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Random Segfaults #3453

Closed turbokongen closed 8 years ago

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue.

You should only file an issue if you found a bug. Feature and enhancement requests should go in the Feature Requests section of our community forum:

Home Assistant release (hass --version): 0.29.0dev

Python release (python3 --version): 3.4.4

Component/platform: asyncio

Description of problem: Random segfaults. No pattern.

Expected: Normal operation.

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml entries and steps to reproduce:

  # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
  name: 'Drømmehuset'
  # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
  latitude: !secret latitude
  longitude: !secret longitude
  elevation: 35
  # C for Celcius, F for Fahrenheit
  unit_system: metric
  # Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
  time_zone: Europe/Oslo

# Personligfisering
  customize: !include customize.yaml

# Discover some devices automatically
# discovery:

# Pushbullet notification service
  platform: pushbullet
  api_key: !secret pushbullet_api_key
  name: 'pushmelding'

# Zwave settings
  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  config_path: /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/config
  polling_interval: 30000
  debug: 1
  autoheal: False

# RFXtrx433E settings
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A1Z69C6G-if00-port0
  debug: True

# Enables support for tracking state changes over time.
#  placeholder: true
  purge_days: 14

# Track the sun

# Enables the frontend

# View all events in a logbook

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.zwave: debug
    homeassistant.components.rfxtrx: debug

# Show links to resources in log and frontend

# Allows you to issue voice commands from the frontend

# Checks for available updates
# updater:

# Verisure Hub
 username: !secret verisure_username
 password: !secret verisure_password
 code_digits: 6

# development: 1
 api_password: !secret http_password

# Overvåkere
  - platform: ddwrt
    username: !secret ddwrt_username
    password: !secret ddwrt_password
    consider_home: 36
  - platform: ddwrt
    username: !secret ddwrt_username
    password: !secret ddwrt_password

# Grupper
group: !include group.yaml

#  - platform: demo
# Sensorer
sensor: !include sensor.yaml

# Brytere
switch: !include switches.yaml
# Lysbrytere
light: !include light.yaml
# Thermostats
climate: !include climate.yaml

# Automation
automation: !include automation.yaml

# Automation scripts
script: !include script.yaml
# Mediaspillere
  - platform: cast

# Input_select
input_select: !include input_select.yaml

# Kamera
  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: !secret grillbua_input
    name: Grillbua
    ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: !secret parkering_input
    name: Parkering
    ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: !secret terrasse_input
    name: Terrasse
    ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  - platform: local_file
    name: 'Dørklokke'
    file_path: /home/hasss/.homeassistant/ringeklokke.jpeg
  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: !secret garasje_input
    name: Garasjen
# Cover
#  - platform: demo

# Panels
#  ozwcp:
#    title: 'Zwave Control Panel'
#    icon: 'mdi:router-wireless'
  - platform: heat_control
    name: 'Gulvvarme bad 1.etg test'
    heater: switch.aeotec_dsc18103_micro_smart_switch_2nd_edition_switch_2
    target_sensor: sensor.gulvtemp_bad_1etg
    min_temp: 20
    max_temp: 33
    target_temp: 28.5
  1. No action needed to replicate.

Traceback (if applicable): http://hastebin.com/donuvejugu.pas http://hastebin.com/ulicipebes.pas http://hastebin.com/salopofaya.pas http://hastebin.com/idereremil.pas http://hastebin.com/jivipugibe.pas http://hastebin.com/ixadobikul.pas http://hastebin.com/qalozikawe.pas http://hastebin.com/reduwuvewi.pas

Additional info: Components and platforms: device_tracker: ddwrt notify: pushbullet zwave: climate, switch, sensor, binary_sensor rfxtrx: switch, light, sensor verisure: alarm, sensor, switch, lock media_player: cast camera: ffmpeg thermostat: heat_control climate: generic_thermostat switch: rfxtrx, zwave, command_line, template light: rfxtrx sensor: rfxtrx, template, command_line, systemmonitor, yr Automations and scripts as well.

OS: ubuntu 16.04 64bit

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

I've been hitting a random segfault as well starting yesterday on dev.

