home-assistant / core

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When adding a Shelly Device only entities are created but no devices #124214

Open Blackraz0r opened 3 weeks ago

Blackraz0r commented 3 weeks ago

The problem

I installed HA-OS on a fresh RaspberryPi5 today and tried to add 2 Shelly devices.

Expected behavior: Finds the device, and asks for wich area the device should be put in. image

actual bevahior on new installation: just creates the entities but no devices. image

do i miss something here? is that an error on my side? i treid to add them to my old HA-OS VM and it works fine there. (the screenshots)

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?

core-2024.8.1 (old VM)

What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website


Diagnostics information


Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

2024-08-19 12:04:34.880 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.PERIODIC(30), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:04:49.890 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.PERIODIC(30), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:01.213 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.common] host error: DeviceConnectionError(TimeoutError())
2024-08-19 12:05:04.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Sending request 'cit/s' to device
2024-08-19 12:05:04.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host block device create, MAC: EC64C9D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Adding device D1A2A4 to CoAP message subscriptions
2024-08-19 12:05:04.547 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host block device initialize
2024-08-19 12:05:04.562 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.REPLY(69), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.562 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.571 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host http request: /settings (params=None)
2024-08-19 12:05:04.604 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] aiohttp response: {'device': {'type': 'SHRGBW2', 'mac': 'EC64C9D1A2A4', 'hostname': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'num_outputs': 1, 'mode': 'color'}, 'wifi_ap': {'enabled': False, 'ssid': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'key': ''}, 'wifi_sta': {'enabled': True, 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'ipv4_method': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'gw': None, 'mask': None, 'dns': None}, 'wifi_sta1': {'enabled': False, 'ssid': None, 'ipv4_method': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'gw': None, 'mask': None, 'dns': None}, 'ap_roaming': {'enabled': False, 'threshold': -70}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': '', 'user': '', 'id': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'reconnect_timeout_max': 60.0, 'reconnect_timeout_min': 2.0, 'clean_session': True, 'keep_alive': 60, 'max_qos': 0, 'retain': False, 'update_period': 30}, 'coiot': {'enabled': True, 'update_period': 15, 'peer': '', 'execute_enable': False}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com', 'enabled': True}, 'login': {'enabled': False, 'unprotected': False, 'username': 'admin'}, 'pin_code': '', 'name': 'SH_RGBW2_BT', 'fw': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'factory_reset_from_switch': True, 'pon_wifi_reset': False, 'discoverable': False, 'build_info': {'build_id': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'build_timestamp': '2023-09-13T11:32:59Z', 'build_version': '1.0'}, 'cloud': {'enabled': True, 'connected': True}, 'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.299301, 'lng': 9.491, 'tzautodetect': True, 'tz_utc_offset': 7200, 'tz_dst': False, 'tz_dst_auto': True, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061904, 'led_status_disable': False, 'debug_enable': False, 'allow_cross_origin': False, 'fw_mode': 'SHRGBW2!color', 'actions': {'active': False, 'names': ['btn_on_url', 'btn_off_url', 'out_on_url', 'out_off_url', 'longpush_url', 'shortpush_url']}, 'hwinfo': {'hw_revision': 'dev-prototype', 'batch_id': 0}, 'mode': 'color', 'alt_modes': ['white'], 'dcpower': 1, 'lights': [{'name': None, 'ison': False, 'red': 255, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0, 'white': 0, 'gain': 50, 'transition': 1000, 'effect': 0, 'default_state': 'switch', 'auto_on': 0.0, 'auto_off': 0.0, 'schedule': False, 'btn_type': 'toggle', 'btn_reverse': 0, 'night_mode': {'enabled': False, 'start_time': '00:00', 'end_time': '00:00', 'brightness': 0}, 'schedule_rules': []}], 'night_mode': {'enabled': False, 'start_time': '00:00', 'end_time': '00:00', 'brightness': 0}, 'eco_mode_enabled': True}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.604 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host http request: /status (params=None)
