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IPP Errors even when not configured #33860

Closed DavidFW1960 closed 4 years ago

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

The problem

IPP comes up with errors when HA starts. It also added an integration multiple times.


Problem-relevant configuration.yaml

Not configured in YAML

Traceback/Error logs

2020-04-09 12:27:49 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ipp.config_flow] IPP Parse Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 182, in execute
    parsed = parse_response(response)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/parser.py", line 158, in parse
    attribute, new_offset = parse_attribute(raw_data, offset)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/parser.py", line 90, in parse_attribute
    attribute["value"] = data[offset:offset_length].decode("utf-8")
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 5: invalid start byte

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 110, in async_step_zeroconf
    info = await validate_input(self.hass, self.discovery_info)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 46, in validate_input
    printer = await ipp.printer()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 211, in printer
    "requested-attributes": DEFAULT_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES,
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 184, in execute
    raise IPPParseError from exception

Additional information

I deleted the integration and restarted and the error persists. The Integration detects the same device multiple times.

probot-home-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hey there @ctalkington, mind taking a look at this issue as its been labeled with a integration (ipp) you are listed as a codeowner for? Thanks!

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

I believe this is potentially related to a language issue that should be in next release. Sadly a lot of printers have slight variations.

I suspect its trying to add multiple times due to IPP and IPPS being found (not appearant from logs) and not getting through the initial part of discovery.

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

Even if I remove the integration it still is seeing it - do I need to add IPP to ignore list in discovery for now?

EDIT: It can't be added to the ignore list.

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

I have same problem

Here is my log entry. It does not help ignoring it in the integrations UI. The error is there no matter what I do.

And I do not even want the integration. I tried aadding - ipp to the ignore list of my discovery section in configuration.yaml but it does not accept that.

2020-04-09 11:31:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ipp.config_flow] IPP Parse Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 219, in printer
    printer = Printer.from_dict(parsed)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in from_dict
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in <listcomp>
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
IndexError: list index out of range

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 110, in async_step_zeroconf
    info = await validate_input(self.hass, self.discovery_info)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 46, in validate_input
    printer = await ipp.printer()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 221, in printer
    raise IPPParseError from exc
2020-04-09 11:31:07 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ipp.config_flow] IPP Parse Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 219, in printer
    printer = Printer.from_dict(parsed)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in from_dict
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in <listcomp>
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
IndexError: list index out of range

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 110, in async_step_zeroconf
    info = await validate_input(self.hass, self.discovery_info)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 46, in validate_input
    printer = await ipp.printer()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 221, in printer
    raise IPPParseError from exc
2020-04-09 11:31:07 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ipp.config_flow] IPP Parse Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 219, in printer
    printer = Printer.from_dict(parsed)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in from_dict
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/models.py", line 153, in <listcomp>
    for marker_id in range(len(marker_names))
IndexError: list index out of range

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 110, in async_step_zeroconf
    info = await validate_input(self.hass, self.discovery_info)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/ipp/config_flow.py", line 46, in validate_input
    printer = await ipp.printer()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyipp/ipp.py", line 221, in printer
    raise IPPParseError from exc
DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

It's not supported to add to ignore unfortunately

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Can anyone confirm if 108.1 helps prevent these errors?

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

It is not fixed in 0.108.1

I made a temporary work around. I run HA Supervised on a dedicated Ubuntu machine so I have control of the firewall of the host.

Naturally when you enable the firewall nothing works until you poke holes in it. I simply poked a hole as big as having it disabled.

ufw deny out 631 ufw allow http ufw allow https ufw allow from ufw allow from ufw reload

should do the trick for most.

This hack is not a fix. It simply prevents the machine running Home Assistant sending any messages to any machine with port 631. It also means you cannot print from this machine using ipp so it may not be what you want. But it stopped HA from crashing on me when starting. I hope this nasty bug gets fixed in a 0.108.x release

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

Can anyone confirm if 108.1 helps prevent these errors?

I don't see any errors post 0.108.1 in my logs. It also appears to have now detected my Brother printer and the sensors look good for that. I have not turned on my MAC yet to see what happens there (and that was the one throwing a wobbly yesterday with multiple detections.)

OK I just turned the MAC on and immediately a Send to Kindle and Send to Dropbox are detected and all look ok with one device each. (Not that having them makes any sense though lol)

OK upon restart of HA, it has detected a second instance of the Send to Dropbox... (Printopia) There is then an error in the log:

2020-04-10 09:25:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity id already exists - ignoring: sensor.printopia_send_to_dropbox_on_mac. Platform ipp does not generate unique IDs


The one without a device is the new one on reboot but when I open it up there is a device in there.

