home-assistant / core

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BMP280 sensor unavailailable #41250

Closed wesleygas closed 3 years ago

wesleygas commented 4 years ago

The problem

Since updating to 115 the BMP280 stopped working. The entity cannot be found even though the output of

/usr/sbin/i2cdetect -y 1

shows that a sensor is detected at address 0x77 and the sensor itself still works on an ESP8266 (ESPHome).


arch armv7l
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.9
hassio true
host_os Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
os_name Linux
os_version 4.19.118-v7+
python_version 3.8.5
supervisor 245
timezone America/Sao_Paulo
version 0.115.6
virtualenv false

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml

- platform: bmp280
    i2c_address: 0x77

Traceback/Error logs

2020-10-06 15:13:29 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up bmp280 platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 193, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/bmp280/sensor.py", line 47, in setup_platform
    i2c = I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/busio.py", line 18, in __init__
    self.init(scl, sda, frequency)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/busio.py", line 38, in init
    from microcontroller.pin import i2cPorts
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/microcontroller/__init__.py", line 29, in <module>
    elif chip_id == ap_chip.STM32:
AttributeError: module 'adafruit_platformdetect.constants.chips' has no attribute 'STM32'

Additional information

probot-home-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

bmp280 documentation bmp280 source (message by IssueLinks)

probot-home-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hey there @belidzs, mind taking a look at this issue as its been labeled with an integration (bmp280) you are listed as a codeowner for? Thanks! (message by CodeOwnersMention)

belidzs commented 4 years ago

@wesleygas can you provide the relevant error logs? I'm using the same integration on 0.115.2 and I have no problems with it.

wesleygas commented 4 years ago

Sure! At first I didn't get anything in the logs, but then I remembered to lower the logger's default level... Silly me. I updated the first post.

belidzs commented 3 years ago

It seems like there's a problem with one of the dependencies of this library.

Could you post the complete list of installed pip modules of the environment home assistant is using? Execute pip list -l inside home assistant's python environment to get it.

belidzs commented 3 years ago

Also after you've obtained and posted the original list of modules you can try to upgrade Adafruit-Blinka and Adafruit-PlatformDetect to the latest version to fix the issue.

 pip install Adafruit-Blinka Adafruit-PlatformDetect --upgrade

It seems like there were some code refactoring performed which may have caused this issue if these two libraries were not upgraded at the same time.

mmatloka commented 3 years ago

The cause of this issue seems similar to https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/40192