Some tips I've seen for debugging:

To help debug async, you can add this under line 115 in core.py self.loop.set_debug(True) from gitter

And also using gdb:

if you can run with gdb, the exact cause can be determined, https://wiki.python.org/moin/DebuggingWithGdb you can attach to the running process and wait for it to segfault, or run hass with gdb and wait for it pull info on the threads, py-bt gets a python stack-trace you'll need to run the command from a terminal so that when it stops, you can interact with it (not a system-started script) from gitter

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Initial output with gdb running: http://hastebin.com/uvegobuweg.pl bt: http://hastebin.com/zigemufaya.swift info threads: http://hastebin.com/vecacuhira.sql

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Recent crash from tonight with faulthandler: http://hastebin.com/qozubivewa.vbs

balloob commented 8 years ago

There are 47 threads running. Highlighted some things from the log that could be it. If we could get a log from another user we could compare.

16 callbacks are waiting for the eventloop (searched for run_callback_threadsafe

After the segfault, the output from ping is printed to the command line, means that a command line sensor was running.

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/subprocess.py", line 491 in _eintr_retry_call
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/subprocess.py", line 1520 in _try_wait

The recorder is writing a query:

File "/home/hasss/.homeassistant/deps/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 450 in do_execute

Verisure was updating your lock (search for verisure/devices/lock.py)

RFXtrx is reading from the serial connection (search for serial/serialposix.py)

If possible, could you turn one of the following off 1 by 1 to see if it stops the segfaulting: command line switch, rfxtrx, recorder, verisure

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

Here's my config, but it doesn't look like we have much in the way of component overlap:

homeassistant: !include homeassistant.yaml

zone: !include zone.yaml

group: !include groups.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

http: !include http.yaml

mqtt: !include mqtt.yaml

device_tracker: !include device_trackers.yaml
sensor onlinedness: !include sensor-onlinedness.yaml

switch harmony hub: !include harmony-switches.yaml
switch template: !include template_switches.yaml

sensor forecast: !include forecast.yaml 
sensor speedtest: !include speedtest.yaml

notify slack: !include notify-slack.yaml

light hue: !include hue.yaml
ecobee: !include ecobee.yaml
sleepiq: !include sleepiq.yaml
#zwave: !include zwave.yaml
input_boolean: !include input_booleans.yaml
emulated_hue: !include emulated_hue.yaml
vera: !include vera.yaml

script: !include_dir_named scripts
automation: !include_dir_merge_list automations

Home Assistant release (hass --version): 0.29.0dev

Python release (python3 --version): 3.4.2

Running on a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspberian Jessie.

I didn't see any segfaults yesterday, but I have hass running under gdb now

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Crash from this night. Took longer this time. Now I have disabled all commandlne stuff including systemmonitor. http://hastebin.com/toxerobunu.vbs next disabling template sensors

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

It's now been running without problems for a day and a half. I think I will reenable the commandline stuff, and see what happens.

balloob commented 8 years ago

If commandline stuff is to blame, we should port it over to use async stuff https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-subprocess.html

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Two things were disabled. First Without command line stuff == crash Disabeld template stuff, running fine. Now I have enabled commandline stuff, and will report back ;)

lwis commented 8 years ago

Looks like I'm in the same boat, dmesg is showing me;

[91069.635106] python[6012]: segfault at 10 ip 00007fec2e6f52d0 sp 00007fec2822dd20 error 4 in libpython3.5m.so.1.0[7fec2e556000+47c000]
[94613.108242] python[331]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f05660fb2d0 sp 00007f05603750d0 error 4 in libpython3.5m.so.1.0[7f0565f5c000+47c000]
[179867.340974] python[26568]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f9fa35732d0 sp 00007f9f9dd59e90 error 4 in libpython3.5m.so.1.0[7f9fa33d4000+47c000]

Closing #3484 as it's a dupe.

Danielhiversen commented 8 years ago

@lwis : Which components are you using?

lwis commented 8 years ago


mqtt notify logbook frontend updater sun history ifttt influxdb emulated_hue netgear owntracks kodi braviatv sonos samsungtv cast proximity fastdotcom command_line forecast time_date google_travel_time shell_command zones

Think I got all the components + platforms.

Danielhiversen commented 8 years ago

@lwis : Could you try to disable the command_line component?

lwis commented 8 years ago

@Danielhiversen sure, what's the thought behind why that would cause a segfault?

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

No need to disable command line. It sems to be traced to any template stuff.

lwis commented 8 years ago

Running gdb -ex r --args python -m homeassistant --config /config now.