Hope this helps.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

It is not fixed in 0.108.1

I made a temporary work around. I run HA Supervised on a dedicated Ubuntu machine so I have control of the firewall of the host.

Naturally when you enable the firewall nothing works until you poke holes in it. I simply poked a hole as big as having it disabled.

ufw deny out 631 ufw allow http ufw allow https ufw allow from ufw allow from ufw reload

should do the trick for most.

This hack is not a fix. It simply prevents the machine running Home Assistant sending any messages to any machine with port 631. It also means you cannot print from this machine using ipp so it may not be what you want. But it stopped HA from crashing on me when starting. I hope this nasty bug gets fixed in a 0.108.x release

Just curious, is it inhibiting anything besides the logging? It should just be logging the exception for the purposes of reporting an issue.

I dont think discovery ignore will work cause it uses zeroconf integration but the integration ignore option should work but it is based on the found unique ids (atleast i believe) so that wont help prevent IPP in general.

Im still trying to cover the variations in IPP printers but 108.1 addressed atleast one case of marker issues but it seems that sometimes printers have random values in the markers list but i havent been provided a full dump from a user that encountered to test against yet.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Can anyone confirm if 108.1 helps prevent these errors?

I don't see any errors post 0.108.1 in my logs. It also appears to have now detected my Brother printer and the sensors look good for that. I have not turned on my MAC yet to see what happens there (and that was the one throwing a wobbly yesterday with multiple detections.)

OK I just turned the MAC on and immediately a Send to Kindle and Send to Dropbox are detected and all look ok with one device each. (Not that having them makes any sense though lol)

OK upon restart of HA, it has detected a second instance of the Send to Dropbox... (Printopia) There is then an error in the log:

2020-04-10 09:25:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity id already exists - ignoring: sensor.printopia_send_to_dropbox_on_mac. Platform ipp does not generate unique IDs


The one without a device is the new one on reboot but when I open it up there is a device in there.

Hope this helps.

I didnt even know that printopia existed. I suspect it doesnt provide a UUID which is causing the issue with ignoring already discovered. I wonder if it provides any other values we could use to identify. perhaps we need some kind of IPP config to filter out certain models.

Thanks for the additional info!

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

Just restarted again now and it detected another instance of the dropbox one....

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

Before anyone asks. No it is not fixed in 0.108.2 either.

Some answers. Yes it only causes the error logging. HA starts. But I do not want a polluted error log because it hides other potential issues.

You said “but i havent been provided a full dump from a user that encountered to test against yet.”

What dump? I will gladly provide you with debug info but you have to tell us how to make such a “dump”.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Before anyone asks. No it is not fixed in 0.108.2 either.

Some answers. Yes it only causes the error logging. HA starts. But I do not want a polluted error log because it hides other potential issues.

You said “but i havent been provided a full dump from a user that encountered to test against yet.”

What dump? I will gladly provide you with debug info but you have to tell us how to make such a “dump”.

I have a potential fix in the works that ill try to get into next release. It seems there was a case that my previous markr fixes didnt cover but will.

If you are able to provide a debug dump from your printer by running direct python script, please see https://github.com/ctalkington/python-ipp/blob/master/examples/debug.py (youll want to change the printer address to yours) and open an issue on that repo with your printer make and model plus the bin file that is produced.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Just restarted again now and it detected another instance of the dropbox one....

I'm currently deciding what to do when printer doesnt provide UUID. I think there is way to see the zeroconf data which may contain something to help filter. I will try to come up with something for this case today. Thanks for helping iron this out.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Can you both please run HA with debug logging and provide the zeroconf entries? This will help establish what devices are causing this and if theres any specific fixes needed.


  default: info
    homeassistant.components.zeroconf: debug
    homeassistant.components.ipp: debug
    pyipp: debug
DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago
2020-04-11 09:46:15 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up zeroconf
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': b'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': 'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42515, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'All Speakers', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'All Speakers', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': b'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': 'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42061, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42861, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Living Areas', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Living Areas', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '7444d353-06ac-8f25-dac9-faf9c3d20298.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': b'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': b'4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Office speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': b'1', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': 'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': '4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Office speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': '1', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:15 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '5054cf55-b8be-560b-d23b-f140727a7df6.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': b'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': b'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': 'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': 'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 09:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain zeroconf took 0.4 seconds.
2020-04-11 09:46:16 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'ipp/print', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'25', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'URF': b'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': b'T'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'ipp/print', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '25', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'URF': 'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 09:46:16 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__printer._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 515, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_printer._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'duerqxesz5090', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'50', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'duerqxesz5090', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '50', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}}
2020-04-11 09:47:14 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Starting Zeroconf broadcast
DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

