Closed wesleygas closed 4 years ago
bmp280 documentation bmp280 source (message by IssueLinks)
Hey there @belidzs, mind taking a look at this issue as its been labeled with an integration (bmp280
) you are listed as a codeowner for? Thanks!
(message by CodeOwnersMention)
@wesleygas can you provide the relevant error logs? I'm using the same integration on 0.115.2 and I have no problems with it.
Sure! At first I didn't get anything in the logs, but then I remembered to lower the logger's default level... Silly me. I updated the first post.
It seems like there's a problem with one of the dependencies of this library.
Could you post the complete list of installed pip modules of the environment home assistant is using? Execute pip list -l
inside home assistant's python environment to get it.
Also after you've obtained and posted the original list of modules you can try to upgrade Adafruit-Blinka
and Adafruit-PlatformDetect
to the latest version to fix the issue.
pip install Adafruit-Blinka Adafruit-PlatformDetect --upgrade
It seems like there were some code refactoring performed which may have caused this issue if these two libraries were not upgraded at the same time.
The cause of this issue seems similar to
Package Version Location
-------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------
abodepy 1.1.0
accuweather 0.0.11
acme 1.8.0
Adafruit-Blinka 3.9.0
adafruit-circuitpython-bmp280 3.1.1
adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice 5.0.1
adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx 2.2.2
Adafruit-DHT 1.4.0
Adafruit-GPIO 1.0.3
Adafruit-PCA9685 1.0.1
Adafruit-PlatformDetect 2.17.0
Adafruit-PureIO 1.1.5
Adafruit-SHT31 1.0.2
adal 1.2.4
adb-shell 0.2.1
adext 0.3
adguardhome 0.4.2
aenum 2.2.4
afsapi 0.0.4
agent-py 0.0.23
aio-geojson-client 0.13
aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes 0.12
aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano 0.5
aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents 0.3
aio-georss-client 0.5
aio-georss-gdacs 0.3
aioambient 1.2.1
aioasuswrt 1.2.8
aioazuredevops 1.3.5
aiobotocore 0.11.1
aiocache 0.11.1
aiocoap 0.4b3
aiodns 2.0.0
aioeafm 0.1.2
aioesphomeapi 2.6.3
aiofiles 0.5.0
aioflo 0.4.1
aiofreepybox 0.0.8
aioftp 0.12.0
aiogithubapi 2.0.0
aioguardian 1.0.1
aioharmony 0.2.6
aiohomekit 0.2.53
aiohttp 3.6.2
aiohttp-cors 0.7.0
aiohue 2.1.0
aioimaplib 0.7.15
aiokafka 0.6.0
aiokef 0.2.13
aiolifx 0.6.7
aiolifx-effects 0.2.2
aionotify 0.2.0
aionotion 1.1.0
aionursery 0.3.0
aiopulse 0.4.0
aiopvapi 1.6.14
aiopvpc 2.0.2
aiopylgtv 0.3.3
aioshelly 0.3.3
aioswitcher 1.2.1
aiounifi 23