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Got a new somewhat different traceback: http://hastebin.com/ilepedefad.vbs

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

Finally caught one in the act: https://gist.github.com/technicalpickles/23e097e213fcd4beb2c83c0e8cf7e06b

It's at a gdb prompt. Anything I should grab while I have it? I tried py-bt but gdb said the command wasn't found.

bbangert commented 8 years ago

If anyone with a segfault using the latest dev could pip install uvloop and restart HASS, let me know if the segfaults go away.

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago
$ pip install uvloop
Collecting uvloop
  Using cached uvloop-0.5.3.tar.gz
    Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-build-uyo_w28w/uvloop/setup.py", line 11, in <module>
        raise RuntimeError('uvloop requires Python 3.5 or greater')
    RuntimeError: uvloop requires Python 3.5 or greater

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-uyo_w28w/uvloop/

@bbangert it looks like uvloop requires python 3.5. As far as I can tell, there isn't a Raspberian Jessie package for it. I can build from source to test, but wouldn't requiring it be a pretty significant change?

bbangert commented 8 years ago

@technicalpickles awwww, bummer. Yes, its not feasible to require it since it'd up the required python too far.

balloob commented 8 years ago

@technicalpickles we wouldn't make it mandatory but it will help to be able to narrow down the seg faults to the default event loop implementation.

lwis commented 8 years ago

@bbangert @balloob I use uvloop and still experience the segfaults.

balloob commented 8 years ago

Time to get a better overview of the segfault data thus far:

Architecture OS Python Loop User templates? Command Line
AMD64 Ubuntu 16.04 3.4.4 Default (Epoll?) @turbokongen V V
AMD64 Ubuntu 16.04 3.5.2 uvloop @turbokongen V V
AMD64 - Docker Alpine 3.5.2 Default (Epoll?) @lwis V V
AMD64 - Docker Alpine 3.5.2 uvloop @lwis V V
RPi (?) Raspbian Jessie 3.4.2 (?) Default (Epoll?) @technicalpickles V V
lwis commented 8 years ago

I can uninstall uvloop if required.

I'm running an Alpine Docker image on Ubuntu 16.04, also using an amd64 machine.

bbangert commented 8 years ago

Everyone with a segfault is using a component with the template platform? And disabling the template platform config bits makes the segfaults go away?

lwis commented 8 years ago

I've not tried disabling my template configuration, but I'm happy to branch my config to test.

On Sat, 24 Sep 2016, 7:01 am Ben Bangert, notifications@github.com wrote:

Everyone with a segfault is using a component with the template platform? And disabling the template platform config bits makes the segfaults go away?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/3453#issuecomment-249347640, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AA1TOwyw-Ei_vkpkbQPA7xz-tscATfMKks5qtLybgaJpZM4KAlqc .

balloob commented 8 years ago

For people experiencing this problem, try the following three things:

  1. Remove any use of templates and see if it crashes
  2. Enable template sensors again but add import jinja2.debug to the top ofhelpers/template.py`
  3. Remove the import and add a lock around ENV.from_string(…):
import threading
lock = threading.Lock()

def render(…):
    with lock:
            return ENV.from_string(…)
lwis commented 8 years ago

@balloob when you say template sensors, do you mean sensor.template ? As I don't use any, I do however use templates in other places, such a value_template in sensors.

balloob commented 8 years ago

You're right. I meant to say anything that uses templates.

lwis commented 8 years ago

@balloob starting now, didn't realise how much I used templates!

lwis commented 8 years ago

I didn't experience any crashes running without the templates, but I didn't feel that it was exercising much functionality - most of my setup uses templates so what I ended up with was quite minimal. I've been running for ~3 hours now with import jinja2.debug, and I'm yet to see any instability, I will however keep this post updated.

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Crash with jinja2.debug import : http://hastebin.com/tekuxudeja.vbs

lwis commented 8 years ago

Just had a segfault also, switching to a locked render.

lwis commented 8 years ago

I just got (running with the template render lock);

During startup program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
(gdb) bt
No stack.

Not sure what went wrong.

bbangert commented 8 years ago

It segfaults everytime on startup?