2024-08-19 12:05:04.626 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] aiohttp response: {'wifi_sta': {'connected': True, 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'ip': '', 'rssi': -60}, 'cloud': {'enabled': True, 'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061905, 'serial': 7493, 'has_update': False, 'mac': 'EC64C9D1A2A4', 'cfg_changed_cnt': 1, 'actions_stats': {'skipped': 0}, 'mode': 'color', 'input': 0, 'lights': [{'ison': False, 'source': 'http', 'has_timer': False, 'timer_started': 0, 'timer_duration': 0, 'timer_remaining': 0, 'mode': 'color', 'red': 255, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0, 'white': 0, 'gain': 50, 'effect': 0, 'transition': 0, 'power': 0.0, 'overpower': False}], 'meters': [{'power': 0.0, 'is_valid': True, 'overpower': False, 'timestamp': 1724069105, 'counters': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'total': 504}], 'inputs': [{'input': 0, 'event': '', 'event_cnt': 0}], 'update': {'status': 'idle', 'has_update': False, 'new_version': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'old_version': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'beta_version': '20231107-164040/v1.14.1-rc1-g0617c15'}, 'ram_total': 51672, 'ram_free': 38896, 'fs_size': 233681, 'fs_free': 152357, 'uptime': 332448}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.626 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Sending request 'cit/d' to device
2024-08-19 12:05:04.640 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.REPLY(69), options={3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2'}, payload={'blk': [{'I': 1, 'D': 'light_0'}, {'I': 2, 'D': 'device'}], 'sen': [{'I': 9103, 'T': 'EVC', 'D': 'cfgChanged', 'R': 'U16', 'L': 2}, {'I': 1101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'output', 'R': '0/1', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5105, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'red', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5106, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'green', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5107, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'blue', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5108, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'white', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5102, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'gain', 'R': '0/100', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5109, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'effect', 'R': '0/3', 'L': 1}, {'I': 4101, 'T': 'P', 'D': 'power', 'U': 'W', 'R': ['0/288', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 4103, 'T': 'E', 'D': 'energy', 'U': 'Wmin', 'R': ['U32', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 6102, 'T': 'A', 'D': 'overpower', 'R': ['0/1', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 2101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'input', 'R': '0/1', 'L': 2}, {'I': 2102, 'T': 'EV', 'D': 'inputEvent', 'R': ['S/L', ''], 'L': 2}, {'I': 2103, 'T': 'EVC', 'D': 'inputEventCnt', 'R': 'U16', 'L': 2}, {'I': 9101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'mode', 'R': 'color/white', 'L': 2}]}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.640 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host block device shutdown
2024-08-19 12:05:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Sending request 'cit/s' to device
2024-08-19 12:05:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host block device create, MAC: EC64C9D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Adding device D1A2A4 to CoAP message subscriptions
2024-08-19 12:05:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Setting up online block device SH_RGBW2_BT
2024-08-19 12:05:04.642 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host block device initialize
2024-08-19 12:05:04.650 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.REPLY(69), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.650 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.661 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host http request: /settings (params=None)
2024-08-19 12:05:04.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] aiohttp response: {'device': {'type': 'SHRGBW2', 'mac': 'EC64C9D1A2A4', 'hostname': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'num_outputs': 1, 'mode': 'color'}, 'wifi_ap': {'enabled': False, 'ssid': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'key': ''}, 'wifi_sta': {'enabled': True, 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'ipv4_method': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'gw': None, 'mask': None, 'dns': None}, 'wifi_sta1': {'enabled': False, 'ssid': None, 'ipv4_method': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'gw': None, 'mask': None, 'dns': None}, 'ap_roaming': {'enabled': False, 'threshold': -70}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': '', 'user': '', 'id': 'shellyrgbw2-EC64C9D1A2A4', 'reconnect_timeout_max': 60.0, 'reconnect_timeout_min': 2.0, 'clean_session': True, 'keep_alive': 60, 'max_qos': 0, 'retain': False, 'update_period': 30}, 'coiot': {'enabled': True, 'update_period': 15, 'peer': '', 'execute_enable': False}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com', 'enabled': True}, 'login': {'enabled': False, 'unprotected': False, 'username': 'admin'}, 'pin_code': '', 'name': 'SH_RGBW2_BT', 'fw': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'factory_reset_from_switch': True, 