aioymaps 1.1.0
airly 1.0.0
alabaster 0.7.12
aladdin-connect 0.3
alarmdecoder 1.13.2
alpha-vantage 2.2.0
Ambiclimate 0.2.1
amcrest 1.7.0
android-backup 0.2.0
androidtv 0.0.50
anel-pwrctrl-homeassistant 0.0.1.dev2
anthemav 1.1.10
apcaccess 0.0.13
apns2 0.3.0
appdirs 1.4.4
apprise 0.8.8
aprslib 0.6.46
aqualogic 1.0
arcam-fmj 0.5.3
argcomplete 1.12.1
argh 0.26.2
arris-tg2492lg 1.0.0
arrow 0.16.0
asmog 0.0.6
asterisk-mbox 0.5.0
astral 1.10.1
astroid 2.4.2
async-generator 1.10
async-timeout 3.0.1
async-upnp-client 0.14.13
asynccmd 0.2.4
asyncio 3.4.3
asyncio-dgram 1.1.1
asyncpysupla 0.0.5
asyncssh 2.3.0
atenpdu 0.3.0
atomicwrites 1.4.0
attrs 19.3.0
aurorapy 0.2.6
av 8.0.2
avri-api 0.1.7
axis 37
azure-common 1.1.25
azure-core 1.8.1
azure-eventhub 5.1.0
azure-servicebus 0.50.1
Babel 2.8.0
backoff 1.10.0
base36 0.1.1
basicmodem 0.7
batinfo 0.4.2
bcrypt 3.1.7
beautifulsoup4 4.9.1
bellows 0.20.2
bimmer-connected 0.7.7
bitstring 3.1.7
bizkaibus 0.1.1
blebox-uniapi 1.3.2
blinkpy 0.16.3
BlinkStick 1.1.8
blockchain 1.4.4
bluepy 1.3.0
blurhash 1.1.4
bomradarloop 0.1.5
bond-api 0.1.8
boto3 1.9.252
botocore 1.13.14
bravia-tv 1.0.6
broadlink 0.14.1
brother 0.1.17
brotlipy 0.7.0
brottsplatskartan 0.0.1
brunt 0.1.3
bs4 0.0.1
bsblan 0.3.7
bt-proximity 0.2
bthomehub5-devicelist 0.1.1
btlewrap 0.0.10
btsmarthub-devicelist 0.2.0
buienradar 1.0.4
cached-property 1.5.2
cachetools 2.0.1
caldav 0.6.1
casttube 0.2.1
cattrs 1.0.0
cbor2 5.1.2
cchardet 2.1.6
certifi 2020.6.20
cffi 1.14.2
chardet 3.0.4
circuit-webhook 1.0.1
ciscomobilityexpress 0.3.3
ciso8601 2.1.3
class-registry 2.1.2
clearpasspy 1.0.2
click 7.1.2
click-datetime 0.2
click-log 0.2.0
click-plugins 1.1.1
clx-sdk-xms 1.0.0
CO2Signal 0.4.2
coinbase 2.1.0
coinmarketcap 5.0.3
colorama 0.4.3
coloredlogs 10.0
colorlog 4.2.1
colorzero 1.1
concord232 0.15
ConfigArgParse 0.11.0
connect-box 0.2.8
construct 2.9.45
convertdate 2.2.2
coronavirus 1.1.1
coverage 5.3
crc16 0.1.1
crccheck 1.0
crcmod 1.7
crimereports 1.0.1
croniter 0.3.34
cryptography 2.9.2
curve25519-donna 1.3
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.29.21
datadog 0.15.0
datapoint 0.9.5
dateparser 0.7.6
DateTime 4.3
debugpy 1.0.0rc2
decorator 4.4.2
deepmerge 0.1.0
defusedxml 0.6.0
deluge-client 1.7.1
demjson 2.2.4
denonavr 0.9.4
Deprecated 1.2.10
devolo-home-control-api 0.13.0
dicttoxml 1.7.4
directv 0.3.0
discogs-client 2.3.0 1.4.1
distro 1.5.0
dlipower 0.7.165
dnspython 1.15.0
dnspython3 1.15.0
docopt 0.6.2
docutils 0.15.2
DoorBirdPy 2.1.0
dovado 0.4.1
dsmr-parser 0.18
DTLSSocket 0.1.10
dwdwfsapi 1.0.2
dweepy 0.3.0
dynalite-devices 0.1.46
eagle200-reader 0.2.4
