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ZwaveJS: Floor thermostat missing temperatur sensors #45932

Closed geirra closed 3 years ago

geirra commented 3 years ago

The problem

Using a Floor thermostat from Thermofloor / Heatit Model - Ztrm3 with offical firmware (if that matters). The thermostat is used to controll floor heating cables and have 3 temp sensors - air, cable and external (if used).

None of the sensors are mapped in HA, but works in zwavejs2mqtt (example).

Please note, that it would be great if it possible to controll what sensor HA displays as main temp sensor, as this depends on how you configure your thermostat.

Only the following entitys are displayed in ha

Floor thermostat: Thermostat mode Floor thermostat: Value (Electric, Consumed) Floor thermostat: Value (Electric, Consumed) Floor thermostat: Value (Electric, Consumed)

What is version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?

No response

What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant Container

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website


Example YAML snippet

# Put your YAML below this line

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

{"type": "version", "driverVersion": "6.1.1", "serverVersion": "1.0.0-beta.3", "homeId": 1122334455}
{"type": "result", "success": true, "result": {"state": {"controller": {"libraryVersion": "Z-Wave 6.09", "type": 1, "homeId": 1122334455, "ownNodeId": 1, "isSecondary": false, "isUsingHomeIdFromOtherNetwork": false, "isSISPresent": true, "wasRealPrimary": true, "isStaticUpdateController": true, "isSlave": false, "serialApiVersion": "5.39", "manufacturerId": 277, "productType": 1024, "productId": 1, "supportedFunctionTypes": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 120, 128, 144, 146, 147, 152, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 238, 239, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248], "sucNodeId": 1, "supportsTimers": false}, "nodes": [{"nodeId": 1, "index": 0, "status": 4, "ready": true, "deviceClass": {"basic": "Static Controller", "generic": "Static Controller", "specific": "PC Controller", "mandatorySupportedCCs": [], "mandatoryControlCCs": ["Basic"]}, "isListening": true, "isFrequentListening": false, "isRouting": false, "maxBaudRate": 40000, "isSecure": false, "version": 4, "isBeaming": true, "manufacturerId": 277, "productId": 1, "productType": 1024, "deviceConfig": {"manufacturerId": 277, "manufacturer": "Z-Wave.Me", "label": "UZB", "description": "Z-Wave USB Stick", "devices": [{"productType": "0x0400", "productId": "0x0001"}], "firmwareVersion": {"min": "0.0", "max": "255.255"}}, "label": "UZB", "neighbors": [2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12], "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [{"nodeId": 1, "index": 0}], "values": []}, {"nodeId": 2, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536, "status": 4, "ready": true, "deviceClass": {"basic": "Routing Slave", "generic": "Multilevel Switch", "specific": "Multilevel Power Switch", "mandatorySupportedCCs": ["Basic", "Multilevel Switch", "All Switch"], "mandatoryControlCCs": []}, "isListening": true, "isFrequentListening": false, "isRouting": true, "maxBaudRate": 40000, "isSecure": true, "version": 4, "isBeaming": true, "manufacturerId": 1075, "productId": 13, "productType": 3, "firmwareVersion": "4.3", "zwavePlusVersion": 1, "nodeType": 0, "roleType": 5, "deviceConfig": {"manufacturerId": 1075, "manufacturer": "Q-light", "label": "Zerodim", "description": "Q-Light Zerodim", "devices": [{"productType": "0x0003", "productId": "0x000d"}], "firmwareVersion": {"min": "0.0", "max": "255.255"}, "associations": {}, "paramInformation": {"_map": {}}}, "label": "Zerodim", "neighbors": [1, 3, 5, 10, 12], "endpointCountIsDynamic": false, "endpointsHaveIdenticalCapabilities": true, "individualEndpointCount": 1, "aggregatedEndpointCount": 0, "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [{"nodeId": 2, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536}, {"nodeId": 2, "index": 1, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536}], "values": [{"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 43, "commandClassName": "Scene Activation", "property": "sceneId", "propertyName": "sceneId", "ccVersion": 0, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "min": 1, "max": 255, "label": "Scene ID"}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 43, "commandClassName": "Scene Activation", "property": "dimmingDuration", "propertyName": "dimmingDuration", "ccVersion": 0, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Dimming duration"}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 1, "propertyName": "Minimum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 98, "default": 10, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Minimum brightness level", "description": "Set the desired value from 1 to 98% for the minimum dim level that the dimmer is restricted to, the dimmer will not go lower than the value set here.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 12}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Maximum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 2, "max": 99, "default": 99, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Maximum brightness level", "description": "Set the desired value from 2 to 99% for the maximum dim level that the dimmer is restricted to; the dimmer will not go higher than the value set here.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 99}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 3, "propertyName": "Automatic control - dimming step size", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Automatic control - dimming step size", "description": "This parameter defines the percentage value of dimming step during the automatic control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 4, "propertyName": "Automatic control - time of a dimming step", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Automatic control - time of a dimming step", "description": "This parameter defines the time of single dimming step set in parameter 3 during the automatic control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 5, "propertyName": "Manual control - dimming step size", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Manual control - dimming step size", "description": "This parameter defines the percentage value of dimming step during the manual control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 6, "propertyName": "Manual control - time of a dimming step", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Manual control - time of a dimming step", "description": "This parameter defines the time of single dimming step setin parameter 5 during the manual control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 7, "propertyName": "Memory function after power failure", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Device does not save the state before a power failure, it returns to off position", "1": "Device restores it's state before power failure"}, "label": "Memory function after power failure", "description": "Set the desired value from 0 to 1 to turn on/off the memory function.Setting this value to 0 turns off the dimmer's Memory fucntion.Setting this value to 1 truns on the dimmer's Memory function.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 8, "propertyName": "Scene ID set", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Scene ID set", "description": "Scene ID is set by this configuration. Note: The actual action of each SCENE ID are set by SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF(0x26) command.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "description": "This parameter allows to automatically switch off the device after specified time from switching on the light source. It may be useful when the Zerodim Z-Wave is installed in the stairway. Available settings: 0 - Function disabled. 