'pon_wifi_reset': False, 'discoverable': False, 'build_info': {'build_id': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'build_timestamp': '2023-09-13T11:32:59Z', 'build_version': '1.0'}, 'cloud': {'enabled': True, 'connected': True}, 'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.299301, 'lng': 9.491, 'tzautodetect': True, 'tz_utc_offset': 7200, 'tz_dst': False, 'tz_dst_auto': True, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061905, 'led_status_disable': False, 'debug_enable': False, 'allow_cross_origin': False, 'fw_mode': 'SHRGBW2!color', 'actions': {'active': False, 'names': ['btn_on_url', 'btn_off_url', 'out_on_url', 'out_off_url', 'longpush_url', 'shortpush_url']}, 'hwinfo': {'hw_revision': 'dev-prototype', 'batch_id': 0}, 'mode': 'color', 'alt_modes': ['white'], 'dcpower': 1, 'lights': [{'name': None, 'ison': False, 'red': 255, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0, 'white': 0, 'gain': 50, 'transition': 1000, 'effect': 0, 'default_state': 'switch', 'auto_on': 0.0, 'auto_off': 0.0, 'schedule': False, 'btn_type': 'toggle', 'btn_reverse': 0, 'night_mode': {'enabled': False, 'start_time': '00:00', 'end_time': '00:00', 'brightness': 0}, 'schedule_rules': []}], 'night_mode': {'enabled': False, 'start_time': '00:00', 'end_time': '00:00', 'brightness': 0}, 'eco_mode_enabled': True}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] host http request: /status (params=None)
2024-08-19 12:05:04.717 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.device] aiohttp response: {'wifi_sta': {'connected': True, 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'ip': '', 'rssi': -62}, 'cloud': {'enabled': True, 'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061905, 'serial': 7493, 'has_update': False, 'mac': 'EC64C9D1A2A4', 'cfg_changed_cnt': 1, 'actions_stats': {'skipped': 0}, 'mode': 'color', 'input': 0, 'lights': [{'ison': False, 'source': 'http', 'has_timer': False, 'timer_started': 0, 'timer_duration': 0, 'timer_remaining': 0, 'mode': 'color', 'red': 255, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0, 'white': 0, 'gain': 50, 'effect': 0, 'transition': 0, 'power': 0.0, 'overpower': False}], 'meters': [{'power': 0.0, 'is_valid': True, 'overpower': False, 'timestamp': 1724069105, 'counters': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'total': 504}], 'inputs': [{'input': 0, 'event': '', 'event_cnt': 0}], 'update': {'status': 'idle', 'has_update': False, 'new_version': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'old_version': '20230913-113259/v1.14.0-gcb84623', 'beta_version': '20231107-164040/v1.14.1-rc1-g0617c15'}, 'ram_total': 51672, 'ram_free': 38344, 'fs_size': 233681, 'fs_free': 152357, 'uptime': 332448}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.718 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Sending request 'cit/d' to device
2024-08-19 12:05:04.731 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.REPLY(69), options={3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2'}, payload={'blk': [{'I': 1, 'D': 'light_0'}, {'I': 2, 'D': 'device'}], 'sen': [{'I': 9103, 'T': 'EVC', 'D': 'cfgChanged', 'R': 'U16', 'L': 2}, {'I': 1101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'output', 'R': '0/1', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5105, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'red', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5106, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'green', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5107, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'blue', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5108, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'white', 'R': '0/255', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5102, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'gain', 'R': '0/100', 'L': 1}, {'I': 5109, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'effect', 'R': '0/3', 'L': 1}, {'I': 4101, 'T': 'P', 'D': 'power', 'U': 'W', 'R': ['0/288', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 4103, 'T': 'E', 'D': 'energy', 'U': 'Wmin', 'R': ['U32', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 6102, 'T': 'A', 'D': 'overpower', 'R': ['0/1', '-1'], 'L': 1}, {'I': 2101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'input', 'R': '0/1', 'L': 2}, {'I': 2102, 'T': 'EV', 'D': 'inputEvent', 'R': ['S/L', ''], 'L': 2}, {'I': 2103, 'T': 'EVC', 'D': 'inputEventCnt', 'R': 'U16', 'L': 2}, {'I': 9101, 'T': 'S', 'D': 'mode', 'R': 'color/white', 'L': 2}]}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.731 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.PERIODIC(30), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Shelly SH_RGBW2_BT handle update, type: BlockUpdateType.COAP_PERIODIC
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Manually updated SH_RGBW2_BT data
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping non-input event block light_0
2024-08-19 12:05:04.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping block event