ebusdpy 0.0.16
ecdsa 0.14.1
ecoaliface 0.4.0
ed25519 1.5
eebrightbox 0.0.4
elgato 0.2.0
eliqonline 1.2.2
elkm1-lib 0.7.19
emoji 0.5.4
emulated-roku 0.2.1
enocean 0.50.0
enturclient 0.2.1
enum-compat 0.0.3
envoy-reader 0.16.1
envs 1.3
epson-projector 0.1.3
epsonprinter 0.0.9
eternalegypt 0.0.12
evohome-async 0.3.5.post1
extras 1.0.0
fake-useragent 0.1.11
fastdotcom 0.0.3
feedparser-homeassistant 5.2.2.dev1
fiblary3 0.1.7
filters 1.3.2
fints 1.0.1
fitbit 0.3.1
fixerio 1.0.0a0
fixtures 3.0.0
Flask 1.1.2
flux-led 0.22
fnvhash 0.1.0
foobot-async 0.3.2
fortiosapi 0.10.8
freesms 0.1.2
fritzconnection 1.2.0
future 0.18.2
garminconnect 0.1.13
gcloud 0.18.3
geizhals 0.0.9
geniushub-client 0.6.30
geographiclib 1.50
geojson 2.5.0
geojson-client 0.4
geopy 1.21.0
georss-client 0.10
georss-generic-client 0.3
georss-ign-sismologia-client 0.2
georss-qld-bushfire-alert-client 0.3
get-mac 0.8.2
getmac 0.8.2
gios 0.1.4
gitdb 4.0.5
GitPython 0.3.6
gitterpy 0.1.7
glances-api 0.2.0
gntp 1.0.3
gogogate2-api 2.0.3
google-api-core 1.22.2
google-api-python-client 1.6.4
google-auth 1.22.0
google-cloud-pubsub 0.39.1
google-cloud-texttospeech 0.4.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0
googlemaps 2.5.1
goslide-api 0.5.1
gpiozero 1.5.1
gps3 0.33.3
graphql-subscription-manager 0.3.6
greeneye-monitor 2.0
greenwavereality 0.5.1
griddypower 0.1.0
growattServer 0.1.1
grpc-google-iam-v1 0.11.4
grpcio 1.31.0
gstreamer-player 1.1.2
gTTS-token 1.1.3
h11 0.9.0
h2 2.6.2
ha-ffmpeg 2.0
ha-philipsjs 0.0.8
habitipy 0.2.0
hacs-frontend 202009091732
hangups 0.4.11
HAP-python 3.0.0
hass-nabucasa 0.37.0
haversine 2.3.0
hbmqtt 0.9.6
hdate 0.9.5
heatmiserV3 1.1.18
herepy 2.0.0
hikvision 0.4
hkavr 0.0.5
hlk-sw16 0.0.9
hole 0.5.1
holidays 0.10.3
home-assistant-frontend 20200918.2
homeassistant 0.115.6 /usr/src/homeassistant
homeassistant-pyozw 0.1.10
homeconnect 0.5
homematicip 0.11.0
horimote 0.4.1
hpack 3.0.0
html-table-parser-python3 0.1.5
httmock 1.3.0
http-ece 1.1.0
http3 0.6.7
httpcore 0.11.1
httplib2 0.18.1
httpsig 1.3.0
httpx 0.15.4
huawei-lte-api 1.4.12
humanfriendly 8.2
Hydrawiser 0.2
hyper 0.7.0
hyperframe 3.2.0
iammeter 0.1.7
iaqualink 0.3.4
ibm-cloud-sdk-core 1.0.0
ibm-watson 4.0.1
ibmiotf 0.3.4
icmplib 1.1.3
idna 2.10
ifaddr 0.1.7
iglo 1.2.7
ihcsdk 2.7.0
imagesize 1.2.0
importlib-metadata 1.7.0
incomfort-client 0.4.0
inflection 0.5.1
influxdb 5.2.3
influxdb-client 1.8.0
iniconfig 1.0.1
intelhex 2.2.1
iperf3 0.1.11
iso8601 0.1.13
isodate 0.6.0
isort 5.5.3
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jeepney 0.4.3
Jinja2 2.11.2
jmespath 0.10.0
josepy 1.4.0
Js2Py 0.70