1-32767 - time to turn off measured in seconds (1s-9.1h)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Heat Alarm", "propertyName": "Heat Alarm", "propertyKeyName": "Heat sensor status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Heat sensor status", "states": {"0": "idle", "2": "Overheat detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 4}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-load status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Over-load status", "states": {"0": "idle", "8": "Over-load detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 8}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "manufacturerId", "propertyName": "manufacturerId", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Manufacturer ID"}, "value": 1075}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "productType", "propertyName": "productType", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Product type"}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "productId", "propertyName": "productId", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Product ID"}, "value": 13}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "libraryType", "propertyName": "libraryType", "ccVersion": 3, 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"property": "applicationBuildNumber", "propertyName": "applicationBuildNumber", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": 52445}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "targetValue", "propertyName": "targetValue", "ccVersion": 4, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "min": 0, "max": 99, "label": "Target value"}, "value": 42}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "duration", "propertyName": "duration", "ccVersion": 4, "metadata": {"type": "duration", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Transition duration"}, "value": {"value": 0, "unit": "seconds"}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "currentValue", "propertyName": "currentValue", "ccVersion": 4, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 99, "label": "Current value"}, "value": 42}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "On", "propertyName": "On", "ccVersion": 4, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Perform a level change (On)", "ccSpecific": {"switchType": 1}}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "Off", "propertyName": "Off", "ccVersion": 4, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Perform a level change (Off)", "ccSpecific": {"switchType": 1}}}]}, {"nodeId": 3, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 3079, "userIcon": 3079, "status": 1, "ready": true, "deviceClass": {"basic": "Routing Slave", "generic": "Multilevel Sensor", "specific": "Routing Multilevel Sensor", "mandatorySupportedCCs": ["Basic", "Multilevel Sensor"], "mandatoryControlCCs": []}, "isListening": false, "isFrequentListening": false, "isRouting": true, "maxBaudRate": 40000, "isSecure": 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"max": 3600, "default": 240, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Motion Sensor reset timeout", "description": "Motion Sensor reset timeout", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 240}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 4, "propertyName": "Motion sensor sensitivity", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disable", "1": "Enable, sensitivity level 1 (minimum)", "2": "Enable, sensitivity level 2", "3": "Enable, sensitivity level 3", "4": "Enable, sensitivity level 4", "5": "Enable, sensitivity level 5 (maximum)"}, "label": "Motion sensor sensitivity", "description": "Sensitivity level of PIR sensor (1=minimum, 5=maximum)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 5, "propertyName": "Motion Sensor 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"writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 10, "max": 50, "default": 20, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Low Battery Report", "description": "Report Low Battery if below this value", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 20}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 40, "propertyName": "Selective Reporting", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disable", "1": "Enable"}, "label": "Selective Reporting", "description": "Select to report on thresholds", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 42, "propertyName": "Humidity Threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 100, "default": 10, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Humidity Threshold", "description": "Humidity percent change threshold", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 10}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 43, "propertyName": "Luminance Threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 1000, "default": 100, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Luminance Threshold", "description": "Luminance change threshold", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 100}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 44, "propertyName": "Battery Threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 100, "default": 10, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Battery Threshold", "description": "Battery level threshold", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 10}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 45, "propertyName": "Ultraviolet Threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 100, "default": 2, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Ultraviolet Threshold", "description": "Ultraviolet change threshold", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 46, "propertyName": "Send Alarm Report if low temperature", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disable", "1": "Enable"}, "label": "Send Alarm Report if low temperature", "description": "Send an alarm report if temperature is less than -15 \u00b0C", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 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When this is false, the notifications are sent every 200ms."}, "value": true}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 91, "commandClassName": "Central Scene", "property": "scene", "propertyName": "scene", "propertyKeyName": "001", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Scene 001", "states": {"3": "KeyPressed2x", "4": "KeyPressed3x", "5": "KeyPressed4x", "6": "KeyPressed5x"}}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 1, "propertyName": "Connected Load", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 200, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Connected Load", "description": "Defines the value of connected load", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Minimum Dim level", 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"allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Total steps", "description": "How many steps it should take to dim from min to max", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 5, "propertyName": "Double press function", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disabled", "1": "Dim to highest level"}, "label": "Double press function", "description": "Defines the double press functionality", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 6, "propertyName": "Scene controller", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disabled", "1": "Active"}, "label": 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1, "propertyName": "Minimum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 98, "default": 15, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Minimum brightness level", "description": "Set the desired value from 1 to 98% for the minimum dim level that the dimmer is restricted to, the dimmer will not go lower than the value set here.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Maximum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 2, "max": 99, "default": 99, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Maximum brightness level", "description": "Set the desired value from 2 to 99% for the maximum dim level that the dimmer is restricted to, the dimmer will not go higher than the value set here.