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Discord notifications not working #21374

Closed Naesstrom closed 5 years ago

Naesstrom commented 5 years ago

Home Assistant release with the issue:


Last working Home Assistant release (if known): Not sure actually

Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Windows/etc.):

Hass.io Component/platform:


Description of problem: Sending notifications with the discord platform gives errors in the log and nothing is sent.

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml entries and (fill out even if it seems unimportant):

  - name: Discord
    platform: discord
    token: !secret discord_token

Traceback (if applicable):

Sat Feb 23 2019 21:56:20 GMT+0100 (centraleuropeisk normaltid)
Error handling message: {'type': 'call_service', 'domain': 'notify', 'service': 'discord', 'service_data': {'message': "The sun is {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %}up{% else %}down{% endif %}!"}, 'id': 14}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/decorators.py", line 17, in _handle_async_response
    await func(hass, connection, msg)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/commands.py", line 147, in handle_call_service
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/core.py", line 1133, in async_call
    self._execute_service(handler, service_call))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/core.py", line 1155, in _execute_service
    await handler.func(service_call)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/notify/__init__.py", line 117, in async_notify_message
    await notify_service.async_send_message(**kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/notify/discord.py", line 43, in async_send_message
    import discord
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/__init__.py", line 20, in <module>
    from .client import Client, AppInfo, ChannelPermissions
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/client.py", line 38, in <module>
    from .state import ConnectionState
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/state.py", line 36, in <module>
    from . import utils, compat
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py", line 32
    create_task = asyncio.async
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Additional information:

dshokouhi commented 5 years ago

What does the service data look like? Was this working before? I am using discord notifications just fine.

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

I have the same error, was working just fine before. Also on 0.88.1 Example of notification action in automation:

      - service: notify.hass_discord
          target: !secret discord_hass_id
          message: "Automated Snapshot {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}"
SeanPM5 commented 5 years ago

I am also having this issue with an identical error log, and also running Hass.io - it worked fine prior to 0.88.

Have made zero changes on the Discord side or my config side, it simply broke on 0.88.

Naesstrom commented 5 years ago

heck your fast! My automation looks like this

    - service: notify.discord
        message: Brevlådan öppnades
        target: 123456789
MartinHjelmare commented 5 years ago

In 0.88 the home assistant docker image was updated to use Python 3.7. In Python 3.7 async is a reserved keyword. So even though the discord notify platform wasn't changed, the change in environment surfaced this problem.

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

It's fixed in the discord.py package, so updating the dependency should solve it? https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py/commit/1863a1c6636f53592519320a173ec9573c090c0b

Edit: Sorry, mistake on my part, the fix doesn't seem to be in a release, only in a dev branch...

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

Also not working for me anymore. Was fine prior to 0.88

SILENTTHROUGH commented 5 years ago

It's fixed in the discord.py package, so updating the dependency should solve it? Rapptz/discord.py@1863a1c

Edit: Sorry, mistake on my part, the fix doesn't seem to be in a release, only in a dev branch...

Thanks :+1: Personally I went with a manual change for now, searched for /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py and changed _createtask = asyncio.async into _createtask = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

I will do that too!

Naesstrom commented 5 years ago

hmm, I don't have a python3.7 folder at /usr/local/lib/only a perl5/site_perl but then nothing more beneath that?

SILENTTHROUGH commented 5 years ago

Are you running Hass.io inside a Docker container? In that case the /usr/local/lib is inside a Docker volume. Go inside the container and change it. More hackey route would be to do a full disc search for discord.py and you should be able to find where the /usr/local/lib/...../compat.py file is. Searching for compat.py will give a lot of results, you would have to find a path which includes 'discord'.

Naesstrom commented 5 years ago

I guess it is, running the normal hass.io image on a rpi3b+

Did a full search but didn't even find a compat.py connected to discord? mobaxterm screenshot

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

Try running it with sudo and see if you get more directories. None of those are discord/compat.py

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

This got me my file. sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -name compat.py | grep discord/compat.py I run hass.io in a docker container on Ubuntu

Naesstrom commented 5 years ago

I just get File not found doing that Isa but I can wait until a patched update!

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

Im running Hass in a docker container on Unraid. If I manually change the .py wouldnt it revert back to original every time the container is restarted?