wesleygas commented 3 years ago


Package                          Version      Location
-------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------
abodepy                          1.1.0
accuweather                      0.0.11
acme                             1.8.0
Adafruit-Blinka                  3.9.0
adafruit-circuitpython-bmp280    3.1.1
adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice 5.0.1
adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx  2.2.2
Adafruit-DHT                     1.4.0
Adafruit-GPIO                    1.0.3
Adafruit-PCA9685                 1.0.1
Adafruit-PlatformDetect          2.17.0
Adafruit-PureIO                  1.1.5
Adafruit-SHT31                   1.0.2
adal                             1.2.4
adb-shell                        0.2.1
adext                            0.3
adguardhome                      0.4.2
aenum                            2.2.4
afsapi                           0.0.4
agent-py                         0.0.23
aio-geojson-client               0.13
aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes      0.12
aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano     0.5
aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents    0.3
aio-georss-client                0.5
aio-georss-gdacs                 0.3
aioambient                       1.2.1
aioasuswrt                       1.2.8
aioazuredevops                   1.3.5
aiobotocore                      0.11.1
aiocache                         0.11.1
aiocoap                          0.4b3
aiodns                           2.0.0
aioeafm                          0.1.2
aioesphomeapi                    2.6.3
aiofiles                         0.5.0
aioflo                           0.4.1
aiofreepybox                     0.0.8
aioftp                           0.12.0
aiogithubapi                     2.0.0
aioguardian                      1.0.1
aioharmony                       0.2.6
aiohomekit                       0.2.53
aiohttp                          3.6.2
aiohttp-cors                     0.7.0
aiohue                           2.1.0
aioimaplib                       0.7.15
aiokafka                         0.6.0
aiokef                           0.2.13
aiolifx                          0.6.7
aiolifx-effects                  0.2.2
aionotify                        0.2.0
aionotion                        1.1.0
aionursery                       0.3.0
aiopulse                         0.4.0
aiopvapi                         1.6.14
aiopvpc                          2.0.2
aiopylgtv                        0.3.3
aioshelly                        0.3.3
aioswitcher                      1.2.1
aiounifi                         23
aioymaps                         1.1.0
airly                            1.0.0
alabaster                        0.7.12
aladdin-connect                  0.3
alarmdecoder                     1.13.2
alpha-vantage                    2.2.0
Ambiclimate                      0.2.1
amcrest                          1.7.0
android-backup                   0.2.0
androidtv                        0.0.50
anel-pwrctrl-homeassistant       0.0.1.dev2
anthemav                         1.1.10
apcaccess                        0.0.13
apns2                            0.3.0
appdirs                          1.4.4
apprise                          0.8.8
aprslib                          0.6.46
aqualogic                        1.0
arcam-fmj                        0.5.3
argcomplete                      1.12.1
argh                             0.26.2
arris-tg2492lg                   1.0.0
arrow                            0.16.0
asmog                            0.0.6
asterisk-mbox                    0.5.0
astral                           1.10.1
astroid                          2.4.2
async-generator                  1.10
async-timeout                    3.0.1
async-upnp-client                0.14.13
asynccmd                         0.2.4
asyncio                          3.4.3
asyncio-dgram                    1.1.1
asyncpysupla                     0.0.5
asyncssh                         2.3.0
atenpdu                          0.3.0
atomicwrites                     1.4.0
attrs                            19.3.0
aurorapy                         0.2.6
av                               8.0.2
avri-api                         0.1.7
axis                             37
azure-common                     1.1.25
azure-core                       1.8.1
azure-eventhub                   5.1.0
azure-servicebus                 0.50.1
Babel                            2.8.0
backoff                          1.10.0
base36                           0.1.1
basicmodem                       0.7
batinfo                          0.4.2
bcrypt                           3.1.7
beautifulsoup4                   4.9.1
bellows                          0.20.2
bimmer-connected                 0.7.7
bitstring                        3.1.7
bizkaibus                        0.1.1
blebox-uniapi                    1.3.2
blinkpy                          0.16.3
BlinkStick                       1.1.8
blockchain                       1.4.4
bluepy                           1.3.0
blurhash                         1.1.4
bomradarloop                     0.1.5
bond-api                         0.1.8
boto3                            1.9.252
botocore                         1.13.14
bravia-tv                        1.0.6
broadlink                        0.14.1
brother                          0.1.17
brotlipy                         0.7.0
brottsplatskartan                0.0.1
brunt                            0.1.3
bs4                              0.0.1
bsblan                           0.3.7
bt-proximity                     0.2
bthomehub5-devicelist            0.1.1
btlewrap                         0.0.10
btsmarthub-devicelist            0.2.0
buienradar                       1.0.4
cached-property                  1.5.2
cachetools                       2.0.1
caldav                           0.6.1
casttube                         0.2.1
cattrs                           1.0.0
cbor2                            5.1.2