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 99}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 3, "propertyName": "Automatic control - dimming step size", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Automatic control - dimming step size", "description": "This parameter defines the percentage value of dimming step during the automatic control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 4, "propertyName": "Automatic control - time of a dimming step", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Automatic control - time of a dimming step", "description": "This parameter defines the time of single dimming step set in parameter 3 during the automatic control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 5, "propertyName": "Manual control - dimming step size", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Manual control - dimming step size", "description": "This parameter defines the percentage value of dimming step during the manual control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 6, "propertyName": "Manual control - time of a dimming step", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Manual control - time of a dimming step", "description": "This parameter defines the time of single dimming step setin parameter 5 during the manual control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 7, "propertyName": "Memory function after power failure", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Device does not save the state before a power failure, it returns to off position", "1": "Device restores it's state before power failure"}, "label": "Memory function after power failure", "description": "Set the desired value from 0 to 1 to turn on/off the memory function.Setting this value to 0 turns off the dimmer's Memory fucntion.Setting this value to 1 truns on the dimmer's Memory function.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 8, "propertyName": "Switch type", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 2, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "momentary (Push) switch", "1": "ON/OFF switch", "2": "roller blind switch-two switchs operate the device(S1 to brighter, S2 to dim)"}, "label": "Switch type", "description": "Choose between momentary, ON/OFF and roller blind switch. Available settings: 0 \u2013 momentary (Push) switch. 1 \u2013 ON/OFF switch. 2\u2013 roller blind switch-two switchs operate the device(S1 to brighter, S2 to dim", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Standard mode", "1": "S1 operates as S2, S2 operates as S1"}, "label": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "description": "Set the desired value from 0 to 1 to turn on/off the memory function.Setting this value to 0 turns off the dimmer's Memory fucntion.Setting this value to 1 truns on the dimmer's Memory function.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 10, "propertyName": "S1 Scene ID set", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "S1 Scene ID set", "description": "When you press S1 five times,the light is dimmed to the brightness set in Scene ID 3 . S1 Scene ID is set by this configuration. Note: The actual action of each SCENE ID are set by SCE-NE_ACTUATOR_CONF(0x26) command.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 11, "propertyName": "S2 Scene ID set", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 255, "default": 2, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "S2 Scene ID set", "description": "When you press S1 five times,the light is dimmed to the brightness set in Scene ID 5. S2 Scene ID is set by this configuration. Note: The actual action of each SCENE ID are set by SCE-NE_ACTUATOR_CONF(0x26) command.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 12, "propertyName": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "description": "This parameter allows to automatically switch off the device after specified time from switching on the light source. It may be useful when the Zerodim Z-Wave is installed in the stairway. Available settings: 0 - Function disabled. 1-32767 - time to turn off measured in seconds (1s-9.1h)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Heat Alarm", "propertyName": "Heat Alarm", "propertyKeyName": "Heat sensor status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Heat sensor status", "states": {"0": "idle", "2": "Overheat detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 4}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-load status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Over-load status", "states": {"0": "idle", "8": "Over-load detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 8}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, 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Note: The actual action of each SCENE ID are set by SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF(0x26) command.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "description": "This parameter allows to automatically switch off the device after specified time from switching on the light source. It may be useful when the Zerodim Z-Wave is installed in the stairway. Available settings: 0 - Function disabled. 1-32767 - time to turn off measured in seconds (1s-9.1h)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Heat Alarm", "propertyName": "Heat Alarm", "propertyKeyName": "Heat sensor status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Heat sensor status", "states": {"0": "idle", "2": "Overheat detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 4}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-load status", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Over-load status", "states": {"0": "idle", "8": "Over-load detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 8}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, 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"description": "determines how the Wall Plug will react in the event of power supply failure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 3, "propertyName": "Overload safety switch", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 30000, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Overload safety switch", "description": "allows to turn off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 10, "propertyName": "High priority power report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 100, "default": 80, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "High priority power report", "description": "minimum percentage 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"commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 13, "propertyName": "Energy reporting threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 500, "default": 10, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Energy reporting threshold", "description": "specifies the minimum change in energy consumption", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 10}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 14, "propertyName": "Power and energy periodic reports", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32400, "default": 3600, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Power and energy periodic reports", "description": "defines time period between independent reports sent", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 3600}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 15, "propertyName": "Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "function inactive", "1": "function activated"}, "label": "Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself", "description": "determines whether power metering should include the amount of power", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 20, "propertyName": "\u201eOn/Off (Button)\u201d association group (2)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "control as the Wall Plug", "1": "control opposite to the Wall Plug"}, "label": "\u201eOn/Off (Button)\u201d association group (2)", "description": "Control of \u201eOn/Off (Button)\u201d association group (2) devices", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 21, "propertyName": "DOWN value - association group (3)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 24900, "default": 300, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "DOWN value - association group (3)", "description": "DOWN value - \u201eOn/Off (Power)\u201d for association group (3)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 300}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 22, "propertyName": "UP value - association group (3)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 100, "max": 25000, "default": 500, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "UP value - association group (3)", "description": "UP value - \u201eOn/Off (Power)\u201d for association group (3)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 500}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 23, "propertyName": "The response after exceeding defined power values", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 6, "default": 6, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"1": "turn the associated devices ON (DOWN)", "2": "turn the associated devices OFF (DOWN)", "3": "turn the associated devices ON (UP)", "4": "turn the associated devices OFF (UP)", "5": "combination of 1 and 4", "6": "combination of 2 and 3"}, "label": "The response after exceeding defined power values", "description": "defines the way that 3rd association group devices are controlled.