jsonpatch 1.26
jsonpath 0.82
jsonpickle 1.4.1
jsonpointer 2.0
jsonrpc-async 1.1.1
jsonrpc-base 1.1.0
jsonrpc-websocket 1.2.1
justbackoff 0.6.0
jws 0.1.3
kafka-python 2.0.2
kaiterra-async-client 0.0.2
keba-kecontact 1.1.0
keyring 21.2.0
keyrings.alt 3.4.0
kiwiki-client 0.1.1
kiwisolver 1.2.0
konnected 1.2.0
korean-lunar-calendar 0.2.1
lakeside 0.12
lazy-object-proxy 1.4.3
libpurecool 0.6.3
libpyfoscam 1.0
libpyvivotek 0.4.0
librouteros 3.0.0
libsoundtouch 0.8.0
life360 4.1.1
liffylights 0.9.4
lightwave 0.18
limitlessled 1.1.3
linecache2 1.0.0
linode-api 4.1.9b1
lmnotify 0.0.4
locationsharinglib 4.1.0
logi-circle 0.2.2
lomond 0.3.3
london-tube-status 0.2
luftdaten 0.6.4
lupupy 0.0.18
lw12 0.9.2
lxml 4.5.2
lyft-rides 0.2
magicseaweed 1.0.3
Markdown 3.2.2
MarkupSafe 1.1.1 1.5.1
matplotlib 3.3.2
matrix-client 0.3.2
maxcube-api 0.1.0
mbddns 0.1.2
mccabe 0.6.1
mcstatus 2.3.0
MechanicalSoup 0.6.0
messagebird 1.2.0
metar 1.7.0
meteoalertapi 0.1.6
meteofrance-api 0.1.1
mficlient 0.3.0
miflora 0.7.0
millheater 0.3.4
minio 4.0.9
mitemp-bt 0.0.3
mock 4.0.2
msgpack 0.6.2
msrest 0.6.19
msrestazure 0.6.4
mt-940 4.23.0
multidict 4.7.6
mutagen 1.45.1
mychevy 2.0.1
mycroftapi 2.0
mysqlclient 2.0.1
n26 0.2.7
nad-receiver 0.0.12
natsort 7.0.1
nclib 1.0.0
ndms2-client 0.0.11
nessclient 0.9.15
netaddr 0.8.0
netdata 0.2.0
netdisco 2.8.2
netifaces 0.10.9
neurio 0.3.1
nexia 0.9.4
nextcloudmonitor 1.1.0
niko-home-control 0.2.1
niluclient 0.1.2
noaa-coops 0.1.8
notify-events 1.0.4
nsapi 3.0.4
nsw-fuel-api-client 1.0.10
nuheat 0.3.0
numato-gpio 0.8.0
numpy 1.19.1
oasatelematics 0.3
oauth2client 4.0.0
oauthlib 3.1.0
oemthermostat 1.1
onkyo-eiscp 1.2.7
onvif-zeep-async 0.5.0
open-garage 0.1.4
openerz-api 0.1.0
openevsewifi 1.1.0
openhomedevice 0.7.2
opensensemap-api 0.1.5
openwebifpy 3.1.1
openwrt-luci-rpc 1.1.6
OPi.GPIO 0.4.0
oru 0.1.11
orvibo 1.1.1
ovoenergy 1.1.7
oyaml 1.0
packaging 20.4
paho-mqtt 1.5.0
panacotta 0.1
panasonic-viera 0.3.6
pandas 1.1.2
paramiko 2.7.2
passlib 1.7.2
pathlib 1.0.1
pathtools 0.1.2
pbr 5.5.0
pcal9535a 0.7
pdunehd 1.3.2
pencompy 0.0.3
pexpect 4.6.0
pi4ioe5v9xxxx 0.0.2
pifacecommon 4.2.2
pifacedigitalio 3.0.5
piglow 1.2.4
pigpio 1.35
pilight 0.1.1
Pillow 7.2.0
pip 20.2.3
pizzapi 0.0.3
PlexAPI 4.1.0
plexauth 0.0.5
plexwebsocket 0.0.11
pluggy 0.13.1
Plugwise-Smile 1.5.1
plumbum 1.6.9
plumlightpad 0.0.11
ply 3.11
pmsensor 0.4
pocketcasts 0.1
poolsense 0.0.8
pprintpp 0.4.0
praw 7.1.0
prawcore 1.5.0
prayer-times-calculator 0.0.3
prettytable 0.7.2
ProgettiHWSW 0.1.1
proliphix 0.4.1
prometheus-client 0.7.1
protobuf 3.13.0
proxmoxer 1.1.1
psutil 5.7.2