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

@bbangert I've seen every startup when running with gdb. Doing continue seems to startup as expected after that.

pvizeli commented 8 years ago

I can make a new template system based on http://www.joonis.de/de/code/templite

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

Most recent dev, I'm no longer seeing segfaults, but I do get this sigabrt pretty quickly after starting release_the_kraken.py:

16-09-25 23:00:01 INFO (CP Server Thread-15) [homeassistant.components.http] Serving /api/states/kraken.test to (auth: True)
16-09-25 23:00:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=kraken.test, new_state=<state kraken.test=Run 249 @ 2016-09-25T23:00:01.545632-04:00>, old_state=<state kraken.test=Run 250 @ 2016-09-25T23:00:01.214649-04:00>>
16-09-25 23:00:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=kraken.test, new_state=<state kraken.test=Run 275 @ 2016-09-25T23:00:01.598311-04:00>, old_state=<state kraken.test=Run 249 @ 2016-09-25T23:00:01.545632-04:00>>
python3: ../Modules/gcmodule.c:364: update_refs: Assertion `((gc)->gc.gc_refs >> (1)) != 0' failed.

I've run this with gdb, but it ends up continueing each thread, so I haven't been able to grab py-bt.

lwis commented 8 years ago

Sadly I experienced 2 segfaults overnight with the fix :(

balloob commented 8 years ago

Potentially related: https://bugs.python.org/issue26617

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

I have still no segfaults after last nights kraken attacks. Running fine here. I swithced back to Python 3.4.4 though, and there I don't have uvloop. and #3515 applied

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

For anyone running into this, https://gist.github.com/balloob/c364470d17c01615b763dd1772791d43 can be used to stress test it.

persandstrom commented 8 years ago

I still get segfault as well

        PID: 1252 (python)
           UID: 1001 (per)
           GID: 1001 (per)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Mon 2016-09-26 00:12:31 UTC (19h ago)
  Command Line: python -m homeassistant --daemon
    Executable: /usr/bin/python3.5
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1001.slice/session-c3.scope
          Unit: session-c3.scope
         Slice: user-1001.slice
       Session: c3
     Owner UID: 1001 (per)
       Boot ID: 6447cfbb8a0c4b5d8cf2ac3a643f6d94
    Machine ID: 529280e30d1a42a2b88e3074fb0b13f8
      Hostname: alarmpi
      Coredump: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.python.1001.6447cfbb8a0c4b5d8cf2ac3a643f6d94.1252.1474848751000000.lz4
       Message: Process 1252 (python) of user 1001 dumped core.

(sorry about close and comment 😳)

jn80842 commented 8 years ago

I was also getting fairly consistent segfaults with Python 3.6, but have not seen one since downgrading to Python 3.4.

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

I split out https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/3538 for the SIGABRT I was seeing. I tried upgrading to python 3.5.2 just in case, and kraken passed after 12000 iterations, but I left it running with my full config and got another segfault. Trying to get a proper bt, but I installed with pyenv and I'm not sure how to get a debug build with that yet.

balloob commented 8 years ago

@lwis got a repo going with two Dockers: https://github.com/lwis/test-kraken-hass

To repro it on my Mac:

def job(i):
        remote.set_state(api, 'sensor.test_sensor_1', 'Run {}'.format(i))
        remote.set_state(api, 'sensor.test_sensor_2', 'Run {}'.format(i))
    except Exception:

Kraken starts running after 20 seconds. I got a repro 50% of the time.

We should create a debug script based on this StackOverflow answer to debug things with docker-compose: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30381410/debugging-linked-docker-containers-when-using-docker-compose/34322396#34322396

balloob commented 8 years ago

Looks like my catching of an exception doesn't work, prepare for a lot of output from Kraken while it tries but fails to finish the rest of its jobs.

turbokongen commented 8 years ago

Looks like there has been some confusing information in the chat on what happened to my install, so I'll clarify: After applying #3515 to my install on python 3.4.4 without uvloop it ran completely without problems for 24 hours. That was after 5 (50 000) kraken script attack that evening. Yesterday night I rebased of dev again, and It's still been running fine. Still no segfaults.

joyrider3774 commented 8 years ago

guys using this modified version of the kraken.py sensor here https://gist.github.com/joyrider3774/fe8816f8377a19393408ac5512db132c i can make python3.exe crash on windows. I only added the sensor to my existing config with 50 tentacles. so it seems windows is affected as well ? the reason i modified the kraken.py sensor is because it uses the date command specific to linux so i just replaced the seconds with a random float value. The crashes happen in less than a minute my python version is :Python 3.4.3 using the 32 bit executables on a 64 bit windows 10