cchardet                         2.1.6
certifi                          2020.6.20
cffi                             1.14.2
chardet                          3.0.4
circuit-webhook                  1.0.1
ciscomobilityexpress             0.3.3
ciso8601                         2.1.3
class-registry                   2.1.2
clearpasspy                      1.0.2
click                            7.1.2
click-datetime                   0.2
click-log                        0.2.0
click-plugins                    1.1.1
clx-sdk-xms                      1.0.0
CO2Signal                        0.4.2
coinbase                         2.1.0
coinmarketcap                    5.0.3
colorama                         0.4.3
coloredlogs                      10.0
colorlog                         4.2.1
colorzero                        1.1
concord232                       0.15
ConfigArgParse                   0.11.0
connect-box                      0.2.8
construct                        2.9.45
convertdate                      2.2.2
coronavirus                      1.1.1
coverage                         5.3
crc16                            0.1.1
crccheck                         1.0
crcmod                           1.7
crimereports                     1.0.1
croniter                         0.3.34
cryptography                     2.9.2
curve25519-donna                 1.3
cycler                           0.10.0
Cython                           0.29.21
datadog                          0.15.0
datapoint                        0.9.5
dateparser                       0.7.6
DateTime                         4.3
debugpy                          1.0.0rc2
decorator                        4.4.2
deepmerge                        0.1.0
defusedxml                       0.6.0
deluge-client                    1.7.1
demjson                          2.2.4
denonavr                         0.9.4
Deprecated                       1.2.10
devolo-home-control-api          0.13.0
dicttoxml                        1.7.4
directv                          0.3.0
discogs-client                   2.3.0
discord.py                       1.4.1
distro                           1.5.0
dlipower                         0.7.165
dnspython                        1.15.0
dnspython3                       1.15.0
docopt                           0.6.2
docutils                         0.15.2
DoorBirdPy                       2.1.0
dovado                           0.4.1
dsmr-parser                      0.18
DTLSSocket                       0.1.10
dwdwfsapi                        1.0.2
dweepy                           0.3.0
dynalite-devices                 0.1.46
eagle200-reader                  0.2.4
ebusdpy                          0.0.16
ecdsa                            0.14.1
ecoaliface                       0.4.0
ed25519                          1.5
eebrightbox                      0.0.4
elgato                           0.2.0
eliqonline                       1.2.2
elkm1-lib                        0.7.19
emoji                            0.5.4
emulated-roku                    0.2.1
enocean                          0.50.0
enturclient                      0.2.1
enum-compat                      0.0.3
envoy-reader                     0.16.1
envs                             1.3
epson-projector                  0.1.3
epsonprinter                     0.0.9
eternalegypt                     0.0.12
evohome-async                    0.3.5.post1
extras                           1.0.0
fake-useragent                   0.1.11
fastdotcom                       0.0.3
feedparser-homeassistant         5.2.2.dev1
fiblary3                         0.1.7
filters                          1.3.2
fints                            1.0.1
fitbit                           0.3.1
fixerio                          1.0.0a0
fixtures                         3.0.0
Flask                            1.1.2
flux-led                         0.22
fnvhash                          0.1.0
foobot-async                     0.3.2
fortiosapi                       0.10.8
freesms                          0.1.2
fritzconnection                  1.2.0
future                           0.18.2
garminconnect                    0.1.13
gcloud                           0.18.3
geizhals                         0.0.9
geniushub-client                 0.6.30
geographiclib                    1.50
geojson                          2.5.0
geojson-client                   0.4
geopy                            1.21.0
georss-client                    0.10
georss-generic-client            0.3
georss-ign-sismologia-client     0.2
georss-qld-bushfire-alert-client 0.3
get-mac                          0.8.2
getmac                           0.8.2
gios                             0.1.4
gitdb                            4.0.5
GitPython                        0.3.6
gitterpy                         0.1.7
glances-api                      0.2.0
gntp                             1.0.3
gogogate2-api                    2.0.3
google-api-core                  1.22.2
google-api-python-client         1.6.4
google-auth                      1.22.0
google-cloud-pubsub              0.39.1
google-cloud-texttospeech        0.4.0
googleapis-common-protos         1.52.0
googlemaps                       2.5.1
goslide-api                      0.5.1
gpiozero                         1.5.1
gps3                             0.33.3
graphql-subscription-manager     0.3.6
greeneye-monitor                 2.0
greenwavereality                 0.5.1
griddypower                      0.1.0
growattServer                    0.1.1
grpc-google-iam-v1               0.11.4
grpcio                           1.31.0
gstreamer-player                 1.1.2
gTTS-token                       1.1.3
h11                              0.9.0
h2                               2.6.2
ha-ffmpeg                        2.0
ha-philipsjs                     0.0.8
habitipy                         0.2.0
hacs-frontend                    202009091732
hangups                          0.4.11
HAP-python                       3.0.0
hass-nabucasa                    0.37.0