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.PERIODIC(30), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'E\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Shelly SH_RGBW2_BT handle update, type: BlockUpdateType.COAP_PERIODIC
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Manually updated SH_RGBW2_BT data
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping non-input event block light_0
2024-08-19 12:05:19.899 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping block event
2024-08-19 12:05:20.213 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.common] host error: DeviceConnectionError(TimeoutError())
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] CoapMessage: ip=, type=CoapType.PERIODIC(30), options={11: b's', 3332: b'SHRGBW2#EC64C9D1A2A4#2', 3412: b'\x96\x00', 3420: b'F\x1d'}, payload={'G': [[0, 9103, 1], [0, 1101, 0], [0, 5105, 255], [0, 5106, 0], [0, 5107, 0], [0, 5108, 0], [0, 5102, 50], [0, 5109, 0], [0, 4101, 0.0], [0, 4103, 504], [0, 6102, 0], [0, 2101, 0], [0, 2102, ''], [0, 2103, 0], [0, 9101, 'color']]}
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.block_device.coap] Calling CoAP message update for device id D1A2A4
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Shelly SH_RGBW2_BT handle update, type: BlockUpdateType.COAP_PERIODIC
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Manually updated SH_RGBW2_BT data
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping non-input event block light_0
2024-08-19 12:05:24.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Skipping block event
2024-08-19 12:05:25.362 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.device] host RPC device create, MAC: E465B8B06AC8
2024-08-19 12:05:25.362 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Adding device E465B8B06AC8 to WsServer message subscriptions
2024-08-19 12:05:25.362 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.device] host RPC device initialize
2024-08-19 12:05:25.371 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Trying to connect to device at
2024-08-19 12:05:25.380 INFO (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Connected to
2024-08-19 12:05:25.381 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 1, 'method': 'Shelly.GetConfig', 'src': 'aios-547026321488'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.448 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 1, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'ble': {'enable': False, 'rpc': {'enable': True}, 'observer': {'enable': False}}, 'cloud': {'enable': True, 'server': 'shelly-38-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc'}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'client_id': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'user': None, 'ssl_ca': None, 'topic_prefix': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'rpc_ntf': True, 'status_ntf': False, 'use_client_cert': False, 'enable_rpc': True, 'enable_control': True}, 'plugs_ui': {'leds': {'mode': 'power', 'colors': {'switch:0': {'on': {'rgb': [0.0, 100.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}, 'off': {'rgb': [100.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}}, 'power': {'brightness': 100.0}}, 'night_mode': {'enable': False, 'brightness': 100.0, 'active_between': []}}, 'controls': {'switch:0': {'in_mode': 'momentary'}}}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'name': None, 'initial_state': 'off', 'auto_on': False, 'auto_on_delay': 60.0, 'auto_off': False, 'auto_off_delay': 60.0, 'power_limit': 2500, 'voltage_limit': 280, 'current_limit': 12.0}, 'sys': {'device': {'name': 'SH_PLUGS_PC', 'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'fw_id': '20240726-114505/1.4.0-gb2aeadb', 'discoverable': True, 'eco_mode': False}, 'location': {'tz': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.2993, 'lon': 9.491}, 'debug': {'level': 2, 'file_level': None, 'mqtt': {'enable': False}, 'websocket': {'enable': False}, 'udp': {'addr': None}}, 'ui_data': {}, 'rpc_udp': {'dst_addr': None, 'listen_port': None}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com'}, 'cfg_rev': 12}, 'wifi': {'ap': {'ssid': 'ShellyPlusPlugS-E465B8B06AC8', 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'range_extender': {'enable': False}}, 'sta': {'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'is_open': False, 'enable': True, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'sta1': {'ssid': None, 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'roam': {'rssi_thr': -80, 'interval': 60}}, 'ws': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'ssl_ca': 'ca.pem'}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.449 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetConfig(None) -> {'id': 1, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'ble': {'enable': False, 'rpc': {'enable': True}, 'observer': {'enable': False}}, 'cloud': {'enable': True, 'server': 'shelly-38-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc'}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'client_id': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'user': None, 'ssl_ca': None, 'topic_prefix': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'rpc_ntf': True, 'status_ntf': False, 'use_client_cert': False, 'enable_rpc': True, 'enable_control': True}, 'plugs_ui': {'leds': {'mode': 'power', 'colors': {'switch:0': {'on': {'rgb': [0.0, 100.