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 6}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 24, "propertyName": "SWITCH ON value - \u201eOn/Off\u201d association groups", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 255, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "SWITCH ON value - \u201eOn/Off\u201d association groups", "description": "SWITCH ON value - \u201eOn/Off\u201d association groups", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 255}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 30, "propertyName": "Active alarms", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 63, "default": 63, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"1": "general alarm", "2": "smoke alarm", "4": "CO alarm", "8": "CO2 alarm", "16": "high temperature alarm", "32": "flood alarm", "63": "All"}, "label": "Active alarms", "description": "Define Z-Wave network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 63}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 31, "propertyName": "Response to alarm frames", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 50, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Response to alarm frames", "description": "defines how the Wall Plug will respond to alarms", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 32, "propertyName": "Alarm state duration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1, "max": 32400, "default": 600, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Alarm state duration", "description": "specifies the duration of alarm state", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 600}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 40, "propertyName": "Power load for violet colour", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1000, "max": 30000, "default": 25000, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Power load for violet colour", "description": "determines maximum active power value", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 25000}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 41, "propertyName": "LED ring colour (device is ON)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 9, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "illumination turned off completely", "1": "colour changes depending on active power", "2": "colour changes in steps depending on active power", "3": "white", "4": "red", "5": "green", "6": "blue", "7": "yellow", "8": "cyan", "9": "magenta"}, "label": "LED ring colour (device is ON)", "description": "LED ring colour when controlled device is on", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 42, "propertyName": "LED ring colour (device is OFF)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 9, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "illumination turned off completely", "1": "LED ring is illuminated", "3": "white", "4": "red", "5": "green", "6": "blue", "7": "yellow", "8": "cyan", "9": "magenta"}, "label": "LED ring colour (device is OFF)", "description": "LED ring colour when controlled device is off", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 43, "propertyName": "LED ring colour (alarm detection)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 9, "default": 2, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "illumination turned off completely", "1": "no change in colour", "2": "LED ring flashes red/blue/white", "3": "white", "4": "red", "5": "green", "6": "blue", "7": "yellow", "8": "cyan", "9": "magenta"}, "label": "LED ring colour (alarm detection)", "description": "LED ring colour at the Z-Wave network alarm detection", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 50, "propertyName": "Associations in Z-Wave network security mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 3, "default": 3, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "none of the groups sent as secure", "1": "2nd group sent as secure", "2": "3rd group sent as secure", "3": "2nd and 3rd group sent as secure"}, "label": "Associations in Z-Wave network security mode", "description": "defines how commands are sent in specified association groups", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-current status", "ccVersion": 5, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Over-current status", "states": {"0": "idle", "6": "Over-current detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 8}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-load status", "ccVersion": 5, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Over-load status", "states": {"0": "idle", "8": "Over-load detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 8}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "manufacturerId", "propertyName": "manufacturerId", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Manufacturer ID"}, "value": 271}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "productType", "propertyName": "productType", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Product type"}, "value": 1538}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 114, "commandClassName": "Manufacturer Specific", "property": "productId", "propertyName": "productId", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "label": "Product ID"}, "value": 4097}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "libraryType", "propertyName": "libraryType", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Library type"}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "protocolVersion", "propertyName": "protocolVersion", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Z-Wave protocol version"}, "value": "4.5"}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "firmwareVersions", "propertyName": "firmwareVersions", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Z-Wave chip firmware versions"}, "value": ["3.2", "3.2"]}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "hardwareVersion", "propertyName": "hardwareVersion", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Z-Wave chip hardware version"}, "value": 2}]}, {"nodeId": 11, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 3079, "userIcon": 3079, "status": 1, "ready": true, "deviceClass": {"basic": "Routing 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"0x3001"}], "firmwareVersion": {"min": "3.2", "max": "255.255"}, "paramInformation": {"_map": {}}}, "label": "FGMS001", "neighbors": [1, 5, 10], "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [{"nodeId": 11, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 3079, "userIcon": 3079}], "values": [{"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 48, "commandClassName": "Binary Sensor", "property": "Any", "propertyName": "Any", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Any", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 255}}, "value": false}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Illuminance", "propertyName": "Illuminance", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "Lux", "label": "Illuminance", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 3, "scale": 1}}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Air temperature", "propertyName": "Air temperature", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "\u00b0C", "label": "Air temperature", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 24.7}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Seismic Intensity", "propertyName": "Seismic Intensity", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Seismic Intensity", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 25, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Acceleration X-axis", "propertyName": "Acceleration X-axis", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "m/s2", "label": "Acceleration X-axis", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 52, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Acceleration Y-axis", "propertyName": "Acceleration Y-axis", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "m/s2", "label": "Acceleration Y-axis", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 53, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Acceleration Z-axis", "propertyName": "Acceleration Z-axis", "ccVersion": 8, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "m/s2", "label": "Acceleration Z-axis", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 54, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 1, "propertyName": "Motion detection - sensitivity", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 8, "max": 255, "default": 15, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Motion detection - sensitivity", "description": "The lower the value, the more sensitive the PIR sensor.