Thing is my mac isn't on... I'll turn it on and restart again

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

OK just updated to 0.108.3, restarted twice, mac on and I deleted every IPP except brother printer before this log and restarted:

2020-04-11 10:02:10 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up zeroconf
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '7444d353-06ac-8f25-dac9-faf9c3d20298.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': b'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': b'4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Office speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': b'1', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': 'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': '4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Office speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': '1', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '5054cf55-b8be-560b-d23b-f140727a7df6.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': b'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': b'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': 'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': 'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': b'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': 'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42515, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'All Speakers', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'All Speakers', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': b'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': 'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42061, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42861, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Living Areas', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Living Areas', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain zeroconf took 0.3 seconds.
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipps._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipps._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipps._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipps._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': b'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': b'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'product': b'(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': b'60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': b'1.2', 'Copies': b'T', 'printer-state': b'3', 'printer-type': b'0x1046'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': 'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': 'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': 'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'product': '(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': '60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': '1.2', 'Copies': 'T', 'printer-state': '3', 'printer-type': '0x1046'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': b'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': b'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'product': b'(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': b'60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': b'1.2', 'Copies': b'T', 'printer-state': b'3', 'printer-type': b'0x1046'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': 'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': 'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': 'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'product': '(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': '60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': '1.2', 'Copies': 'T', 'printer-state': '3', 'printer-type': '0x1046'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:11 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Dropbox on Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Dropbox on Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGRyb3A=', 'UUID': b'476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGRyb3A=', 'UUID': '476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:12 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Evernote @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Evernote @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LHNhcHA=', 'UUID': b'FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LHNhcHA=', 'UUID': 'FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:12 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LHNtYWM=', 'UUID': b'A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LHNtYWM=', 'UUID': 'A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:12 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'T', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,DM1,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/Brother_MFC_9335CDW', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': b'AC164E9A-77AA-4676-B218-9ACA7318E566', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'T', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,DM1,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/Brother_MFC_9335CDW', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': 'AC164E9A-77AA-4676-B218-9ACA7318E566', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:12 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'F'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'F'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:13 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro (2)._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro (2)._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': b'738B429B-60AE-4D5D-B9B4-0245C0E4A15A', 'Copies': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'F'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': '738B429B-60AE-4D5D-B9B4-0245C0E4A15A', 'Copies': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'F'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:13 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'ipp/print', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'25', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'URF': b'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': b'T'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'ipp/print', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '25', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'URF': 'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:02:14 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__printer._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 515, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_printer._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'duerqxesz5090', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'50', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'duerqxesz5090', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '50', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}}
2020-04-11 10:03:16 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Starting Zeroconf broadcast

Note I'm adding all the discovered devices and I'll restart again. image

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

after adding all discovered devices as per above I restarted and here is the log:

2020-04-11 10:09:20 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up zeroconf
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': b'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'a96373438460a25e5b41cda821c59d55', 'cd': 'F018236FEDDCDBF696703D8EDB59D648', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Bedroom Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42515, 'hostname': 'a9637343-8460-a25e-5b41-cda821c59d55.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-5C0AEC54CDB9439BA3FF66DA777A9B00-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': b'5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': b'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'All Speakers', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'cd': '5C0AEC54-CDB9-439B-A3FF-66DA777A9B00', 'rm': 'B7CF142A57406CB1', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'All Speakers', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA6D68FF', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-Mini-e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': b'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': 'e7045fdb8b0faaf798a1c19950c05dcd', 'cd': 'CDE5A914C332FD845ACA72A27A573610', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Mini Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42061, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-1DE2B0A1060749D393BBBC81BCEA75F6-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': b'1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'cd': '1DE2B0A1-0607-49D3-93BB-BC81BCEA75F6', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 42861, 'hostname': 'e7045fdb-8b0f-aaf7-98a1-c19950c05dcd.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Cast-Group-87D0F1322E314B8082DE5050E6AB8BE7-1._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': b'87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': b'3183C68067B978BF', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Cast Group', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Living Areas', 'ca': b'198692', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'cd': '87D0F132-2E31-4B80-82DE-5050E6AB8BE7', 'rm': '3183C68067B978BF', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Cast Group', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Living Areas', 'ca': '198692', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA70CCC5', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '7444d353-06ac-8f25-dac9-faf9c3d20298.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Nest-Mini-7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': b'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': b'4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Office speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': b'1', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '7444d35306ac8f25dac9faf9c3d20298', 'cd': 'CDC7FBA91A3A8C3BE98987470399E608', 'rm': '4E90B33E4DFA2AD4', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Nest Mini', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Office speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA509A28', 'nf': '1', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 8009, 'hostname': '5054cf55-b8be-560b-d23b-f140727a7df6.local.', 'type': '_googlecast._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Google-Home-5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6._googlecast._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'id': b'5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': b'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': b'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': b'05', 'md': b'Google Home', 'ic': b'/setup/icon.png', 'fn': b'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': b'198660', 'st': b'0', 'bs': b'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': b'2', 'rs': b''}, 'id': '5054cf55b8be560bd23bf140727a7df6', 'cd': 'C4DE2851DE45A6DAA428D6213D901948', 'rm': 'E43D4E1A501621E2', 've': '05', 'md': 'Google Home', 'ic': '/setup/icon.png', 'fn': 'Lounge Room Speaker', 'ca': '198660', 'st': '0', 'bs': 'FA8FCA972D06', 'nf': '2', 'rs': ''}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': b'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': b'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'product': b'(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': b'60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': b'1.2', 'Copies': b'T', 'printer-state': b'3', 'printer-type': b'0x1046'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': 'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': 'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': 'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'product': '(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': '60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': '1.2', 'Copies': 'T', 'printer-state': '3', 'printer-type': '0x1046'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:20 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipps._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipps._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipps._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro._ipps._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': b'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': b'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'product': b'(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': b'60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': b'1.2', 'Copies': b'T', 'printer-state': b'3', 'printer-type': b'0x1046'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': 'printers/stkPrinter', 'ty': 'Amazon.com, Inc. Send to Kindle,', 'adminurl': 'https://MacBook-Pro.local.:631/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'product': '(Send to Kindle)', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster', 'UUID': '60411a33-528e-33f5-42dd-3b6e3c66e57d', 'TLS': '1.2', 'Copies': 'T', 'printer-state': '3', 'printer-type': '0x1046'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:21 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain zeroconf took 0.5 seconds.
2020-04-11 10:09:21 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Dropbox on Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Dropbox on Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGRyb3A=', 'UUID': b'476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGRyb3A=', 'UUID': '476C3459-3ED4-4849-9D7A-9A990AB93045', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:21 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Evernote @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Evernote @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LHNhcHA=', 'UUID': b'FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LHNhcHA=', 'UUID': 'FA60DDA6-09ED-4ED3-AB5C-778774644D38', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:21 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Mac @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LHNtYWM=', 'UUID': b'A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LHNtYWM=', 'UUID': 'A474C740-9E1D-48AE-8F1F-E534F00FF675', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:21 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'T', 'URF': b'W8,SRGB24,DM1,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/Brother_MFC_9335CDW', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': b'AC164E9A-77AA-4676-B218-9ACA7318E566', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'T'}, 'Duplex': 'T', 'URF': 'W8,SRGB24,DM1,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/Brother_MFC_9335CDW', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': 'AC164E9A-77AA-4676-B218-9ACA7318E566', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__printer._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 515, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_printer._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._printer._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'duerqxesz5090', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'50', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'duerqxesz5090', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '50', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro @ MacBook Pro._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'F'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'F'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro (2)._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 10631, 'hostname': 'MacBook-Pro.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Send to Kindle @ MacBook Pro (2)._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'Duplex': b'F', 'URF': b'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': b'Printopia Printer', 'note': b'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': b'3', 'adminurl': b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': b'T', 'pdl': b'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': b'1', 'rp': b'/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': b'0', 'txtvers': b'1', 'xyz': b'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': b'738B429B-60AE-4D5D-B9B4-0245C0E4A15A', 'Copies': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'Color': b'F'}, 'Duplex': 'F', 'URF': 'W8,CP255,RS300-600', 'ty': 'Printopia Printer', 'note': 'Printopia @ MacBook Pro', 'printer-state': '3', 'adminurl': 'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631', 'Binary': 'T', 'pdl': 'application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf', 'qtotal': '1', 'rp': '/printers/stkPrinter', 'priority': '0', 'txtvers': '1', 'xyz': 'Mi4xLjE0LGN1cHM=', 'UUID': '738B429B-60AE-4D5D-B9B4-0245C0E4A15A', 'Copies': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'Color': 'F'}}
2020-04-11 10:09:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__ipp._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 631, 'hostname': 'BRN30055CBE28EB.local.', 'type': '_ipp._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW._ipp._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'_raw': {'txtvers': b'1', 'qtotal': b'1', 'pdl': b'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': b'ipp/print', 'note': b'', 'ty': b'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': b'(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': b'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': b'25', 'usb_MFG': b'Brother', 'usb_MDL': b'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': b'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': b'T', 'Copies': b'T', 'Duplex': b'T', 'Scan': b'T', 'PaperCustom': b'T', 'Binary': b'T', 'Transparent': b'T', 'TBCP': b'F', 'URF': b'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': b'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': b'T'}, 'txtvers': '1', 'qtotal': '1', 'pdl': 'application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster', 'rp': 'ipp/print', 'note': '', 'ty': 'Brother MFC-9335CDW', 'product': '(Brother MFC-9335CDW)', 'adminurl': 'http://BRN30055CBE28EB.local./net/net/airprint.html', 'priority': '25', 'usb_MFG': 'Brother', 'usb_MDL': 'MFC-9335CDW', 'usb_CMD': 'PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF', 'Color': 'T', 'Copies': 'T', 'Duplex': 'T', 'Scan': 'T', 'PaperCustom': 'T', 'Binary': 'T', 'Transparent': 'T', 'TBCP': 'F', 'URF': 'SRGB24,W8,CP1,IS1-4,MT1-3-4-5-8-11,OB10,PQ4-5,RS600,DM1', 'UUID': 'e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cbe28eb', 'print_wfds': 'T'}}
2020-04-11 10:10:30 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Starting Zeroconf broadcast
ctalkington commented 4 years ago