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}, 'off': {'rgb': [100.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}}, 'power': {'brightness': 100.0}}, 'night_mode': {'enable': False, 'brightness': 100.0, 'active_between': []}}, 'controls': {'switch:0': {'in_mode': 'momentary'}}}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'name': None, 'initial_state': 'off', 'auto_on': False, 'auto_on_delay': 60.0, 'auto_off': False, 'auto_off_delay': 60.0, 'power_limit': 2500, 'voltage_limit': 280, 'current_limit': 12.0}, 'sys': {'device': {'name': 'SH_PLUGS_PC', 'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'fw_id': '20240726-114505/1.4.0-gb2aeadb', 'discoverable': True, 'eco_mode': False}, 'location': {'tz': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.2993, 'lon': 9.491}, 'debug': {'level': 2, 'file_level': None, 'mqtt': {'enable': False}, 'websocket': {'enable': False}, 'udp': {'addr': None}}, 'ui_data': {}, 'rpc_udp': {'dst_addr': None, 'listen_port': None}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com'}, 'cfg_rev': 12}, 'wifi': {'ap': {'ssid': 'ShellyPlusPlugS-E465B8B06AC8', 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'range_extender': {'enable': False}}, 'sta': {'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'is_open': False, 'enable': True, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'sta1': {'ssid': None, 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'roam': {'rssi_thr': -80, 'interval': 60}}, 'ws': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'ssl_ca': 'ca.pem'}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.449 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 2, 'method': 'Shelly.GetStatus', 'src': 'aios-547026321488', 'dst': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.479 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 2, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'ble': {}, 'cloud': {'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'plugs_ui': {}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'source': 'init', 'output': True, 'apower': 2.6, 'voltage': 235.8, 'current': 0.084, 'aenergy': {'total': 3068.056, 'by_minute': [42.64, 42.64, 43.08], 'minute_ts': 1724061900}, 'temperature': {'tC': 47.0, 'tF': 116.7}}, 'sys': {'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'restart_required': False, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061925, 'uptime': 332280, 'ram_size': 253832, 'ram_free': 135204, 'fs_size': 393216, 'fs_free': 106496, 'cfg_rev': 12, 'kvs_rev': 0, 'schedule_rev': 0, 'webhook_rev': 0, 'available_updates': {'beta': {'version': '1.4.2-beta1'}}, 'reset_reason': 3}, 'wifi': {'sta_ip': '', 'status': 'got ip', 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'rssi': -56}, 'ws': {'connected': False}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.479 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetStatus(None) -> {'id': 2, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'ble': {}, 'cloud': {'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'plugs_ui': {}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'source': 'init', 'output': True, 'apower': 2.6, 'voltage': 235.8, 'current': 0.084, 'aenergy': {'total': 3068.056, 'by_minute': [42.64, 42.64, 43.08], 'minute_ts': 1724061900}, 'temperature': {'tC': 47.0, 'tF': 116.7}}, 'sys': {'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'restart_required': False, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061925, 'uptime': 332280, 'ram_size': 253832, 'ram_free': 135204, 'fs_size': 393216, 'fs_free': 106496, 'cfg_rev': 12, 'kvs_rev': 0, 'schedule_rev': 0, 'webhook_rev': 0, 'available_updates': {'beta': {'version': '1.4.2-beta1'}}, 'reset_reason': 3}, 'wifi': {'sta_ip': '', 'status': 'got ip', 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'rssi': -56}, 'ws': {'connected': False}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.479 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 3, 'method': 'Shelly.GetComponents', 'src': 'aios-547026321488', 'params': {'dynamic_only': True}, 'dst': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.495 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 3, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'components': [], 'cfg_rev': 12, 'offset': 0, 'total': 0}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.495 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetComponents({'dynamic_only': True}) -> {'id': 3, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026321488', 'result': {'components': [], 'cfg_rev': 12, 'offset': 0, 'total': 0}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.495 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.device] host RPC device shutdown
2024-08-19 12:05:25.495 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Websocket client connection from closed
2024-08-19 12:05:25.496 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.device] host RPC device create, MAC: E465B8B06AC8
2024-08-19 12:05:25.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Adding device E465B8B06AC8 to WsServer message subscriptions