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Motion detection - blind time", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 15, "default": 3, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Motion detection - blind time", "description": "Period of time through which the PIR sensor is \u201cblind\u201d.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 3, "propertyName": "Motion detection - pulse counter", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 3, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "1 pulse", "1": "2 pulses", "2": "3 pulses", "3": "4 pulses"}, "label": "Motion detection - pulse counter", "description": "Sets the number of moves required for the PIR sensor to report motion.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 4, "propertyName": "Motion detection - window time", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 3, "default": 2, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "4 seconds", "1": "8 seconds", "2": "12 seconds", "3": "16 seconds"}, "label": "Motion detection - window time", "description": "The higher the value, the more sensitive the PIR sensor.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 6, "propertyName": "Motion detection - alarm cancellation delay", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1, "max": 32767, "default": 30, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Motion detection - alarm cancellation delay", "description": "Period of time after wich Motion alarm will be cancelled.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 30}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 8, "propertyName": "Motion detection - operating mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 2, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "PIR sensor always active", "1": "PIR sensor active during the day only", "2": "PIR sensor active during the night only"}, "label": "Motion detection - operating mode", "description": "The parameter determines the part of day in which the PIR sensor will be active.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Motion detection - night/day", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1, "max": 32767, "default": 200, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Motion detection - night/day", "description": "The parameter defines the difference between night and day.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 200}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 12, "propertyName": "BASIC command class configuration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 2, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "BASIC ON and BASIC OFF", "1": "Only the BASIC ON", "2": "Only the BASIC OFF"}, "label": "BASIC command class configuration", "description": "Determines the command frames sent in 2nd association group.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 14, "propertyName": "BASIC ON command frame value", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 255, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "BASIC ON command frame value", "description": "The value of 255 allows to turn ON a device.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 255}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 16, "propertyName": "BASIC OFF command frame value", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "BASIC OFF command frame value", "description": "The value of 0 allows to turn OFF a device.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 18, "propertyName": "Associations in Z-Wave network Security Mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 15, "default": 15, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Associations in Z-Wave network Security Mode", "description": "This parameter defines how commands are sent in specified association groups", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 20, "propertyName": "Tamper - sensitivity", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 121, "default": 20, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Tamper - sensitivity", "description": "Change in force that will result in tamper alarm", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 20}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 22, "propertyName": "Tamper - alarm cancellation delay", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1, "max": 32767, "default": 30, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Tamper - alarm cancellation delay", "description": "Time period after which a tamper alarm will be cancelled.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 30}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 24, "propertyName": "Tamper - operating modes", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 2, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Only tamper (default)", "1": "Tamper and earthquake detector", "2": "Tamper and orientation in space"}, "label": "Tamper - operating modes", "description": "This parameter determines function of the tamper and sent reports", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 25, "propertyName": "Tamper - alarm cancellation", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, 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"property": 29, "propertyName": "Tamper - backward compatible broadcast mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Reported to association groups.", "1": "Reported in broadcast mode to 5th assoc grp"}, "label": "Tamper - backward compatible broadcast mode", "description": "Determines whether the tamper alarm frame will be sent in broadcast mode", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 40, "propertyName": "Illuminance report - threshold", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 200, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Illuminance report - threshold", "description": "Change in light intensity level resulting in illumination report", "isFromConfig": 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"Long / Short Flashlight mode", "12": "Long / Short White.", "13": "Long / Short Red.", "14": "Long / Short Green.", "15": "Long / Short Blue.", "16": "Long / Short Yellow.", "17": "Long / Short Cyan.", "18": "Long / Short Magenta.", "19": "Long / 2 Short colour temperature dependent", "20": "Long / 2 Short White.", "21": "Long / 2 Short Red.", "22": "Long / 2 Short Green.", "23": "Long / 2 Short Blue.", "24": "Long / 2 Short Yellow.", "25": "Long / 2 Short Cyan.", "26": "Long / 2 Short Magenta."}, "label": "LED - signalling mode", "description": "LED signalling mode", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 81, "propertyName": "LED - brightness", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 100, "default": 50, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "LED - brightness", "description": "LED brightness", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 50}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 82, "propertyName": "LED - illuminance for low indicator brightness", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 100, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "LED - illuminance for low indicator brightness", "description": "Light intensity level below which brightness of visual indicator is set to 1%.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 100}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 83, "propertyName": "LED - illuminance for high indicator brightness", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 1000, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "LED - illuminance for high indicator brightness", "description": "Light intensity level above which brightness of visual indicator is set to 100%.