haversine                        2.3.0
hbmqtt                           0.9.6
hdate                            0.9.5
heatmiserV3                      1.1.18
herepy                           2.0.0
hikvision                        0.4
hkavr                            0.0.5
hlk-sw16                         0.0.9
hole                             0.5.1
holidays                         0.10.3
home-assistant-frontend          20200918.2
homeassistant                    0.115.6      /usr/src/homeassistant
homeassistant-pyozw              0.1.10
homeconnect                      0.5
homematicip                      0.11.0
horimote                         0.4.1
hpack                            3.0.0
html-table-parser-python3        0.1.5
httmock                          1.3.0
http-ece                         1.1.0
http3                            0.6.7
httpcore                         0.11.1
httplib2                         0.18.1
httpsig                          1.3.0
httpx                            0.15.4
huawei-lte-api                   1.4.12
humanfriendly                    8.2
Hydrawiser                       0.2
hyper                            0.7.0
hyperframe                       3.2.0
iammeter                         0.1.7
iaqualink                        0.3.4
ibm-cloud-sdk-core               1.0.0
ibm-watson                       4.0.1
ibmiotf                          0.3.4
icmplib                          1.1.3
idna                             2.10
ifaddr                           0.1.7
iglo                             1.2.7
ihcsdk                           2.7.0
imagesize                        1.2.0
importlib-metadata               1.7.0
incomfort-client                 0.4.0
inflection                       0.5.1
influxdb                         5.2.3
influxdb-client                  1.8.0
iniconfig                        1.0.1
intelhex                         2.2.1
iperf3                           0.1.11
iso8601                          0.1.13
isodate                          0.6.0
isort                            5.5.3
itsdangerous                     1.1.0
jeepney                          0.4.3
Jinja2                           2.11.2
jmespath                         0.10.0
josepy                           1.4.0
Js2Py                            0.70
jsonpatch                        1.26
jsonpath                         0.82
jsonpickle                       1.4.1
jsonpointer                      2.0
jsonrpc-async                    1.1.1
jsonrpc-base                     1.1.0
jsonrpc-websocket                1.2.1
justbackoff                      0.6.0
jws                              0.1.3
kafka-python                     2.0.2
kaiterra-async-client            0.0.2
keba-kecontact                   1.1.0
keyring                          21.2.0
keyrings.alt                     3.4.0
kiwiki-client                    0.1.1
kiwisolver                       1.2.0
konnected                        1.2.0
korean-lunar-calendar            0.2.1
lakeside                         0.12
lazy-object-proxy                1.4.3
libpurecool                      0.6.3
libpyfoscam                      1.0
libpyvivotek                     0.4.0
librouteros                      3.0.0
libsoundtouch                    0.8.0
life360                          4.1.1
liffylights                      0.9.4
lightwave                        0.18
limitlessled                     1.1.3
linecache2                       1.0.0
linode-api                       4.1.9b1
lmnotify                         0.0.4
locationsharinglib               4.1.0
logi-circle                      0.2.2
lomond                           0.3.3
london-tube-status               0.2
luftdaten                        0.6.4
lupupy                           0.0.18
lw12                             0.9.2
lxml                             4.5.2
lyft-rides                       0.2
magicseaweed                     1.0.3
Markdown                         3.2.2
MarkupSafe                       1.1.1
Mastodon.py                      1.5.1
matplotlib                       3.3.2
matrix-client                    0.3.2
maxcube-api                      0.1.0
mbddns                           0.1.2
mccabe                           0.6.1
mcstatus                         2.3.0
MechanicalSoup                   0.6.0
messagebird                      1.2.0
metar                            1.7.0
meteoalertapi                    0.1.6
meteofrance-api                  0.1.1
mficlient                        0.3.0
miflora                          0.7.0
millheater                       0.3.4
minio                            4.0.9
mitemp-bt                        0.0.3
mock                             4.0.2
msgpack                          0.6.2
msrest                           0.6.19
msrestazure                      0.6.4
mt-940                           4.23.0
multidict                        4.7.6
mutagen                          1.45.1
mychevy                          2.0.1
mycroftapi                       2.0
mysqlclient                      2.0.1
n26                              0.2.7
nad-receiver                     0.0.12
natsort                          7.0.1
nclib                            1.0.0
ndms2-client                     0.0.11
nessclient                       0.9.15
netaddr                          0.8.0
netdata                          0.2.0
netdisco                         2.8.2
netifaces                        0.10.9
neurio                           0.3.1
nexia                            0.9.4
nextcloudmonitor                 1.1.0
niko-home-control                0.2.1
niluclient                       0.1.2
noaa-coops                       0.1.8
notify-events                    1.0.4
nsapi                            3.0.4
nsw-fuel-api-client              1.0.10
nuheat                           0.3.0
numato-gpio                      0.8.0
numpy                            1.19.1
oasatelematics                   0.3
oauth2client                     4.0.0
oauthlib                         3.1.0
oemthermostat                    1.1