psycopg2 2.8.6
ptvsd 4.3.2
ptyprocess 0.6.0
pubnub 4.5.4
pubnubsub-handler 1.0.8
pulsectl 20.2.4
pure-pcapy3 1.0.1
pure-python-adb 0.3.0.dev0 0.11.0
pushover-complete 1.1.1
pwmled 1.5.0
py 1.9.0
py-august 0.25.0
py-canary 0.5.0
py-cpuinfo 7.0.0
py-melissa-climate 2.1.4
py-nextbusnext 0.1.4
py-nightscout 1.2.1
py-schluter 0.1.7
py-synology 0.2.0
py-vapid 1.7.1
py17track 2.2.2
pyads 3.2.2
pyaehw4a1 0.3.9
pyaftership 0.1.2
pyairvisual 4.4.0
pyalmond 0.0.2
pyarlo 0.2.3
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pyatmo 4.0.0
pyAtome 0.1.1
pyatv 0.3.13
pybbox 0.0.5a0
pyblackbird 0.5
PyBluez 0.22
pybotvac 0.0.17
pycares 3.1.1
pycarwings2 2.9
pycfdns 0.0.1
pychannels 1.0.0
PyChromecast 7.5.0
pycmus 0.1.1
pycocotools 2.0.1
pycognito 0.1.4
pycomfoconnect 0.3
pyControl4 0.0.6
pycoolmasternet-async 0.1.2
pycountry 19.8.18
pycountry-convert 0.7.2
pycparser 2.20
pycryptodome 3.9.8
pycryptodomex 3.9.8
pycsspeechtts 1.0.3
pydaikin 2.3.1
pydanfossair 0.1.0
pydeconz 73
pydelijn 0.6.1
pydexcom 0.2.0
PyDispatcher 2.0.5
pydoods 1.0.2
pydroid-ipcam 0.8
pyebox 1.1.4
pyeconet 0.0.11
pyedimax 0.2.1
pyEight 0.1.4
pyEmby 1.6
pyenvisalink 4.0
pyephember 0.3.1
PyEssent 0.13
pyeverlights 0.1.0
pyfido 2.1.1
pyflexit 0.3
pyflic-homeassistant 0.4.dev0
PyFlick 0.0.2
PyFlume 0.5.5
pyflunearyou 1.0.7
pyfnip 0.2
pyforked-daapd 0.1.10
pyfritzhome 0.4.2
PyFronius 0.4.6
pyftdi 0.52.0
pyfttt 0.3
PyFunctional 1.3.0
pygatt 4.0.5
PyGithub 1.43.8
Pygments 2.7.1
pygtfs 0.1.5
pygti 0.6.0
pyhaversion 3.4.2
pyheos 0.6.0
pyHik 0.2.7
pyhomematic 0.1.68
pyhomeworks 0.0.6
pyialarm 0.3
pyicloud 0.9.7
pyinsteon 1.0.8
pyintesishome 1.7.5
pyipma 2.0.5
pyipp 0.11.0
pyiqvia 0.2.1
pyirishrail 0.0.2
pyiss 1.0.1
pyisy 2.0.2
pyitachip2ir 0.0.7
pyjsparser 2.7.1
PyJWT 1.7.1
pykira 0.1.1
pykodi 0.2.0
pykwb 0.0.8
pylacrosse 0.4
pylast 3.3.0
pylaunches 0.2.0
pylgnetcast-homeassistant 0.2.0.dev0
pylibrespot-java 0.1.0
pylint 2.6.0
pylitejet 0.1.0
pyloopenergy 0.2.1
pylutron 0.2.5
pylutron-caseta 0.6.1
pymailgunner 1.4
PyMata 2.20
pymata-express 1.13
PyMeeus 0.3.7
pymelcloud 2.5.2
PyMetno 0.8.1
pymfy 0.9.0
pymitv 1.4.3
pymochad 0.2.0
pymodbus 2.3.0
pymonoprice 0.3
pymsteams 0.1.12
pymusiccast 0.1.6
PyMVGLive 1.1.4
pymyq 2.0.5
pymysensors 0.18.0
PyNaCl 1.3.0
pynanoleaf 0.0.5
pynello 2.0.2
pynetgear 0.6.1
pynuki 1.3.8
pynut2 2.1.2
pynws 1.2.1
pynx584 0.5
pynzbgetapi 0.2.0
pyobihai 1.2.3
pyodbc 4.0.30
pyombi 0.1.10
pyOpenSSL 19.1.0
pyopenuv 1.0.9
pyopnsense 0.2.0
pyoppleio 1.0.5
PyOTA 2.0.5
pyotgw 0.6b1
pyotp 2.3.0
pyowm 2.10.0
pyownet 0.10.0.post1
pyparsing 2.4.7
pypca 0.0.7
pypck 0.6.4
pypi-publisher 0.0.4
pypjlink2 1.2.1