2024-08-19 12:05:25.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Setting up online RPC device SH_PLUGS_PC
2024-08-19 12:05:25.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.device] host RPC device initialize
2024-08-19 12:05:25.506 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Trying to connect to device at
2024-08-19 12:05:25.515 INFO (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Connected to
2024-08-19 12:05:25.515 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 1, 'method': 'Shelly.GetConfig', 'src': 'aios-547026225920'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.582 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 1, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'ble': {'enable': False, 'rpc': {'enable': True}, 'observer': {'enable': False}}, 'cloud': {'enable': True, 'server': 'shelly-38-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc'}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'client_id': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'user': None, 'ssl_ca': None, 'topic_prefix': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'rpc_ntf': True, 'status_ntf': False, 'use_client_cert': False, 'enable_rpc': True, 'enable_control': True}, 'plugs_ui': {'leds': {'mode': 'power', 'colors': {'switch:0': {'on': {'rgb': [0.0, 100.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}, 'off': {'rgb': [100.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}}, 'power': {'brightness': 100.0}}, 'night_mode': {'enable': False, 'brightness': 100.0, 'active_between': []}}, 'controls': {'switch:0': {'in_mode': 'momentary'}}}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'name': None, 'initial_state': 'off', 'auto_on': False, 'auto_on_delay': 60.0, 'auto_off': False, 'auto_off_delay': 60.0, 'power_limit': 2500, 'voltage_limit': 280, 'current_limit': 12.0}, 'sys': {'device': {'name': 'SH_PLUGS_PC', 'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'fw_id': '20240726-114505/1.4.0-gb2aeadb', 'discoverable': True, 'eco_mode': False}, 'location': {'tz': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.2993, 'lon': 9.491}, 'debug': {'level': 2, 'file_level': None, 'mqtt': {'enable': False}, 'websocket': {'enable': False}, 'udp': {'addr': None}}, 'ui_data': {}, 'rpc_udp': {'dst_addr': None, 'listen_port': None}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com'}, 'cfg_rev': 12}, 'wifi': {'ap': {'ssid': 'ShellyPlusPlugS-E465B8B06AC8', 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'range_extender': {'enable': False}}, 'sta': {'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'is_open': False, 'enable': True, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'sta1': {'ssid': None, 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'roam': {'rssi_thr': -80, 'interval': 60}}, 'ws': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'ssl_ca': 'ca.pem'}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.582 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetConfig(None) -> {'id': 1, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'ble': {'enable': False, 'rpc': {'enable': True}, 'observer': {'enable': False}}, 'cloud': {'enable': True, 'server': 'shelly-38-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc'}, 'mqtt': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'client_id': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'user': None, 'ssl_ca': None, 'topic_prefix': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'rpc_ntf': True, 'status_ntf': False, 'use_client_cert': False, 'enable_rpc': True, 'enable_control': True}, 'plugs_ui': {'leds': {'mode': 'power', 'colors': {'switch:0': {'on': {'rgb': [0.0, 100.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}, 'off': {'rgb': [100.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'brightness': 100.0}}, 'power': {'brightness': 100.0}}, 'night_mode': {'enable': False, 'brightness': 100.0, 'active_between': []}}, 'controls': {'switch:0': {'in_mode': 'momentary'}}}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'name': None, 'initial_state': 'off', 'auto_on': False, 'auto_on_delay': 60.0, 'auto_off': False, 'auto_off_delay': 60.0, 'power_limit': 2500, 'voltage_limit': 280, 'current_limit': 12.0}, 'sys': {'device': {'name': 'SH_PLUGS_PC', 'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'fw_id': '20240726-114505/1.4.0-gb2aeadb', 'discoverable': True, 'eco_mode': False}, 'location': {'tz': 'Europe/Berlin', 'lat': 51.2993, 'lon': 9.491}, 'debug': {'level': 2, 'file_level': None, 'mqtt': {'enable': False}, 'websocket': {'enable': False}, 'udp': {'addr': None}}, 'ui_data': {}, 'rpc_udp': {'dst_addr': None, 'listen_port': None}, 'sntp': {'server': 'time.google.com'}, 'cfg_rev': 12}, 'wifi': {'ap': {'ssid': 'ShellyPlusPlugS-E465B8B06AC8', 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'range_extender': {'enable': False}}, 'sta': {'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'is_open': False, 'enable': True, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'sta1': {'ssid': None, 'is_open': True, 'enable': False, 'ipv4mode': 'dhcp', 'ip': None, 'netmask': None, 'gw': None, 'nameserver': None}, 