onkyo-eiscp                      1.2.7
onvif-zeep-async                 0.5.0
open-garage                      0.1.4
openerz-api                      0.1.0
openevsewifi                     1.1.0
openhomedevice                   0.7.2
opensensemap-api                 0.1.5
openwebifpy                      3.1.1
openwrt-luci-rpc                 1.1.6
OPi.GPIO                         0.4.0
oru                              0.1.11
orvibo                           1.1.1
ovoenergy                        1.1.7
oyaml                            1.0
packaging                        20.4
paho-mqtt                        1.5.0
panacotta                        0.1
panasonic-viera                  0.3.6
pandas                           1.1.2
paramiko                         2.7.2
passlib                          1.7.2
pathlib                          1.0.1
pathtools                        0.1.2
pbr                              5.5.0
pcal9535a                        0.7
pdunehd                          1.3.2
pencompy                         0.0.3
pexpect                          4.6.0
pi4ioe5v9xxxx                    0.0.2
pifacecommon                     4.2.2
pifacedigitalio                  3.0.5
piglow                           1.2.4
pigpio                           1.35
pilight                          0.1.1
Pillow                           7.2.0
pip                              20.2.3
pizzapi                          0.0.3
PlexAPI                          4.1.0
plexauth                         0.0.5
plexwebsocket                    0.0.11
pluggy                           0.13.1
Plugwise-Smile                   1.5.1
plumbum                          1.6.9
plumlightpad                     0.0.11
ply                              3.11
pmsensor                         0.4
pocketcasts                      0.1
poolsense                        0.0.8
pprintpp                         0.4.0
praw                             7.1.0
prawcore                         1.5.0
prayer-times-calculator          0.0.3
prettytable                      0.7.2
ProgettiHWSW                     0.1.1
proliphix                        0.4.1
prometheus-client                0.7.1
protobuf                         3.13.0
proxmoxer                        1.1.1
psutil                           5.7.2
psycopg2                         2.8.6
ptvsd                            4.3.2
ptyprocess                       0.6.0
pubnub                           4.5.4
pubnubsub-handler                1.0.8
pulsectl                         20.2.4
pure-pcapy3                      1.0.1
pure-python-adb                  0.3.0.dev0
pushbullet.py                    0.11.0
pushover-complete                1.1.1
pwmled                           1.5.0
py                               1.9.0
py-august                        0.25.0
py-canary                        0.5.0
py-cpuinfo                       7.0.0
py-melissa-climate               2.1.4
py-nextbusnext                   0.1.4
py-nightscout                    1.2.1
py-schluter                      0.1.7
py-synology                      0.2.0
py-vapid                         1.7.1
py17track                        2.2.2
pyads                            3.2.2
pyaehw4a1                        0.3.9
pyaftership                      0.1.2
pyairvisual                      4.4.0
pyalmond                         0.0.2
pyarlo                           0.2.3
pyasn1                           0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                   0.2.8
pyatmo                           4.0.0
pyAtome                          0.1.1
pyatv                            0.3.13
pybbox                           0.0.5a0
pyblackbird                      0.5
PyBluez                          0.22
pybotvac                         0.0.17
pycares                          3.1.1
pycarwings2                      2.9
pycfdns                          0.0.1
pychannels                       1.0.0
PyChromecast                     7.5.0
pycmus                           0.1.1
pycocotools                      2.0.1
pycognito                        0.1.4
pycomfoconnect                   0.3
pyControl4                       0.0.6
pycoolmasternet-async            0.1.2
pycountry                        19.8.18
pycountry-convert                0.7.2
pycparser                        2.20
pycryptodome                     3.9.8
pycryptodomex                    3.9.8
pycsspeechtts                    1.0.3
pydaikin                         2.3.1
pydanfossair                     0.1.0
pydeconz                         73
pydelijn                         0.6.1
pydexcom                         0.2.0
PyDispatcher                     2.0.5
pydoods                          1.0.2
pydroid-ipcam                    0.8
pyebox                           1.1.4
pyeconet                         0.0.11
pyedimax                         0.2.1
pyEight                          0.1.4
pyEmby                           1.6
pyenvisalink                     4.0
pyephember                       0.3.1
PyEssent                         0.13
pyeverlights                     0.1.0
pyfido                           2.1.1
pyflexit                         0.3
pyflic-homeassistant             0.4.dev0
PyFlick                          0.0.2
PyFlume                          0.5.5
pyflunearyou                     1.0.7
pyfnip                           0.2
pyforked-daapd                   0.1.10
pyfritzhome                      0.4.2
PyFronius                        0.4.6
pyftdi                           0.52.0
pyfttt                           0.3
PyFunctional                     1.3.0
pygatt                           4.0.5
PyGithub                         1.43.8
Pygments                         2.7.1
pygtfs                           0.1.5
pygti                            0.6.0
pyhaversion                      3.4.2
pyheos                           0.6.0
pyHik                            0.2.7
pyhomematic                      0.1.68
pyhomeworks                      0.0.6
pyialarm                         0.3