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1000}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 86, "propertyName": "LED - temperature for blue colour", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 18, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "LED - temperature for blue colour", "description": "Minimum temperature resulting in blue LED illumination", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 18}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 87, "propertyName": "LED - temperature for red colour", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 28, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "LED - temperature for red colour", "description": "Minimum temperature resulting in red LED illumination", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 28}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 89, "propertyName": "LED - tamper alarm", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "LED does not indicate tamper alarm.", "1": "LED indicates tamper alarm."}, "label": "LED - tamper alarm", "description": "Indicating mode resembles a police car (white, red and blue", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Home Security", "propertyName": "Home Security", "propertyKeyName": "Motion sensor status", "ccVersion": 5, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Motion sensor status", "states": {"0": "idle", "8": "Motion detection"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 7}}, "value": 8}, 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"userIcon": 3329}, {"nodeId": 12, "index": 4, "installerIcon": 3328, "userIcon": 3329}], "values": [{"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 1, "propertyName": "param001", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Sensor mode", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 4, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "F-mode, floor sensor mode", "1": "A-mode, internal room sensor mode", "2": "AF-mode, internal sensor and floor sensor mode", "3": "A2-mode, external room sensor mode", "4": "A2F-mode, external sensor with floor limitation"}, "label": "Sensor mode", "description": "Sensor mode", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": 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["4.0"]}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "hardwareVersion", "propertyName": "hardwareVersion", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Z-Wave chip hardware version"}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "sdkVersion", "propertyName": "sdkVersion", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": "6.81.6"}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "applicationFrameworkAPIVersion", "propertyName": "applicationFrameworkAPIVersion", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": "4.3.0"}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "applicationFrameworkBuildNumber", "propertyName": "applicationFrameworkBuildNumber", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": 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"value": 97}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "applicationVersion", "propertyName": "applicationVersion", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": "4.0.33"}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 134, "commandClassName": "Version", "property": "applicationBuildNumber", "propertyName": "applicationBuildNumber", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}, "value": 52445}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "value", "propertyName": "value", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "kWh", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 86.9}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "deltaTime", "propertyName": "deltaTime", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Time since the previous reading", "unit": "s", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "value", "propertyName": "value", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_W_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "W", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 2}}, "value": 506.16}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "deltaTime", "propertyName": "deltaTime", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_W_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Time since the previous reading", "unit": "s", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 2}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "value", "propertyName": "value", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_V_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "V", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 4}}, "value": 235.6}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "deltaTime", "propertyName": "deltaTime", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_V_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Time since the previous reading", "unit": "s", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 4}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "previousValue", "propertyName": "previousValue", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Previous value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "kWh", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 0}}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "previousValue", "propertyName": "previousValue", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_W_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Previous value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "W", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 2}}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "previousValue", "propertyName": "previousValue", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_V_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Previous value (Electric, Consumed)", "unit": "V", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 4}}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 64, "commandClassName": "Thermostat Mode", "property": "mode", "propertyName": "mode", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "min": 0, "max": 31, "label": "Thermostat mode", "states": {"0": "Off", "1": "Heat"}}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 64, "commandClassName": "Thermostat Mode", "property": "manufacturerData", "propertyName": "manufacturerData", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": true}}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 66, "commandClassName": "Thermostat Operating State", "property": "state", "propertyName": "state", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Operating state", "states": {"0": "Idle", "1": "Heating", "2": "Cooling", "3": "Fan Only", "4": "Pending Heat", "5": "Pending Cool", "6": "Vent/Economizer", "7": "Aux Heating", "8": "2nd Stage Heating", "9": "2nd Stage Cooling", "10": "2nd Stage Aux Heat", "11": "3rd Stage Aux Heat"}}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 1, "commandClass": 67, "commandClassName": "Thermostat Setpoint", "property": "setpoint", "propertyName": "setpoint", "propertyKeyName": "Heating", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "min": 5, "max": 35, "unit": "\u00b0C", "ccSpecific": {"setpointType": 1}}, "value": 25}, {"endpoint": 2, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Air temperature", "propertyName": "Air temperature", "ccVersion": 0, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "\u00b0C", "label": "Air temperature", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 23.9}, {"endpoint": 3, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Air temperature", "propertyName": "Air temperature", "ccVersion": 0, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "\u00b0C", "label": "Air temperature", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 4, "commandClass": 49, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "property": "Air temperature", "propertyName": "Air temperature", "ccVersion": 0, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "unit": "\u00b0C", "label": "Air temperature", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 25.1}]}]}}}
probot-home-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