'roam': {'rssi_thr': -80, 'interval': 60}}, 'ws': {'enable': False, 'server': None, 'ssl_ca': 'ca.pem'}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.583 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 2, 'method': 'Shelly.GetStatus', 'src': 'aios-547026225920', 'dst': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.604 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 2, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'ble': {}, 'cloud': {'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'plugs_ui': {}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'source': 'init', 'output': True, 'apower': 2.6, 'voltage': 235.8, 'current': 0.084, 'aenergy': {'total': 3068.056, 'by_minute': [42.64, 42.64, 43.08], 'minute_ts': 1724061900}, 'temperature': {'tC': 47.0, 'tF': 116.7}}, 'sys': {'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'restart_required': False, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061925, 'uptime': 332280, 'ram_size': 253828, 'ram_free': 135000, 'fs_size': 393216, 'fs_free': 106496, 'cfg_rev': 12, 'kvs_rev': 0, 'schedule_rev': 0, 'webhook_rev': 0, 'available_updates': {'beta': {'version': '1.4.2-beta1'}}, 'reset_reason': 3}, 'wifi': {'sta_ip': '', 'status': 'got ip', 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'rssi': -56}, 'ws': {'connected': False}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.605 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetStatus(None) -> {'id': 2, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'ble': {}, 'cloud': {'connected': True}, 'mqtt': {'connected': False}, 'plugs_ui': {}, 'switch:0': {'id': 0, 'source': 'init', 'output': True, 'apower': 2.6, 'voltage': 235.8, 'current': 0.084, 'aenergy': {'total': 3068.056, 'by_minute': [42.64, 42.64, 43.08], 'minute_ts': 1724061900}, 'temperature': {'tC': 47.0, 'tF': 116.7}}, 'sys': {'mac': 'E465B8B06AC8', 'restart_required': False, 'time': '12:05', 'unixtime': 1724061925, 'uptime': 332280, 'ram_size': 253828, 'ram_free': 135000, 'fs_size': 393216, 'fs_free': 106496, 'cfg_rev': 12, 'kvs_rev': 0, 'schedule_rev': 0, 'webhook_rev': 0, 'available_updates': {'beta': {'version': '1.4.2-beta1'}}, 'reset_reason': 3}, 'wifi': {'sta_ip': '', 'status': 'got ip', 'ssid': 'Nerd-Korea', 'rssi': -56}, 'ws': {'connected': False}}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.605 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 3, 'method': 'Shelly.GetComponents', 'src': 'aios-547026225920', 'params': {'dynamic_only': True}, 'dst': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.621 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 3, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'components': [], 'cfg_rev': 12, 'offset': 0, 'total': 0}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.621 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Shelly.GetComponents({'dynamic_only': True}) -> {'id': 3, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'components': [], 'cfg_rev': 12, 'offset': 0, 'total': 0}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.621 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] send( {'id': 4, 'method': 'Script.List', 'src': 'aios-547026225920', 'dst': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8'}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.639 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] recv( {'id': 4, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'scripts': []}}
2024-08-19 12:05:25.640 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioshelly.rpc_device.wsrpc] Script.List(None) -> {'id': 4, 'src': 'shellyplusplugs-e465b8b06ac8', 'dst': 'aios-547026225920', 'result': {'scripts': []}}

Additional information

No response

home-assistant[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hey there @balloob, @bieniu, @thecode, @chemelli74, @bdraco, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (shelly) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!

Code owner commands Code owners of `shelly` can trigger bot actions by commenting: - `@home-assistant close` Closes the issue. - `@home-assistant rename Awesome new title` Renames the issue. - `@home-assistant reopen` Reopen the issue. - `@home-assistant unassign shelly` Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command. - `@home-assistant add-label needs-more-information` Add a label (needs-more-information, problem in dependency, problem in custom component) to the issue. - `@home-assistant remove-label needs-more-information` Remove a label (needs-more-information, problem in dependency, problem in custom component) on the issue.

(message by CodeOwnersMention)

shelly documentation shelly source (message by IssueLinks)

Blackraz0r commented 3 weeks ago

ah an additional info here: i treid adding an existing ESP-Home device same outcome! only entities no devices: image

Mark-64 commented 3 weeks ago

I stumbled upon the same issue. Old shellies have devices and entities, but a newly added Shelly 1 only showed entities, no device. However in my case the device appeared after a HA restart EDIT: another issue, IMO connected: changing the Area of a shelly device also takes effect only after HA restart