pypoint 1.1.2
pyps4-2ndscreen 1.1.1
Pypubsub 4.0.3
PyQRCode 1.2.1
pyqvrpro 0.52
pyqwikswitch 0.93
pyrail 0.0.3
pyrainbird 0.4.2
Pyrebase4 4.4.0
pyrecswitch 1.0.2
pyrepetier 3.0.5
pyRFC3339 1.1
pyRFXtrx 0.25.0
pyrisco 0.3.1
PyRMVtransport 0.2.9
pysabnzbd 1.1.0
pysaj 0.0.16
pySDCP 1
pysensibo 1.0.3
pyserial 3.4
pyserial-asyncio 0.4
pysesame2 1.0.1
pysha3 1.0.2
Pysher 1.0.1
pysignalclirestapi 0.3.4
pyskyqhub 0.1.3
pysma 0.3.5
pysmappee 0.2.13
pysmartapp 0.3.2
pysmartthings 0.7.3
pysmarty 0.8
pysmb 1.2.2
pysmi 0.3.4
pysml 0.0.2
pysnmp 4.4.12
PySocks 1.7.1
pysoma 0.0.10
pysonos 0.0.33
pyspcwebgw 0.4.0
pysqueezebox 0.3.1
pystiebeleltron 0.0.1.dev2
pysuez 0.1.19
PySyncThru 0.7.0
pytankerkoenig 0.0.6
pytautulli 0.5.0
pytest 6.1.0
pytest-cov 2.10.1
pytest-mock 3.3.1
pytest-rerunfailures 9.1.1
pytest-runner 5.2
pytfiac 0.4
pythinkingcleaner 0.0.3
python-awair 0.1.1
python-blockchain-api 0.0.2
python-clementine-remote 1.0.1
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-didl-lite 1.2.4
python-digitalocean 1.13.2
python-ecobee-api 0.2.7
python-engineio 3.13.2
python-etherscan-api 0.0.3
python-family-hub-local 0.0.2
python-forecastio 1.4.0
python-gc100 1.0.3a0
python-gitlab 1.6.0
python-hpilo 4.3
python-http-client 3.3.1
python-izone 1.1.2
python-join-api 0.0.6
python-jose 3.2.0
python-juicenet 1.0.1
python-jwt 2.0.1
python-magic 0.4.18
python-miio 0.5.3
python-mimeparse 1.6.0
python-mpd2 1.0.0
python-mystrom 1.1.2
python-nest 4.1.0
python-nmap 0.6.1
python-opendata-transport 0.2.1
python-openzwave-mqtt 1.0.5
python-qbittorrent 0.4.1
python-ripple-api 0.0.3
python-singleton 0.1.2
python-slugify 4.0.1
python-sochain-api 0.0.2
python-socketio 4.6.0
python-songpal 0.12
python-synology 0.8.2
python-tado 0.8.1
python-telegram-bot 11.1.0
python-telnet-vlc 1.0.4
python-twitch-client 0.6.0
python-velbus 2.0.44
python-vlc 1.1.2
python-whois 0.7.3
python-wink 1.10.5
pythonegardia 1.0.40
pyTibber 0.14.0
pytile 4.0.0
pytouchline 0.7
pytraccar 0.9.0
pytrackr 0.0.5
pytradfri 7.0.2
PyTransportNSW 0.1.1
PyTurboJPEG 1.4.0
pytz 2020.1
pyubee 0.10
pyuptimerobot 0.0.5
pyusb 1.0.0b1
pyvera 0.3.10
pyversasense 0.0.6
pyvesync 1.1.0
PyViCare 0.2.0
pyvizio 0.1.56
pyvlx 0.2.17
pyvolumio 0.1.2
pyW215 0.7.0
pyW800rf32 0.1
pywebpush 1.9.2
pywemo 0.4.46
pywilight 0.0.65
pyxeoma 1.4.1
PyXiaomiGateway 0.13.2
PyYAML 5.3.1
pyzabbix 0.7.4
pyzbar 0.1.7
pyzerproc 0.2.5
qnapstats 0.3.0
quantum-gateway 0.0.5
queueman 0.5
RachioPy 0.1.4
radiotherm 2.0.0
raincloudy 0.0.7
raspyrfm-client 1.2.8
ratelimit 2.2.1
readlike 0.1.2
recollect-waste 1.0.1
regenmaschine 2.1.0
regex 2020.9.27
ReParser 1.4.3
