home-assistant / core

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Samsung Family Hub 'AI' Fridge missing some datapoints / temp 'unknown' #121661

Open kiwizznz opened 4 months ago

kiwizznz commented 4 months ago

The problem

The smartthings integration picked up my new fridge, which looks like this in HA:

image and sensor list: image

But the temp values should be working - this is what smart things/advanced portal shows:


I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a new fridge that the integration doesn't yet support.

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website


Diagnostics information

No response

Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

home-assistant[bot] commented 4 months ago

smartthings documentation smartthings source

Mark612 commented 4 months ago

Same issue

kiwizznz commented 4 months ago

Also the energy data is off by 10x, I'm monitoring the power usage at the wall which reports ~100w, but the numbers from SmartThings are 1000w (in HASS - oddly enough, the power usage isn't working at all in the native smartthings app).

kiwizznz commented 4 months ago

The wall: image

From smartthings integration: image

kiwizznz commented 4 months ago

Not sure if this helps, this is the list of all the datapoints to read from smarthings for the fridge:

[ { "component": "camera-01", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "camera-01", "capability": "switch", "attribute": "switch", "value": "on", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:55.581Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "contactSensor", "attribute": "contact", "value": "closed", "timestamp": "2024-07-20T10:09:53.462Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "attribute": "maximumSetpoint", "value": 7, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.592Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "attribute": "minimumSetpoint", "value": 1, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.592Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "temperatureMeasurement", "attribute": "temperature", "value": 3, "timestamp": "2024-07-19T09:09:18.687Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "temperatureMeasurement", "attribute": "temperatureRange", "value": null }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "attribute": "coolingSetpoint", "value": 3, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T08:09:16.106Z" }, { "component": "cooler", "capability": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "attribute": "coolingSetpointRange", "value": null }, { "component": "cvroom", "capability": "contactSensor", "attribute": "contact", "value": "closed", "timestamp": "2024-07-20T09:32:54.806Z" }, { "component": "cvroom", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "cvroom", "capability": "custom.fridgeMode", "attribute": "fridgeMode", "value": "CV_TTYPE_RF9000A_FRUIT_VEGGIES", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T08:12:19.514Z" }, { "component": "cvroom", "capability": "custom.fridgeMode", "attribute": "fridgeModeValue", "value": null }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "contactSensor", "attribute": "contact", "value": "closed", "timestamp": "2024-07-20T09:32:54.609Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "attribute": "maximumSetpoint", "value": -15, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.592Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "attribute": "minimumSetpoint", "value": -23, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.592Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "temperatureMeasurement", "attribute": "temperature", "value": -19, "timestamp": "2024-07-17T01:45:48.171Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "temperatureMeasurement", "attribute": "temperatureRange", "value": null }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "attribute": "coolingSetpoint", "value": -19, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T22:12:16.430Z" }, { "component": "freezer", "capability": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "attribute": "coolingSetpointRange", "value": null }, { "component": "icemaker", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "icemaker", "capability": "switch", "attribute": "switch", "value": "on", "timestamp": "2024-07-18T22:27:07.984Z" }, { "component": "icemaker-02", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "icemaker-02", "capability": "switch", "attribute": "switch", "value": "on", "timestamp": "2024-07-18T22:27:09.648Z" }, { "component": "icemaker-03", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "icemaker-03", "capability": "switch", "attribute": "switch", "value": null }, { "component": "main", "capability": "contactSensor", "attribute": "contact", "value": "closed", "timestamp": "2024-07-20T10:09:53.462Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "attribute": "reportStatePeriod", "value": "enabled", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:01.083Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "attribute": "reportStateRealtime", "value": { "state": "disabled" }, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:01.083Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "attribute": "reportStateRealtimePeriod", "value": null }, { "component": "main", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [ "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "samsungce.runestoneHomeContext" ], "timestamp": "2024-07-20T07:53:09.375Z" 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"attribute": "mnmo", "value": "24K_REF_LCD_FHUB9.0|00176141|0000083c0318243941030500401b0000", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.258Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "mnos", "value": "Tizen", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "mnpv", "value": "6.0", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "mnsl", "value": "", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "n", "value": "Family Hub", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "pi", "value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "st", "value": "2024-07-10T05:12:07Z", "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.267Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "ocf", "attribute": "vid", "value": 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"2024-07-20T09:55:39.770Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.fridgeFoodList", "attribute": "refreshResult", "value": { "requestId": "20240720095539466", "result": "success" }, "timestamp": "2024-07-20T09:55:39.770Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.powerCool", "attribute": "activated", "value": false, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T08:11:04.035Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.powerFreeze", "attribute": "activated", "value": false, "timestamp": "2024-07-10T22:12:24.302Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.runestoneHomeContext", "attribute": "supportedContexts", "value": null }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.softwareUpdate", "attribute": "availableModules", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.592Z" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.softwareUpdate", "attribute": "lastUpdatedDate", "value": null }, { "component": "main", "capability": "samsungce.softwareUpdate", "attribute": 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{ "component": "scale-10", "capability": "samsungce.weightMeasurement", "attribute": "weight", "value": null }, { "component": "scale-11", "capability": "custom.disabledCapabilities", "attribute": "disabledCapabilities", "value": [], "timestamp": "2024-07-10T05:13:00.584Z" }, { "component": "scale-11", "capability": "samsungce.weightMeasurement", "attribute": "weight", "value": null } ]

and the 'actions':