pyicloud                         0.9.7
pyinsteon                        1.0.8
pyintesishome                    1.7.5
pyipma                           2.0.5
pyipp                            0.11.0
pyiqvia                          0.2.1
pyirishrail                      0.0.2
pyiss                            1.0.1
pyisy                            2.0.2
pyitachip2ir                     0.0.7
pyjsparser                       2.7.1
PyJWT                            1.7.1
pykira                           0.1.1
pykodi                           0.2.0
pykwb                            0.0.8
pylacrosse                       0.4
pylast                           3.3.0
pylaunches                       0.2.0
pylgnetcast-homeassistant        0.2.0.dev0
pylibrespot-java                 0.1.0
pylint                           2.6.0
pylitejet                        0.1.0
pyloopenergy                     0.2.1
pylutron                         0.2.5
pylutron-caseta                  0.6.1
pymailgunner                     1.4
PyMata                           2.20
pymata-express                   1.13
PyMeeus                          0.3.7
pymelcloud                       2.5.2
PyMetno                          0.8.1
pymfy                            0.9.0
pymitv                           1.4.3
pymochad                         0.2.0
pymodbus                         2.3.0
pymonoprice                      0.3
pymsteams                        0.1.12
pymusiccast                      0.1.6
PyMVGLive                        1.1.4
pymyq                            2.0.5
pymysensors                      0.18.0
PyNaCl                           1.3.0
pynanoleaf                       0.0.5
pynello                          2.0.2
pynetgear                        0.6.1
pynuki                           1.3.8
pynut2                           2.1.2
pynws                            1.2.1
pynx584                          0.5
pynzbgetapi                      0.2.0
pyobihai                         1.2.3
pyodbc                           4.0.30
pyombi                           0.1.10
pyOpenSSL                        19.1.0
pyopenuv                         1.0.9
pyopnsense                       0.2.0
pyoppleio                        1.0.5
PyOTA                            2.0.5
pyotgw                           0.6b1
pyotp                            2.3.0
pyowm                            2.10.0
pyownet                          0.10.0.post1
pyparsing                        2.4.7
pypca                            0.0.7
pypck                            0.6.4
pypi-publisher                   0.0.4
pypjlink2                        1.2.1
pypoint                          1.1.2
pyps4-2ndscreen                  1.1.1
Pypubsub                         4.0.3
PyQRCode                         1.2.1
pyqvrpro                         0.52
pyqwikswitch                     0.93
pyrail                           0.0.3
pyrainbird                       0.4.2
Pyrebase4                        4.4.0
pyrecswitch                      1.0.2
pyrepetier                       3.0.5
pyRFC3339                        1.1
pyRFXtrx                         0.25.0
pyrisco                          0.3.1
PyRMVtransport                   0.2.9
pysabnzbd                        1.1.0
pysaj                            0.0.16
pySDCP                           1
pysensibo                        1.0.3
pyserial                         3.4
pyserial-asyncio                 0.4
pysesame2                        1.0.1
pysha3                           1.0.2
Pysher                           1.0.1
pysignalclirestapi               0.3.4
pyskyqhub                        0.1.3
pysma                            0.3.5
pysmappee                        0.2.13
pysmartapp                       0.3.2
pysmartthings                    0.7.3
pysmarty                         0.8
pysmb                            1.2.2
pysmi                            0.3.4
pysml                            0.0.2
pysnmp                           4.4.12
PySocks                          1.7.1
pysoma                           0.0.10
pysonos                          0.0.33
pyspcwebgw                       0.4.0
pysqueezebox                     0.3.1
pystiebeleltron                  0.0.1.dev2
pysuez                           0.1.19
PySyncThru                       0.7.0
pytankerkoenig                   0.0.6
pytautulli                       0.5.0
pytest                           6.1.0
pytest-cov                       2.10.1
pytest-mock                      3.3.1
pytest-rerunfailures             9.1.1
pytest-runner                    5.2
pytfiac                          0.4
pythinkingcleaner                0.0.3
python-awair                     0.1.1
python-blockchain-api            0.0.2
python-clementine-remote         1.0.1
python-dateutil                  2.8.1
python-didl-lite                 1.2.4
python-digitalocean              1.13.2
python-ecobee-api                0.2.7
python-engineio                  3.13.2
python-etherscan-api             0.0.3
python-family-hub-local          0.0.2
python-forecastio                1.4.0
python-gc100                     1.0.3a0
python-gitlab                    1.6.0
python-hpilo                     4.3
python-http-client               3.3.1
python-izone                     1.1.2
python-join-api                  0.0.6
python-jose                      3.2.0
python-juicenet                  1.0.1
python-jwt                       2.0.1
python-magic                     0.4.18
python-miio                      0.5.3
python-mimeparse                 1.6.0
python-mpd2                      1.0.0
python-mystrom                   1.1.2
python-nest                      4.1.0
python-nmap                      0.6.1
python-opendata-transport        0.2.1
python-openzwave-mqtt            1.0.5
python-qbittorrent               0.4.1
python-ripple-api                0.0.3
python-singleton                 0.1.2
python-slugify                   4.0.1
python-sochain-api               0.0.2
python-socketio                  4.6.0
python-songpal                   0.12