repoze.lru 0.7
requests 2.24.0
requests-async 0.6.2
requests-cache 0.5.2
requests-futures 1.0.0
requests-oauth 0.4.1
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
requests-toolbelt 0.9.1
responses 0.12.0
RestrictedPython 5.0
rfc3986 1.4.0
rfk101py 0.0.1
rflink 0.0.54
ring-doorbell 0.6.0
ritassist 0.9.2
rjpl 0.3.6
rocketchat-API 0.6.1
rokuecp 0.6.0
roombapy 1.6.1
roonapi 0.0.21
rova 0.1.0
RPi.GPIO 0.7.0
rsa 4.6
RtmAPI 0.7.2
ruamel.yaml 0.15.100
russound 0.1.9
russound-rio 0.1.7
Rx 3.1.1
rxv 0.6.0
s3transfer 0.2.1
saltbox 0.1.3
samsungctl 0.7.1
samsungtvws 1.4.0
satel-integra 0.3.4
schiene 0.23
scsgate 0.1.0
SecretStorage 3.1.2
semantic-version 2.8.5
semver 2.10.2
sendgrid 6.4.6
sense-energy 0.8.0
sense-hat 2.2.0
sentry-sdk 0.17.3
sepaxml 2.0.0
setuptools 50.3.0
sgmllib3k 1.0.0
sharkiqpy 0.1.8
sharp-aquos-rc 0.3.2
shodan 1.23.0
simplehound 0.3
simplejson 3.17.2
simplepush 1.1.4
simplisafe-python 9.3.0
sisyphus-control 2.2.1
six 1.15.0
skybellpy 0.6.1
slackclient 2.5.0
sleekxmppfs 1.3.4
sleepyq 0.7
slixmpp 1.5.2
smart-meter-texas 0.4.0
SmartHab 0.21
smbus-cffi 0.5.1
smbus2 0.3.0
smhi-pkg 1.0.13
smmap 3.0.4
sn3218 1.2.7
snapcast 2.0.10
sniffio 1.1.0
snitun 0.20
snowballstemmer 2.0.0
socialbladeclient 0.5
socketIO-client-nexus 0.7.6
solaredge 0.0.2
solaredge-local 0.2.0
solax 0.2.3
somecomfort 0.5.2
somfy-mylink-synergy 1.0.6
sonarr 0.2.3
soupsieve 2.0.1
speak2mary 1.4.0
speedtest-cli 2.1.2
Sphinx 3.2.1
sphinx-automodapi 0.13
sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.0
sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain 1.7.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4
spiderpy 1.3.1
spidev 3.5
spotcrime 1.0.4
spotipy 2.14.0
SQLAlchemy 1.3.19
srptools 1.0.1
sseclient-py 1.7
starkbank-ecdsa 1.1.0
starline 0.1.3
starlingbank 3.2
statsd 3.2.1
steamodd 4.21
stevedore 3.2.2
stookalert 0.1.4
streamlabswater 1.0.1
stringcase 1.2.0
sucks 0.9.4
sunwatcher 0.2.1
surepy 0.2.5
swisshydrodata 0.0.3
synology-srm 0.2.0
sysv-ipc 1.0.1
tabulate 0.8.7
tahoma-api 0.0.16
tank-utility 1.4.0
tapsaff 0.2.1
tellcore-net 0.4
tellcore-py 1.1.2
tellduslive 0.10.11
tellsticknet 0.1.2
temescal 0.3
temperusb 1.5.3
tenacity 6.2.0
tesla-powerwall 0.2.12
teslajsonpy 0.10.4
testtools 2.4.0
text-unidecode 1.3
thermoworks-smoke 0.1.8
thingspeak 1.0.0
tikteck 0.4
tmb 0.0.4
todoist-python 8.0.0
toml 0.10.1
toonapi 0.2.0
total-connect-client 0.55
tp-connected 0.0.4
tqdm 4.50.0
traceback2 1.4.0
transitions 0.8.3
transmissionrpc 0.11
TravisPy 0.3.5
tuyaha 0.0.7
twentemilieu 0.3.0
twilio 6.32.0
TwitterAPI 2.5.13
tzlocal 2.1
uamqp 1.2.10
uEagle 0.0.1
ujson 1.35