Chaotic commented 5 years ago

So just went to set up discord last night and ran into this exact issue. Looking into it seems this has been fixed on one of the branches of the library does the owner just need to push that branch to pippy?

How would one go about fixing this in a docker container until that happens?

zachsamuels commented 5 years ago

The pypi branch of discord.py hasn't been updated in over a year. The only updated branch now is rewrite which will be released onto pypi soon™️. If you want to use 3.7 with discord.py you can either use the rewrite branch (which is better in basically every way) or just fix the issue yourself.

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

The pypi branch of discord.py hasn't been updated in over a year. The only updated branch now is rewrite which will be released onto pypi soon™️. If you want to use 3.7 with discord.py you can either use the rewrite branch (which is better in basically every way) or just fix the issue yourself.

Could I bother you to tell me what exactly to change? Im running docker also.

laggycomputer commented 5 years ago

What's rewrite? Check out discord.py's rewrite branch, that's the code. The revisions introduce many breaking changes, which you should read about here: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/rewrite/migrating.html The command to install rewrite (and overwrite the existing version installed) is pip(3.5+) install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py.git@rewrite#egg=discord.py or pip(3.5+) install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py.git@rewrite#egg=discord.py[voice] for voice support. For more info, see the discord.py support server.

Wutname1 commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 On the box that's running docker run this command to find the file you need to edit: sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -name compat.py | grep discord/compat.py If you find multiples you need to cleanup unused images (You can google a command for that)

Edit the file you found with the above command example your path WILL be different:

sudo nano /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/<SomeRandomIDNumber>/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

On line 35 you will see

create_task = asyncio.async change that to to create_task = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 On the box that's running docker run this command to find the file you need to edit: sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -name compat.py | grep discord/compat.py If you find multiples you need to cleanup unused images (You can google a command for that)

Edit the file you found with the above command example your path WILL be different:

sudo nano /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/<SomeRandomIDNumber>/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

On line 35 you will see

create_task = asyncio.async change that to to create_task = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

Unraid is what im running. Dont you mean in the HA container itself or right on unraid?

WJTech commented 5 years ago

@Naesstrom I have the same issue on the same hardware and have not been able to locate the compat.py file to manually update.

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

@Naesstrom I have the same issue on the same hardware and have not been able to locate the compat.py file to manually update.

I just started using webhooks on discord to get the same result and not have to worry about dependencies. I first created the webhook on discord in server settings to get the url then setup in home assistant. My config looks like

- platform: rest
  name: discord_webhook
  method: POST
  message_param_name: content
  title_param_name: username
    username: Home Assistant
  resource: "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/551783857968513035/your webhook url

Automation example:

    - service: notify.discord_webhook
        message: 'your message here'
WJTech commented 5 years ago

@Naesstrom My MAN! (or preferred pronoun) Perfect workaround. Many thanks.

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

Im still trying to get this file edited in the docker container but seems to be no way to use a text editor to do so.

my location is /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

filikun commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 Great! 🥇 But for some reason I get the notification but an error in my log 😮

Log Details (ERROR) Fri Mar 08 2019 11:00:57 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) Error sending message. Response 204: NO CONTENT: NoneType: None

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

@filikun It's annoying, but can be ignored. 204 is one kind of success message but unfortunately it only listens for 200.

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

@filikun just a heads up with the webhook method you can only send text.

Changing the line a discribed above is quite simple to change and will bring the original component back.

bereska commented 5 years ago

@Wutname1 thanks for the easy fix. It worked for my docker container on pi3b+

mTrax- commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 On the box that's running docker run this command to find the file you need to edit: sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -name compat.py | grep discord/compat.py If you find multiples you need to cleanup unused images (You can google a command for that)

Edit the file you found with the above command example your path WILL be different:

sudo nano /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/<SomeRandomIDNumber>/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

On line 35 you will see

create_task = asyncio.async change that to to create_task = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

Hi everyone. This fixes the problem. Is it possible to make this change in the repository ?

Thanks !

isabellaalstrom commented 5 years ago

@mTrax- Unfortunately it's not that easy, since this is a dependency and the package creator has not released this update.

laggycomputer commented 5 years ago

The fix has been pushed to the repo, but no changes will be pushed to PyPi until later this month, when rewrite (a new version with a load of breaking changes) is released officially.

