Open LasseHedeby opened 1 month ago
The system is waiting for tasks: {<Task pending name='Task-1758' coro=<AbstractConfig.async_initialize.<locals>.sync_google() running at /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/google_assistant/> wait_for=<_GatheringFuture pending cb=[Task.task_wakeup()]> cb=[set.remove()]>}
Hey there @home-assistant/cloud, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (google_assistant
) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!
(message by CodeOwnersMention)
google_assistant documentation google_assistant source (message by IssueLinks)
I've just noticed I'm getting this to on HAOS 13.2 Core 2024.10.4:
2024-10-30 22:45:05.700 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Something is blocking Home Assistant from wrapping up the start up phase. We're going to continue anyway. Please report the following info at system_log, history, ring.siren, siren, sonoff.binary_sensor, shelly.button, lovelace, notify, update, cast, shelly, stt, shelly.sensor, zwave_js.number, zwave_js.update, smartthinq_sensors, matter.sensor, hacs, flux_led, counter, shelly.text,, ring.binary_sensor, nanoleaf.light,, flux_led.sensor, librelink.sensor, samsungtv.media_player, shelly.cover, valve, ffmpeg, sonoff.number, sun, matter.binary_sensor, manual.alarm_control_panel, smartthinq_sensors.climate, rest, template.sensor, backup, cloud.tts, dhcp, nanoleaf, unifi.update, switch_as_x, cloud.stt, switchbot.cover, homeassistant_alerts, ring.light, hacs.update, trace, bluetooth_adapters, energy.sensor, group, switch, shelly.switch, zwave_js.binary_sensor, ibeacon.sensor, neato.vacuum, shelly.valve, image, samsungtv.remote, nanoleaf.event, matter.climate, cloud, mobile_app.sensor, smartthinq_sensors.binary_sensor, script, alexa, map, number, flux_led.switch, hardware, binary_sensor, onboarding, application_credentials, group.switch, input_boolean, automation, blueprint, schedule, input_button, mobile_app, shelly.update, matter, switch_as_x.light, lock, nanoleaf.button, input_text, unifi.button, matter.light, tile.device_tracker, matter.switch, unifi.sensor, sensor, smartthinq_sensors.button, auth, search, tag, radio_browser, shelly.light,, plex.media_player, zwave_js.switch, samsungtv, humidifier, ibeacon.device_tracker, smartthinq_sensors.switch, input_select, text, hassio, shelly.number, switchbot, alexa_media.binary_sensor, file_upload, logbook, ssdp, recorder, hassio.binary_sensor, zeroconf, climate, hassio.update, alarm_control_panel, logger, met, sonoff.cover, librelink, wake_word, repairs, scene, sonoff.light, image_upload, alexa_media.switch, neato.button, ring.button, matter.button, bluetooth, conversation, mobile_app.device_tracker, androidtv_remote.media_player, ibeacon, switchbot.sensor, neato.sensor, media_player, cast.media_player,, assist_pipeline, light, vacuum, alexa_media, rest_command, intent, unifi.device_tracker, unifi.image, water_heater, hassio.sensor, analytics, smartthinq_sensors.water_heater, network,, usb, unifi.switch, config, zwave_js, alexa_media.light, alexa_media.alarm_control_panel, ring.switch, generic_thermostat.climate, matter.valve, ring.event, system_health, camera, shelly.binary_sensor, alexa_media.notify, diagnostics, group.light, button, sonoff, energy, frontend, mobile_app.notify, fan, zone, matter.number, neato, sonoff.button,, plex, librelink.binary_sensor, remote,, alexa_media.sensor, sonoff.remote, template, smartthinq_sensors.humidifier, persistent_notification, input_datetime, alexa_media.media_player, device_tracker, thread, shelly.event, hacs.switch, media_source, rest.sensor, esphome.button, neato.switch, cloud.binary_sensor, androidtv_remote, input_number, zwave_js.sensor, min_max,,, switchbot.binary_sensor, zwave_js.climate, plex.button, weather, zwave_js.button, sonoff.sensor, matter.cover, timer, esphome, sun.sensor, device_automation, cover, group.cover, flux_led.button, flux_led.number, zwave_js.light, esphome.update, tts, default_config, tile, homeassistant, ring.number, plex.update, group.binary_sensor, shelly.climate, http, template.light, homeassistant.scene,, ring, google_translate.tts, min_max.sensor, sonoff.switch, api, webhook, matter.event, matter.update, ring.sensor, smartthinq_sensors.light, androidtv_remote.remote, event, select, flux_led.light, websocket_api, stream,, zwave_js.event, zwave_js.lock, mobile_app.binary_sensor, plex.sensor, sonoff.climate, person, matter.lock, google_assistant, smartthinq_sensors.sensor, unifi,, my The system is waiting for tasks: {<Task pending name='Task-2002' coro=<AbstractConfig.async_initialize.
Same issue, I'm on 2024.11 - it appears when I initiate google assistant over nabu casa. When I turn off google assistant the log issue disappears.
The problem
There is a log entry that say I need to report this
What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
No response
What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
Integration causing the issue
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Link to integration documentation on our website
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Diagnostics information
No response
Example YAML snippet
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Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
Additional information
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