Closed Dieter-GitHub closed 8 months ago
Hey there @janiversen, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (modbus
) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!
(message by CodeOwnersMention)
modbus documentation modbus source (message by IssueLinks)
Your device do not respond, the log says it clearly:
Error: [Invalid Message] No response received
If you wan5 us to look into why, you need to add a debug log as pr modbus integration documentation.
Remember if you have any custom_component, these need to be removed as they ar3 often causing problems.
Thanks for your reply janiversen, please, what means "custom_component" in these context? I have some modbus devices (eastron sdm120 and 72), a 485toUSB dongle hanging on my Homeassistant-NUC and that's it. Thanks a lot
Look in the documentation ! custom_components are components not part of HA but installed separately.
Hi all, I don't finally solved my modbus issues but I found that something changed since one of the HA 202.01.xx updates. I had to change the port from formerly used ttyUSB0 to ttyACM0 because the protocol claims that HA can't find ttyUSB. So one of my 3 modbus devices is now back :-)
`###### MODBUS #####
port: /dev/ttyACM0 baudrate: 9600 stopbits: 1 bytesize: 8 parity: N`
The modbus integration have no knowledge of the different port, it simply accepts what is configured.
Maybe you also updated HassIO, anyhow this is not a modbus integration problem so closing (also because no log have been added, so there is nothing we can do).
The problem
Since some update (sorry, don't remember which) at Febr 09 I have problems with modbus and startup routine (see logs) _ `Logger: homeassistant.core Source: First occurred: 15:07:39 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 15:07:39
Something is blocking Home Assistant from wrapping up the start up phase. We're going to continue anyway. Please report the following info at sensor, energy.sensor, file_upload, climate, zeroconf, homematicip_local.update, ffmpeg, trace, tag, analytics, airthings_ble.sensor, mobile_app.notify, websocket_api, hue.switch, ssdp, onboarding, cloud.tts, influxdb, input_number, homematicip_local.lock, modbus, wake_word, siren, dlna_dms, tankerkoenig.sensor, cover, light, homematicip_local.binary_sensor, stt, switch_as_x, my, oilfox, homematicip_local.number, hacs.update, media_source, notify, hue.binary_sensor, webhook, modbus.sensor, assist_pipeline, device_automation, mobile_app.device_tracker, hue.light, frontend, tankerkoenig, homeassistant,, mobile_app.binary_sensor, search, text, recorder, homematicip_local.sensor, hue.event, bluetooth_adapters, input_boolean, radio_browser, default_config, event, openweathermap.sensor, google_translate.tts, rest, binary_sensor, device_tracker, homeassistant_alerts, waste_collection_schedule, image_upload, weather, co2signal.sensor, mobile_app, waste_collection_schedule.calendar, lovelace, counter, input_text, mobile_app.sensor, system_health, wake_on_lan, diagnostics, hassio.binary_sensor, homematicip_local.light, hassio.update, input_datetime, homematicip_local.climate, repairs, stream, homematicip_local.switch, dlna_dmr, cloud, config, switch_as_x.light, input_select, airthings_ble, homeassistant.scene, automation, persistent_notification, update, button, co2signal, bluetooth, hacs.sensor, usb, conversation, sun.sensor, hassio, openweathermap, homematicip_local, network, calendar, hassio.sensor, number, forecast_solar, dhcp, wake_on_lan.switch, blueprint, auth, switch, homematicip_local.event, hacs, homematicip_local.text, history, forecast_solar.sensor, tankerkoenig.binary_sensor, hue.scene, zone, waste_collection_schedule.sensor,, hardware, tts, api, application_credentials, map, script, input_button, logger, sun, person, schedule, scene, hue, lock, squeezebox.media_player, system_log, http, homematicip_local.cover, esphome, energy, esphome.update, dlna_dmr.media_player, homematicip_local.button, rest.sensor, select, oilfox.sensor, media_player, hue.sensor, homematiciplocal.siren, logbook, squeezebox, timer` Logger: homeassistant.bootstrap Source: First occurred: 15:07:24 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 15:07:24
SetLogger: homeassistant.components.modbus.modbus Source: components/modbus/ Integration: Modbus (documentation, issues) First occurred: 15:02:41 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 15:02:41
Pymodbus: Stromzaehler: Error: device: 3 address: 0 -> Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] No response received, expected at least 4 bytes (0 received)up timed out for bootstrap - moving forward
`###### MODBUS #####
Ausgelagerte Datei für modbus-Konfigurationen
Einbindung in configuration.yaml über !include modbus.yaml
Name des Zaehlers und seine generellen Einstellungen
* SDM120 1-phasig 0KG 3Buero ***
What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
No response
What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
Integration causing the issue
Link to integration documentation on our website
No response
Diagnostics information
No response
Example YAML snippet
No response
Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
No response
Additional information
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