python-synology                  0.8.2
python-tado                      0.8.1
python-telegram-bot              11.1.0
python-telnet-vlc                1.0.4
python-twitch-client             0.6.0
python-velbus                    2.0.44
python-vlc                       1.1.2
python-whois                     0.7.3
python-wink                      1.10.5
pythonegardia                    1.0.40
pyTibber                         0.14.0
pytile                           4.0.0
pytouchline                      0.7
pytraccar                        0.9.0
pytrackr                         0.0.5
pytradfri                        7.0.2
PyTransportNSW                   0.1.1
PyTurboJPEG                      1.4.0
pytz                             2020.1
pyubee                           0.10
pyuptimerobot                    0.0.5
pyusb                            1.0.0b1
pyvera                           0.3.10
pyversasense                     0.0.6
pyvesync                         1.1.0
PyViCare                         0.2.0
pyvizio                          0.1.56
pyvlx                            0.2.17
pyvolumio                        0.1.2
pyW215                           0.7.0
pyW800rf32                       0.1
pywebpush                        1.9.2
pywemo                           0.4.46
pywilight                        0.0.65
pyxeoma                          1.4.1
PyXiaomiGateway                  0.13.2
PyYAML                           5.3.1
pyzabbix                         0.7.4
pyzbar                           0.1.7
pyzerproc                        0.2.5
qnapstats                        0.3.0
quantum-gateway                  0.0.5
queueman                         0.5
RachioPy                         0.1.4
radiotherm                       2.0.0
raincloudy                       0.0.7
raspyrfm-client                  1.2.8
ratelimit                        2.2.1
readlike                         0.1.2
recollect-waste                  1.0.1
regenmaschine                    2.1.0
regex                            2020.9.27
ReParser                         1.4.3
repoze.lru                       0.7
requests                         2.24.0
requests-async                   0.6.2
requests-cache                   0.5.2
requests-futures                 1.0.0
requests-oauth                   0.4.1
requests-oauthlib                1.3.0
requests-toolbelt                0.9.1
responses                        0.12.0
RestrictedPython                 5.0
rfc3986                          1.4.0
rfk101py                         0.0.1
rflink                           0.0.54
ring-doorbell                    0.6.0
ritassist                        0.9.2
rjpl                             0.3.6
rocketchat-API                   0.6.1
rokuecp                          0.6.0
roombapy                         1.6.1
roonapi                          0.0.21
rova                             0.1.0
RPi.GPIO                         0.7.0
rsa                              4.6
RtmAPI                           0.7.2
ruamel.yaml                      0.15.100
russound                         0.1.9
russound-rio                     0.1.7
Rx                               3.1.1
rxv                              0.6.0
s3transfer                       0.2.1
saltbox                          0.1.3
samsungctl                       0.7.1
samsungtvws                      1.4.0
satel-integra                    0.3.4
schiene                          0.23
scsgate                          0.1.0
SecretStorage                    3.1.2
semantic-version                 2.8.5
semver                           2.10.2
sendgrid                         6.4.6
sense-energy                     0.8.0
sense-hat                        2.2.0
sentry-sdk                       0.17.3
sepaxml                          2.0.0
setuptools                       50.3.0
sgmllib3k                        1.0.0
sharkiqpy                        0.1.8
sharp-aquos-rc                   0.3.2
shodan                           1.23.0
simplehound                      0.3
simplejson                       3.17.2
simplepush                       1.1.4
simplisafe-python                9.3.0
sisyphus-control                 2.2.1
six                              1.15.0
skybellpy                        0.6.1
slackclient                      2.5.0
sleekxmppfs                      1.3.4
sleepyq                          0.7
slixmpp                          1.5.2
smart-meter-texas                0.4.0
SmartHab                         0.21
smbus-cffi                       0.5.1
smbus2                           0.3.0
smhi-pkg                         1.0.13
smmap                            3.0.4
sn3218                           1.2.7
snapcast                         2.0.10
sniffio                          1.1.0
snitun                           0.20
snowballstemmer                  2.0.0
socialbladeclient                0.5
socketIO-client-nexus            0.7.6
solaredge                        0.0.2
solaredge-local                  0.2.0
solax                            0.2.3
somecomfort                      0.5.2
somfy-mylink-synergy             1.0.6
sonarr                           0.2.3
soupsieve                        2.0.1
speak2mary                       1.4.0
speedtest-cli                    2.1.2
Sphinx                           3.2.1
sphinx-automodapi                0.13
sphinx-rtd-theme                 0.5.0
sphinxcontrib-applehelp          1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp            1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp           1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain         1.7.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath             1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp             1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml    1.1.4
spiderpy                         1.3.1
spidev                           3.5
spotcrime                        1.0.4
spotipy                          2.14.0
SQLAlchemy                       1.3.19
