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No entities on cozytouch intégration #33385

Closed kiki35290 closed 4 years ago

kiki35290 commented 4 years ago

Good morning all I have an Atlantic brand heat pump, controlled by a cozytouch bridge. I have integrated cozytouch into the Google home, but the problem is that Google home can only control electric heaters (which I do not have, since I have one heat pump.) I would like to integrate cozytouch with a home assistant and be able to control my heating. It seems to work electric heaters, but not working with an central heater pump ( i have this one :https://www.domotelec.fr/climatisation-pompe-a-chaleur/pompe-a-chaleur-air-eau/bi-bloc/atlantic-pompe-a-chaleur-alfea-excellia-duo-a-i-r410a.html?lgw_code=8583-9394&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjoH0BRD6ARIsAEWO9Ds8bnWArqCoYG2i4GfAW12tAJ-VThttzwcewwDqkJoKKL8Et9Vne4saAicBEALw_wcB ) I integrated cozytouch n'y hacs. With id ans password without problèm. Problem IS States: I have no entities cozytouch Services: I can sée two :

frenck commented 4 years ago

Hi there @kiki35290! Thanks for opening up an issue with us, however, there is quite a bit of information missing. Could you please update your issue so that it uses the issue template provided when opening a new issue?

At this point, I'm not even sure you are reporting an issue or requesting a new feature? Can you clarify that?

Thanks! 👍

kiki35290 commented 4 years ago

Hello Franck Thé issue is closed? Do i need to creat an other one? I m a beginner, sorry (and French,😕😊) Thanks Mickael

frenck commented 4 years ago

@kiki35290 Please edit this issue, using the pencil icon on the first message.

kiki3529-0 commented 4 years ago

The problem


Problem-relevant configuration.yaml

Traceback/Error logs

Additional information

kiki3529-0 commented 4 years ago

The problem

I have an Atlantic brand heat pump, controlled by a cozytouch bridge. I have integrated cozytouch into the Google home, but the problem is that ) I would like to integrate correctly cozytouch with a home assistant and be able to control my central heating. (It seems to work wih electric heaters, but not working with an central heater pump. I installed it with HACS With id and password without any problèm.

( i have this one :https://www.domotelec.fr/climatisation-pompe-a-chaleur/pompe-a-chaleur-air-eau/bi-bloc/atlantic-pompe-a-chaleur-alfea-excellia-duo-a-i-r410a.html?lgw_code=8583-9394&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjoH0BRD6ARIsAEWO9Ds8bnWArqCoYG2i4GfAW12tAJ-VThttzwcewwDqkJoKKL8Et9Vne4saAicBEALw_wcB )

. The problem is that I have no entities cozytouch in states (No température sensor, climate.., nothing) But i see in Services two items:


version of Home Assistant : 107.7 Arch armv7l dev false docker true hassio true os_name Linux os_version 4.19.106-v7l python_version 3.7.7 timezone Europe/Paris version 0.107.7 virtualenv false

Integration causing this issue: cozytouch

Link to integration documentation on our website: https://github.com/Cyr-ius/hass-cozytouch

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml

no problem of configuration

  username: email
  password: XXXX

Traceback/Error logs

no error logs

frenck commented 4 years ago

Aah, now I get it. It is a custom component. We don't support custom components. If you have an issue with a custom integration, please contact the author of that integration.

In this case, raise an issue here: https://github.com/Cyr-ius/hass-cozytouch

Thanks! 👍