home-assistant / core

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Detailed charts can be displayed, but rough charts lack data #123782

Open ALEXgogodo opened 4 weeks ago

ALEXgogodo commented 4 weeks ago

The problem

Detailed charts can be displayed, but rough charts lack data

I wrote a simple integration myself, which should be a numerical sensor. Every second, the sensor data is pulled from the cloud and displayed. However, I found that clicking on this entity displays a chart with no data, but when all the data is displayed, there will be data. Why is this

image image

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue

No response

Link to integration documentation on our website

No response

Diagnostics information

No response

Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

joostlek commented 4 weeks ago

What's the state class of the entity?

ALEXgogodo commented 4 weeks ago

the enumeration type of SensorStateClass and SensorDeviceClass


ALEXgogodo commented 4 weeks ago

This is my eneity

class DuwiSensorEntity(DuwiEntity, SensorEntity):
    """Duwi Switch Device."""

    def __init__(
            device: CustomerDevice,
            device_manager: Manager,
            description: SensorEntityDescription,
    ) -> None:
        """Init DuwiHaSwitch."""
        super().__init__(device, device_manager)
        self.entity_description = description
        self._attr_unique_id = f"{super().unique_id}{description.key}"

    def native_unit_of_measurement(self) -> str | None:
        """Return the unit of measurement of the sensor, if any."""
        return self.entity_description.unit_of_measurement

    def native_value(self) -> Any:
        """Return the state of the sensor."""
        return self.device.value.get(self.entity_description.key + "_value")
ALEXgogodo commented 4 weeks ago

My code:

    "7-001-001": ["temp"],
    "7-002-001": ["humidity"],
    "7-003-001": ["bright"],
    "7-004-001": ["hcho"],
    "7-005-001": ["pm25"],
    "7-006-001": ["co2"],
    "7-007-001": ["iqa"],
    "7-008-003": ["bright"],
    "7-009-003": ["bright"],
    "7-010-001": ["co"],
    "7-011-001": ["tvoc"],
    "7-012-001": ["temp", "humidity", "tvoc", "pm25", "hcho", "co2", "pm10"],
    "7-012-002": ["co"],
    "7-013-001": ["bright"],
    "6-001-002": ["temp", "humidity"],
    "6-002-003": ["temp", "humidity"],

    "temp": {
        "unit_of_measurement": UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "humidity": {
        "unit_of_measurement": PERCENTAGE,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.HUMIDITY,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "bright": {
        "unit_of_measurement": LIGHT_LUX,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.ILLUMINANCE,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "hcho": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUNDS,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "pm25": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.PM25,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "pm10": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.PM10,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "co2": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.CO2,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "iqa": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.AQI,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "co": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.CO,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
    "tvoc": {
        "unit_of_measurement": CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER,
        "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUNDS,
        "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT,
SENSORS: dict[str, tuple[SensorEntityDescription, ...]] = {
    sensor_id: tuple(
            key=getattr(DPCode, sensor_type.upper()),
        ) for sensor_type in sensor_types
    for sensor_id, sensor_types in SENSOR_TYPE_MAP.items()

async def async_setup_entry(
        hass: HomeAssistant, entry: DuwiConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback
) -> None:
    """Set up duwi sensors dynamically through duwi discovery."""
    hass_data = hass.data[DOMAIN].get(entry.entry_id)

    def async_discover_device(device_ids: list[str]) -> None:
        """Discover and add a discovered duwi sensor."""
        entities: list[DuwiSensorEntity] = []
        for device_id in device_ids:
            device = hass_data.manager.device_map.get(device_id)
            if not device:
                _LOGGER.warning("Device not found in device_map: %s", device_id)
            if descriptions := SENSORS.get(device.device_sub_type_no):
                if device.device_sub_type_no == "6-002-003" or device.device_sub_type_no == "6-001-002":
                        DuwiSensorEntity(device, hass_data.manager, description)
                        for description in descriptions
                        if device.value.get("additional_property", {}).get(description.key)
                        DuwiSensorEntity(device, hass_data.manager, description)
                        for description in descriptions



        async_dispatcher_connect(hass, DUWI_DISCOVERY_NEW, async_discover_device)

class DuwiSensorEntity(DuwiEntity, SensorEntity):
    """Duwi Switch Device."""

    def __init__(
            device: CustomerDevice,
            device_manager: Manager,
            description: SensorEntityDescription,
    ) -> None:
        """Init DuwiHaSwitch."""
        super().__init__(device, device_manager)
        self.entity_description = description
        self._attr_unique_id = f"{super().unique_id}{description.key}"

    def native_unit_of_measurement(self) -> str | None:
        """Return the unit of measurement of the sensor, if any."""
        return self.entity_description.unit_of_measurement

    def native_value(self) -> Any:
        """Return the state of the sensor."""
        return self.device.value.get(self.entity_description.key + "_value")
joostlek commented 3 weeks ago

No clue why this happens, don't see anything strange at the code, maybe it's a frontend issue?

joostlek commented 3 weeks ago

Can you show the entity in the dev tools?

ALEXgogodo commented 3 weeks ago

image image image

One of my light sensors.

ALEXgogodo commented 3 weeks ago

I have found that this phenomenon often occurs on the light sensor, occasionally on the PM25 sensor, but other sensors are normal, such as temperature and humidity. Is it because my light sensor type is set incorrectly? But when displaying details, the data on the chart is visible. I have two light sensors that do not display the small chart, but the large chart is normal.

image image image image