srptools                         1.0.1
sseclient-py                     1.7
starkbank-ecdsa                  1.1.0
starline                         0.1.3
starlingbank                     3.2
statsd                           3.2.1
steamodd                         4.21
stevedore                        3.2.2
stookalert                       0.1.4
streamlabswater                  1.0.1
stringcase                       1.2.0
sucks                            0.9.4
sunwatcher                       0.2.1
surepy                           0.2.5
swisshydrodata                   0.0.3
synology-srm                     0.2.0
sysv-ipc                         1.0.1
tabulate                         0.8.7
tahoma-api                       0.0.16
tank-utility                     1.4.0
tapsaff                          0.2.1
tellcore-net                     0.4
tellcore-py                      1.1.2
tellduslive                      0.10.11
tellsticknet                     0.1.2
temescal                         0.3
temperusb                        1.5.3
tenacity                         6.2.0
tesla-powerwall                  0.2.12
teslajsonpy                      0.10.4
testtools                        2.4.0
text-unidecode                   1.3
thermoworks-smoke                0.1.8
thingspeak                       1.0.0
tikteck                          0.4
tmb                              0.0.4
todoist-python                   8.0.0
toml                             0.10.1
toonapi                          0.2.0
total-connect-client             0.55
tp-connected                     0.0.4
tqdm                             4.50.0
traceback2                       1.4.0
transitions                      0.8.3
transmissionrpc                  0.11
TravisPy                         0.3.5
tuyaha                           0.0.7
twentemilieu                     0.3.0
twilio                           6.32.0
TwitterAPI                       2.5.13
tzlocal                          2.1
uamqp                            1.2.10
uEagle                           0.0.1
ujson                            1.35
unifiled                         0.11
unittest2                        1.1.0
untangle                         1.1.1
upb-lib                          0.4.11
upcloud-api                      0.4.5
update-checker                   0.18.0
uplink                           0.9.1
uplink-protobuf                  0.1.0
uritemplate                      3.0.1
url-normalize                    1.4.1
urllib3                          1.25.10
urwid                            1.3.1
uscisstatus                      0.1.1
uvcclient                        0.11.0
vallox-websocket-api             2.4.0
venstarcolortouch                0.12
vilfo-api-client                 0.3.2
vincenty                         0.1.4
vol                              0.1.1
volkszaehler                     0.1.3
voluptuous                       0.11.7
voluptuous-serialize             2.4.0
volvooncall                      0.8.12
vsure                            1.5.4
vtjp                             0.1.14
vultr                            0.1.2
wakeonlan                        1.1.6
waqiasync                        1.0.0
watchdog                         0.8.3
waterfurnace                     1.1.0
WazeRouteCalculator              0.12
webexteamssdk                    1.1.1
websocket-client                 0.54.0
websockets                       8.1
Werkzeug                         1.0.1
wheel                            0.35.1
wiffi                            1.0.1
wirelesstagpy                    0.4.1
withings-api                     2.1.6
wled                             0.4.4
wolf-smartset                    0.1.4
wrapt                            1.12.1
WSDiscovery                      2.0.0
XBee                             2.3.2
xbee-helper                      0.0.7
xboxapi                          2.0.1
xfinity-gateway                  0.0.4
xknx                             0.13.0
XlsxWriter                       1.3.6
xmltodict                        0.12.0
xs1-api-client                   3.0.0
yalesmartalarmclient             0.1.6
yarl                             1.4.2
yeelight                         0.5.3
yeelightsunflower                0.0.10
YesssSMS                         0.4.1
youtube-dl                       2020.7.28
zeep                             3.4.0
zengge                           0.2
zeroconf                         0.28.5
zha-quirks                       0.0.44
zhong-hong-hvac                  1.0.9
ziggo-mediabox-xl                1.1.0
zigpy                            0.24.1
zigpy-cc                         0.5.2
zigpy-deconz                     0.10.0
zigpy-xbee                       0.13.0
zigpy-zigate                     0.6.2
zigpy-znp                        0.1.1
zipp                             3.2.0
zm-py                            0.4.0
zope.interface                   5.1.0
wesleygas commented 3 years ago

I tried to upgrade Adafruit-Blinka and Adafruit-PlatformDetect but since there is no gcc installed on the HA container it could not compile some dependencies.

Downgrading Adafruit-PlatformDetect to 2.15.0 got it back up! (Thanks @mmatloka) Though I don't know if it is the best option since other adafruit libraries could be updated.

Thank you @belidzs for the help!

belidzs commented 3 years ago

Glad you could figure it out!

As far as I can tell Adafruit changed some constants in two separate libraries at the same time but the metadata describing this dependency was only fixed later. Also the home assistant library mcp23017 directly depends on an older version of Blinka which prevents this dependency change to properly resolve.

@jardiamj I have noticed your component (mcp23017) directly depends on adafruit-blinka==3.9.0 even though adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx==2.2.2 also depends on adafruit-blinka.

I think this means you can safely remove blinka from the dependencies of your component and let pip handle dependencies which should resolve this issue as well.