zwave_js documentation zwave_js source (message by IssueLinks)

kpine commented 3 years ago

Same problem as in Z-Wave and OZW, also logged as an arch issue, https://github.com/home-assistant/architecture/issues/226.

raman325 commented 3 years ago

@kpine's response is regarding the feature request. Regarding the fact that you don't have multiple sensors for each temperature, that's strange. The logic I see indicates that you should have 3 temperature sensors.

Are they perhaps disabled on the device? - what I mean by this is click on the devices link on the zwave_js tile in configuration > integrations and then click on your thermostat. Are there disabled entities shown there?

geirra commented 3 years ago

This issue isn't really about the feature request, just a side comment.

But no, the sensors are not disabled either in zwavejs or HA floor_thermostat

If you look at the attached json dump you can see the entitys, they are simply not mapped in HA.

                }, {
                    "endpoint": 2,
                    "commandClass": 49,
                    "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor",
                    "property": "Air temperature",
                    "propertyName": "Air temperature",
                    "ccVersion": 0,
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "number",
                        "readable": true,
                        "writeable": false,
                        "unit": "\u00b0C",
                        "label": "Air temperature",
                        "ccSpecific": {
                            "sensorType": 1,
                            "scale": 0
                    "value": 23.9
                }, {
                    "endpoint": 3,
                    "commandClass": 49,
                    "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor",
                    "property": "Air temperature",
                    "propertyName": "Air temperature",
                    "ccVersion": 0,
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "number",
                        "readable": true,
                        "writeable": false,
                        "unit": "\u00b0C",
                        "label": "Air temperature",
                        "ccSpecific": {
                            "sensorType": 1,
                            "scale": 0
                    "value": 0
                }, {
                    "endpoint": 4,
                    "commandClass": 49,
                    "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor",
                    "property": "Air temperature",
                    "propertyName": "Air temperature",
                    "ccVersion": 0,
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "number",
                        "readable": true,
                        "writeable": false,
                        "unit": "\u00b0C",
                        "label": "Air temperature",
                        "ccSpecific": {
                            "sensorType": 1,
                            "scale": 0
                    "value": 25.1

In addition one of those temp sensors should be mapped as default sensor for climate control. floor_thermostat2

robinsmidsrod commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/issues/1844#issue-813338845 (expected behavior paragraph) the first temperature sensor is always used to indicate the current temperature in the thermostat card. Depending on the sensor mode (value [10-112-0-2]) the correct temperature sensor should be used. Normally (for the Z-TRM3) there are three different sensors; internal, external and floor (in that order).

Should this issue also be solved here, or should another issue be opened?

raman325 commented 3 years ago

it sounds like this device will need a different discovery scheme. I'm not sure how your question differs from the original, so assuming it's the same, another issue being opened won't help.

robinsmidsrod commented 3 years ago

@raman325 Then I'll just leave my comment here and hope that the issue of which temperature sensor to use can be resolved in this one.

henrikeri commented 3 years ago

@raman325 Then I'll just leave my comment here and hope that the issue of which temperature sensor to use can be resolved in this one.