Edmond76 commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone. Is there a hope that discord/compat.py file will be fix for HassIo users who can't modify it with sudo?

I already use discord_webhook but we cannot add pic on our message. It useful when you want to use it with your security camera for example.

Thanks Long life to the community :)

YouriNL commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 On the box that's running docker run this command to find the file you need to edit: sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -name compat.py | grep discord/compat.py If you find multiples you need to cleanup unused images (You can google a command for that)

Edit the file you found with the above command example your path WILL be different:

sudo nano /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/<SomeRandomIDNumber>/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

On line 35 you will see

create_task = asyncio.async change that to to create_task = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

Fixed the Discord error... Seems to break the FitBit component... https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/tree/dev/homeassistant/components/fitbit

Error while setting up platform fitbit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 128, in _async_setup_platform
    SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=hass.loop)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 416, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/sensor/fitbit.py", line 250, in setup_platform
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fitbit/api.py", line 157, in refresh_token
    auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.client_id, self.client_secret)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py", line 374, in refresh_token
    self.token = self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauthlib/oauth2/rfc6749/clients/base.py", line 415, in parse_request_body_response
    self.token = parse_token_response(body, scope=scope)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauthlib/oauth2/rfc6749/parameters.py", line 425, in parse_token_response
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauthlib/oauth2/rfc6749/parameters.py", line 432, in validate_token_parameters
    raise_from_error(params.get('error'), params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauthlib/oauth2/rfc6749/errors.py", line 405, in raise_from_error
    raise cls(**kwargs)
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InvalidGrantError: (invalid_grant)
AlexKalopsia commented 5 years ago

I've set my bot up and I am getting these errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/automation/__init__.py", line 381, in action
    await script_obj.async_run(variables, context)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/helpers/script.py", line 131, in async_run
    await self._handle_action(action, variables, context)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/helpers/script.py", line 210, in _handle_action
    action, variables, context)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/helpers/script.py", line 299, in _async_call_service
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 88, in async_call_from_config
    domain, service_name, service_data, blocking=blocking, context=context)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/core.py", line 1138, in async_call
    self._execute_service(handler, service_call))
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/core.py", line 1160, in _execute_service
    await handler.func(service_call)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/notify/__init__.py", line 117, in async_notify_message
    await notify_service.async_send_message(**kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/notify/discord.py", line 43, in async_send_message
    import discord
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/__init__.py", line 20, in <module>
    from .client import Client, AppInfo, ChannelPermissions
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/client.py", line 38, in <module>
    from .state import ConnectionState
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/state.py", line 36, in <module>
    from . import utils, compat
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py", line 32
    create_task = asyncio.async
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

any idea og what could be causing this and how to fix?

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

@AlexKalopsia did you change the lines in the .py as above? Did you make an automation that results in that? Just posting an error long doesnt show anything

AlexKalopsia commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 sorry, I should have been clearer.

I do have an automation that results in that, yes (it's literally "send message if light turns on"). I have not tried changing those lines as I was wondering if this will come as an official fix. But I guess I will try changing those and see if it works

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

@AlexKalopsia Yeah worked for me but it just sucks that it has to be time every time you pull a new updated container. The problem is on the discord side I believe and a dependency has to be updated. Nothing HA can do.

AlexKalopsia commented 5 years ago

@mkono87 I understand! Well if there is one thing that right now I'm having a problem with, is actually finding discord/compat.py. I am running HA inside a docker running on my Syno, but I can't find those files at all uhm

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

my location is /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/compat.py

AlexKalopsia commented 5 years ago

yes, finally found it! That fixed the problem, thank you, hopefully this gets fixed

Chaotic commented 5 years ago

It looks like the new version of the library has been pushed to pipy now. Any chance someone can take a look at what needs to be updated to get this working with that version?

mkono87 commented 5 years ago

Im sure soon it will be done. I have had it disabled for quite a bit and now just using pushover

sygys commented 3 years ago

@mkono87 I set up the webhook to send messages succesfully. My next step would be to send an image from my camera. I guess i need message_param_name: file for this. but i tried: data: file: xxxx in an automation but that doesnt seem to work.

Are you willing to share the same info for a file as you did for content above? It was very clear to me in that way.

thanks in advance.