[ { "componentId": "camera-01", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "off" }, { "componentId": "camera-01", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "on" }, { "componentId": "cooler", "capabilityId": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "name": "lowerSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "cooler", "capabilityId": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "name": "raiseSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "cooler", "capabilityId": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "name": "setCoolingSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "freezer", "capabilityId": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "name": "lowerSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "freezer", "capabilityId": "custom.thermostatSetpointControl", "name": "raiseSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "freezer", "capabilityId": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "name": "setCoolingSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "icemaker", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "off" }, { "componentId": "icemaker", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "on" }, { "componentId": "icemaker-02", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "off" }, { "componentId": "icemaker-02", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "on" }, { "componentId": "icemaker-03", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "off" }, { "componentId": "icemaker-03", "capabilityId": "switch", "name": "on" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "name": "setReportStatePeriod" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "name": "setReportStateRealtime" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "name": "setReportStateRealtimePeriod" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "custom.energyType", "name": "setEnergySavingLevel" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "custom.waterFilter", "name": "resetWaterFilter" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "demandResponseLoadControl", "name": "overrideDrlcAction" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "demandResponseLoadControl", "name": "requestDrlcAction" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "execute", "name": "execute" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "ocf", "name": "postOcfCommand" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "refresh", "name": "refresh" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "refrigeration", "name": "setDefrost" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "refrigeration", "name": "setRapidCooling" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "refrigeration", "name": "setRapidFreezing" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.fridgeFoodList", "name": "refresh" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.powerCool", "name": "activate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.powerCool", "name": "deactivate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.powerFreeze", "name": "activate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.powerFreeze", "name": "deactivate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.runestoneHomeContext", "name": "setContext" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.runestoneHomeContext", "name": "setContextSnapshot" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.runestoneHomeContext", "name": "setRecentlyUsedApps" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.softwareUpdate", "name": "agreeUpdate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.softwareUpdate", "name": "disagreeUpdate" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.viewInside", "name": "refresh" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.viewInside", "name": "refreshAll" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "samsungce.viewInside", "name": "refreshSpecificArea" }, { "componentId": "main", "capabilityId": "thermostatCoolingSetpoint", "name": "setCoolingSetpoint" }, { "componentId": "pantry-01", "capabilityId": "samsungce.foodDefrost", "name": "setDefrost" }, { "componentId": "pantry-01", "capabilityId": "samsungce.fridgePantryMode", "name": "setMode" }, { "componentId": "pantry-01", "capabilityId": "samsungce.meatAging", "name": "addAging" }, { "componentId": "pantry-01", "capabilityId": "samsungce.meatAging", "name": "cancelAging" }, { "componentId": "pantry-01", "capabilityId": "samsungce.meatAging", "name": "updateAging" }, { "componentId": "scale-10", "capabilityId": "samsungce.weightMeasurementCalibration", "name": "zeroCalibrate" } ]

AlexandreLogist commented 3 months ago

Same issue!

RolandHome commented 3 months ago

Same too :-(

kiwizznz commented 3 months ago

Fridge had a software update this week, still broken (as in no energy reporting in the smartthings app, and also the numbers still look way off from the integration):


power":873," I think should be 87.3 watts, as I'm sure (I hope!!) this fridge doesn't use over a kW:


bakernigel commented 3 months ago

It seems like the Smartthings core integration is no longer being updated.

I have created a modified version of the core integration that should provide the missing sensors and controls for Samsung appliances.

See https://github.com/bakernigel/smartthings

I only have three devices on my Smartthings account - Family Hub, Wall Oven and Dishwasher and my integration works well with these. Note that I am not able to test whether the integration will break other devices, particularly non Samsung devices, so use it at your own risk..

Integration reports the raw state for sensors from Samsung. Adjust the values using HA templates. e.g Family Hub Power {{(states('sensor.fridge_family_hub_power')) | int /10}}

If you are willing to act as a guinea pig, please give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

If you have an issue, please open a New Issue at https://github.com/bakernigel/smartthings/issues

Mathea90 commented 3 months ago

bakernigel, thank you very much for your integration! I tried it and it fixes some sensors but unfortunately not all of them.

Those sensors work:

Those sensors still don't work (sensors are created but are all set to "unknown"):

Could you check if this can be fixed? Thank you very much!

JohnyPeaN commented 3 months ago

@bakernigel thank you very much. This works much better. Probably all sensors are available on my fridge/freezer TP1X_REF_21K. Even energy metering seems good. There are values that are unknown, but those should not be present on this product, like water filter status/usage.

bakernigel commented 3 months ago


Rather than clutter up this thread, please could open a New Issue at https://github.com/bakernigel/smartthings/issues and I'll gladly take a look.

issue-triage-workflows[bot] commented 9 hours ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates. Please make sure to update to the latest Home Assistant version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

kiwizznz commented 5 hours ago

It's still not working even on the latest HA version. Still showing 10x the actual power use.

On Tue, 3 Dec 2024, 3:07 am issue-triage-workflows[bot], < @.***> wrote:

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates. Please make sure to update to the latest Home Assistant version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

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