
      hidden: false
      name: gate
      hidden: false
      name: christmas tree
      hidden: false
      name: "TV"
      hidden: false


  "version": "1",
  "minor_version": 1,
  "key": "emulated_hue.ids",
  "data": {
    "1": "light.bol_woonkamer",
    "2": "switch.binary_power_switch_instance_2_switch_2",
    "3": "switch.wallswitch02_switch",
    "4": "switch.binary_power_switch_instance_3_switch_2",
    "5": "scene.sleep",
    "6": "scene.precas",
    "7": "input_boolean.gate_alexa_helper",
    "8": "switch.wallswitch07_switch",
    "9": "media_player.samsung_the_frame_55"
} gives:

<!--StartFragment--><div id="content"><div class="tabs tabs-tall "><nav class="tabs-navigation"><ul class="tabs-menu" role="tablist"><li class="tabs-menu-item json is-active" role="presentation"><span class="devtools-tab-line"></span></li></ul></nav></div></div><span class="devtools-tab-line"></span><span class="devtools-tab-line"></span><div id="json-panel" style="visibility: visible; height: 100%;" class="tab-panel-box" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="json-tab"><div class="tab-panel json"><div class="jsonPanelBox tab-panel-inner"><div class="toolbar"></div></div></div></div><div id="json-panel" style="visibility: visible; height: 100%;" class="tab-panel-box" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="json-tab"><div class="tab-panel json"><div class="jsonPanelBox tab-panel-inner"><div class="toolbar"><div class="devtools-separator"></div><div class="devtools-searchbox"><input class="searchBox devtools-filterinput" placeholder="Filter JSON" value=""></div></div><div class="panelContent" id="json-scrolling-panel" tabindex="0">

-- | --
1 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
bri | 50
hue | 5963
sat | 162
ct | 153
effect | "none"
colormode | "hs"
name | "Bowl Lamp"
uniqueid | "00:7a:b9:5c:16:07:55:13-cb"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "Extended color light"
modelid | "HASS231"
2 |  
state |  
on | false
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "Barn Light"
uniqueid | "00:99:1a:5c:5a:5d:4b:f6-18"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
3 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "Lamp Corner"
uniqueid | "00:0f:e9:5d:92:3d:2b:d2-fd"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
4 |  
state |  
on | false
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "Storage Light"
uniqueid | "00:79:43:4a:0c:4e:83:75-b7"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
5 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "sleep"
uniqueid | "00:20:97:6f:3d:b2:49:6b-1f"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
6 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "priCAS"
uniqueid | "00:0b:c2:bb:d5:93:cf:79-29"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
7 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "gate"
uniqueid | "00:80:14:2d:27:d4:98:e4-86"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
8 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | false
mode | "homeautomation"
name | "christmas tree"
uniqueid | "00:c7:bc:3c:8f:4a:61:c8-97"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "On/Off light"
productname | "On/Off light"
modelid | "HASS321"
9 |  
state |  
on | true
reachable | true
mode | "homeautomation"
bri | 25
name | "TV"
uniqueid | "00:ba:dc:df:be:2d:a1:2c-fc"
manufacturername | "Home Assistant"
swversion | "123"
type | "Dimmable light"
modelid | "HASS123"

</html> gives: 1 0 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1 Home Assistant Bridge ( Royal Philips Electronics http://www.philips.com Philips hue Personal Wireless Lighting Philips hue bridge 2015 BSB002 http://www.meethue.com 001788FFFE23BFC2 uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-001788255acc

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue

Emulated Hue

Link to integration documentation on our website


Diagnostics information

See above

Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

home-assistant[bot] commented 8 months ago

Hey there @bdraco, @tho85, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (emulated_hue) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!

Code owner commands Code owners of `emulated_hue` can trigger bot actions by commenting: - `@home-assistant close` Closes the issue. - `@home-assistant rename Awesome new title` Renames the issue. - `@home-assistant reopen` Reopen the issue. - `@home-assistant unassign emulated_hue` Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command.

(message by CodeOwnersMention)

emulated_hue documentation emulated_hue source (message by IssueLinks)

sanderlv commented 8 months ago

May I please ask for some help here?

acid115 commented 7 months ago

Same problem here. Found out, that Alexa still try to access the device via device id. So i removed the device in the alexa app (it was duplicate) And the error messages stopped.

So look if alexa or another application still try to access the "old" device

popy2k14 commented 7 months ago

Exact same Issue here. This issue is more on the Alexa side, which are caching the device id's :-( See this thread: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/how-to-efficiently-flush-emulated-hue-solved/201480/24 Just an alexa factory reset would get rid of it.

What do you think?

I am now in the state that nothing works on emulated hue side :-(

popy2k14 commented 7 months ago

For your information, there is an bug in HA 2023.11.xx which get's fixed in 2023.11.03 soon. See here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/104013

issue-triage-workflows[bot] commented 4 months ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates. Please make sure to update to the latest Home Assistant version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

popy2k14 commented 4 months ago


issue-triage-workflows[bot] commented 1 month ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates. Please make sure to update to the latest Home Assistant version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

popy2k14 commented 1 month ago