@DavidFW1960 thanks for the information. Im debating if the discovery fix was enough because what i suspect is happening now is the unique ids can be set properly from zeroconf but i bet the actual sensor needs to be given a condition to use the config entry id if uuid isnt provided by IPP properties.

Sorry this is taking a bit to iron. Im going to try and mock some tests with your provided zeroconf to help just is a bit of a process

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

No worries Chris. If you need anything more from me just ask. I appreciate your efforts.

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

If you are able to provide a debug dump from your printer by running direct python script, please see https://github.com/ctalkington/python-ipp/blob/master/examples/debug.py (youll want to change the printer address to yours) and open an issue on that repo with your printer make and model plus the bin file that is produced.

This script fails to run. On my host machine as well as inside a ssh to home assistant.

I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyipp'

I do not know python. I tried to run pip3 install pyipp but then I get even more errors.

I do not want to destroy a perfectly running Ubuntu where everything is cleanly installed with apt so I stopped there

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

0.108.3 and problem is still there.

CORRECTION: No it is not there. I had enabled the debug and it produced a flood of text and I did not notice that the error is no longer there. I can now ignore them.

I ran the restart with the debugging. It created a large log. My printer has always presented the same printer in multiple ways but I only have one printer. A brother DCP-7065DN b/w laser printer/scanner/copier


KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

Just to wrap up as edits of posts may not show up in email. 0.108.3 seems to have fixed the problem for me. At least when I just add ignore the two printers I am presented with

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

One of my detected ones I can't ignore.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Understand about python and debuggin its all good.

I believe once my next set of fixes are merged that the ignore issue should be resolved if its the UUID thats missing as im now seetting a fallback unique id based on printer URI so that theres something to ignore (ignore uses unique ids to work).

Can you confirm which printer/zeroconf wasnt working with ignore? I also in the same fix have it so that the naming is using the zeroconf name rather than the hostname for cases like the mac with multiple printers at one address.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

Just to wrap up as edits of posts may not show up in email. 0.108.3 seems to have fixed the problem for me. At least when I just add ignore the two printers I am presented with

@KennethLavrsen did it detect just the shuttlemail ones then? I notice the printer itself doesnt supply a UUID over zeroconf but the shuttlemail ones did. Curious if you maybe ignored the Brother one before so it skipped that?

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

@KennethLavrsen did it detect just the shuttlemail ones then? I notice the printer itself doesnt supply a UUID over zeroconf but the shuttlemail ones did. Curious if you maybe ignored the Brother one before so it skipped that?

It presented two printers. A Brother Printer and an IPP printer. I ignored both. It is normal that I see 2 or 3 versions of the same printer when I print from Linux boxes.