unifiled 0.11
unittest2 1.1.0
untangle 1.1.1
upb-lib 0.4.11
upcloud-api 0.4.5
update-checker 0.18.0
uplink 0.9.1
uplink-protobuf 0.1.0
uritemplate 3.0.1
url-normalize 1.4.1
urllib3 1.25.10
urwid 1.3.1
uscisstatus 0.1.1
uvcclient 0.11.0
vallox-websocket-api 2.4.0
venstarcolortouch 0.12
vilfo-api-client 0.3.2
vincenty 0.1.4
vol 0.1.1
volkszaehler 0.1.3
voluptuous 0.11.7
voluptuous-serialize 2.4.0
volvooncall 0.8.12
vsure 1.5.4
vtjp 0.1.14
vultr 0.1.2
wakeonlan 1.1.6
waqiasync 1.0.0
watchdog 0.8.3
waterfurnace 1.1.0
WazeRouteCalculator 0.12
webexteamssdk 1.1.1
websocket-client 0.54.0
websockets 8.1
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.35.1
wiffi 1.0.1
wirelesstagpy 0.4.1
withings-api 2.1.6
wled 0.4.4
wolf-smartset 0.1.4
wrapt 1.12.1
WSDiscovery 2.0.0
XBee 2.3.2
xbee-helper 0.0.7
xboxapi 2.0.1
xfinity-gateway 0.0.4
xknx 0.13.0
XlsxWriter 1.3.6
xmltodict 0.12.0
xs1-api-client 3.0.0
yalesmartalarmclient 0.1.6
yarl 1.4.2
yeelight 0.5.3
yeelightsunflower 0.0.10
YesssSMS 0.4.1
youtube-dl 2020.7.28
zeep 3.4.0
zengge 0.2
zeroconf 0.28.5
zha-quirks 0.0.44
zhong-hong-hvac 1.0.9
ziggo-mediabox-xl 1.1.0
zigpy 0.24.1
zigpy-cc 0.5.2
zigpy-deconz 0.10.0
zigpy-xbee 0.13.0
zigpy-zigate 0.6.2
zigpy-znp 0.1.1
zipp 3.2.0
zm-py 0.4.0
zope.interface 5.1.0
I tried to upgrade Adafruit-Blinka
and Adafruit-PlatformDetect
but since there is no gcc installed on the HA container it could not compile some dependencies.
Downgrading Adafruit-PlatformDetect
to 2.15.0 got it back up! (Thanks @mmatloka) Though I don't know if it is the best option since other adafruit libraries could be updated.
Thank you @belidzs for the help!
Glad you could figure it out!
As far as I can tell Adafruit changed some constants in two separate libraries at the same time but the metadata describing this dependency was only fixed later. Also the home assistant library mcp23017
directly depends on an older version of Blinka which prevents this dependency change to properly resolve.
@jardiamj I have noticed your component (mcp23017) directly depends on adafruit-blinka==3.9.0
even though adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx==2.2.2
also depends on adafruit-blinka
I think this means you can safely remove blinka from the dependencies of your component and let pip handle dependencies which should resolve this issue as well.
The problem
Since updating to 115 the BMP280 stopped working. The entity cannot be found even though the output of
shows that a sensor is detected at address 0x77 and the sensor itself still works on an ESP8266 (ESPHome).
Traceback/Error logs
Additional information