And I just restarted Home Assistant for and now the IPP printer - even if I already ignored it - was discovered again, so now I have one Brother Printer and two IPP printers ignored. I hope this is not going to continue to show up so I get flooded with ignored printers

I tried to delete all three from the ignore list. And when I restart HA I get 3 suggested printers. Two IPPs and One Brother.

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

@KennethLavrsen did it detect just the shuttlemail ones then? I notice the printer itself doesnt supply a UUID over zeroconf but the shuttlemail ones did. Curious if you maybe ignored the Brother one before so it skipped that?

It presented two printers. A Brother Printer and an IPP printer. I ignored both. It is normal that I see 2 or 3 versions of the same printer when I print from Linux boxes.

And I just restarted Home Assistant for and now the IPP printer - even if I already ignored it - was discovered again, so now I have one Brother Printer and two IPP printers ignored. I hope this is not going to continue to show up so I get flooded with ignored printers

I tried to delete all three from the ignore list. And when I restart HA I get 3 suggested printers. Two IPPs and One Brother.

I suspect the two IPP Printers are due to lack of make and model info and falling back to default name. They are likely unique as it did look like you had a few discovered types.

KennethLavrsen commented 4 years ago

I have been digging and can now explain all 3 printers. And all is well. The first is the brother printer itself which is a network printer. The second is the same printer shared on the network by a Linux box called shuttlemail. I have this extra share to present my printer using Avahi so that my IOS devices see it as Apple Airprint devices. The last is the shuttlemail server which out of the box shares a CUPS-PDf printer. Ie a printer which saves pdf files when printed to. I have never used it so I removed it.

So all 3 printers turned out to be valid. I finally decided to add the Brother printers instead of ignoring them. The direct one because it has more information. And the shuttlemail one because then I can see that the server is well.

Just wanted to report back with these details. I am all fine now. No open issues or questions

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

I believe once my next set of fixes are merged that the ignore issue should be resolved if its the UUID thats missing as im now seetting a fallback unique id based on printer URI so that theres something to ignore (ignore uses unique ids to work).

OK... 108.4?

Can you confirm which printer/zeroconf wasnt working with ignore? I also in the same fix have it so that the naming is using the zeroconf name rather than the hostname for cases like the mac with multiple printers at one address.

Give me a few and I'll reenable logging and turn on the MAC and I'll report back

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

hopefully 108.4 pending no issues getting merged

DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

ok turned the MAC on.. it discovered 6 or so printers. I clicked on ignore for all of them except this one that didn't have an ignore option. image Re-enabling logging and restarting: Restarted.. image I will ignore the 2 I can and configure the third one. The one I can't ignore is the same as before image Three IPP now.. image Restarting again... and I have another detected non-ignorable one the same as the previous 2. Nothing remarkable in log... the following is repeated a few times:

2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Bytes: b'Printopia-Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro'
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value: Printopia-Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Parsing Attribute at offset 1053
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Name: printer-icons
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value Offset: 1071
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value Length: 76
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Bytes: b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro/icon.png'
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value: http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro/icon.png
2020-04-13 11:35:38 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.ipp
2020-04-13 11:35:38 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Not adding entity Printopia-Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro Uptime because it's disabled
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Parsing IPP Data
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] IPP Version: (2, 0)
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] IPP Status Code: 0
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Parsing Attribute at offset 9
DavidFW1960 commented 4 years ago

right at the bottom

2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Bytes: b'Printopia-Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro'
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value: Printopia-Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Parsing Attribute at offset 1053
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Name: printer-icons
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value Offset: 1071
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value Length: 76
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Bytes: b'http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro/icon.png'
2020-04-13 11:35:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyipp.parser] Attribute Value: http://MacBook-Pro.local.:10631/printers/Send_to_Kindle_MacBook_Pro/icon.png
2020-04-13 11:35:38 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity id already exists - ignoring: sensor.printopia_send_to_kindle_macbook_pro. Platform ipp does not generate unique IDs
holdestmade commented 4 years ago

Same here with an HP Printer. None of the discovered printers have the ignore option in integrations, just configure. I'm am on 108.3. All discovered as Printer: HP7946BD, but is shown correctly as Photosmart B110 series in intergrations

ctalkington commented 4 years ago

There have been a number of reports here which have greatly helped but makes it hard to keep track. Im going to close this in the belief that things are in a good place now and will get even better hopefully in 108.5.

Feel free to open new issues if you feel something was left unresolved