Hi! Did you find a solution to the issue selecting sensor? I am seeing the same on my HA install

raman325 commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in zwave-js/node-zwave-js#1844 (comment) (expected behavior paragraph) the first temperature sensor is always used to indicate the current temperature in the thermostat card. Depending on the sensor mode (value [10-112-0-2]) the correct temperature sensor should be used. Normally (for the Z-TRM3) there are three different sensors; internal, external and floor (in that order).

Should this issue also be solved here, or should another issue be opened?

What is the expected behavior of each of the five states listed here?

"0": "F-mode, floor sensor mode", "1": "A-mode, internal room sensor mode", "2": "AF-mode, internal sensor and floor sensor mode", "3": "A2-mode, external room sensor mode", "4": "A2F-mode, external sensor with floor limitation"

In particular, how are 2 and 4 handled in terms of measuring current temp?

Saving some links here for future reference: https://devices.zwave-js.io/?jumpTo=0x019b:0x0003:0x0203:0.0 https://media.heatit.com/715

raman325 commented 3 years ago

I created a branch to address this. Just need to figure out how to handle those two combo states and then update the tests: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/compare/dev...raman325:heatit_ztrm3

geirra commented 3 years ago

@raman325 based on what i have seen

2: Both sensors internal and floro is used to check if set temp has been reached. 4: External sensor + floor sensor. Floor sensor is used to enforce limit of max temp of 27C used for wooden floors.

raman325 commented 3 years ago

@raman325 based on what i have seen

2: Both sensors internal and floro is used to check if set temp has been reached.

4: External sensor + floor sensor. Floor sensor is used to enforce limit of max temp of 27C used for wooden floors.

I'm not quite sure how to translate this: 2 - does this mean if the current temperature of either sensor is at the target temperature, it stops? So what should the current temp be, whichever one is higher? 4 - not sure what to make of this one but same question as above, what do we show the current temperature as

geirra commented 3 years ago

So i checked with the manufacturer on this.

  1. Internal sensor is primary sensor (what is displayed on the thermostat), while floor sensor is used for enforcing limits
  2. External sensor is primary, floor for enforcing limits.
robinsmidsrod commented 3 years ago

@raman325 Here is the information from section 8 of the user manual about how those modes operate:

  1. PRINCIPLES OF REGULATION Using Floor / External sensor (F, A2 or A2F-Mode) The thermostat uses temperature readings retrieved from the internal sensor or external wired sensor to regulate heating. When you have chosen a setpoint temperature, the thermostat will use an internal hysteresis to regulate the temperature. This hysteresis is adjustable. See Chapter 5 “Installation”.

Using Internal sensor (A-mode/AF mode) If you have a set point of 20°C, the thermostat will use the full power until the temperature is 19°C. The thermostat will then begin to regulate the output from 19°C with a 75% duty cycle until it reaches 19,25°C. When the temperature has reached 19.5°C the thermostat will use a 50% duty cycle, until it reaches 20°C, then the thermostat turns off and repeats the process. For example, at a 75% duty cycle it will turn ON for a total of 90 minutes and OFF for 30 minutes.

Also, from section 12 you have this about the sensor modes and limits:

  1. CHOICE OF SENSOR The thermostat has a range of choices when it comes to sensors. To access the menu, press Center (confirm) for 10 seconds, then press Right (down) once. An A will appear on the display. Then press Center (confirm) again and choose modes while moving up and down with buttons Left or Right:

F - Floor sensor A - Internal sensor AF - Internal sensor + Floor sensor A2 - External room sensor A2F - External room sensor + Floor sensor

When you have chosen sensor mode, press the Center (confirm) button. If you choose F without having a floor sensor connected, Er4 will be shown on the display. If you choose A2 or A2F and there is no external sensor installed, Er5 will be displayed on the screen. NOTE: Wooden floors require that a floor sensor is connected in order to limit the floor temperature to a maximum of 27°C (in accordance with specifications from most wooden floor manufacturers).

And yes, I have verified the the sensor order. This is a paste from my zwavejs2mqtt panel indicating the temperatures for the different sensors (with my labels):

[17-49-2-Air temperature] Internal: 27.1 °C
[17-49-3-Air temperature] External: 0 °C
[17-49-4-Air temperature] Floor:    26 °C

Here are some other values (for reference):

[17-67-1-setpoint-1] setpoint (property): 26°C
[17-112-0-2]         Sensor mode:         [0] F-mode, floor sensor mode 

Since I don't have an external sensor that one is easy to notice, and the first sensor is always the the internal, because it is built-in and always available. The internal sensor is usually lower in temperature than the floor (except for right after a shower, which you can see right now). In this particular thermostat, it is set to F (floor mode), so the setpoint and the third sensor (floor) matches up. So yeah, I'm fairly confident the order is internal, external, floor.

raman325 commented 3 years ago

@raman325 So i checked with the manufacturer on this.

  1. Internal sensor is primary sensor (what is displayed on the thermostat), while floor sensor is used for enforcing limits
  2. External sensor is primary, floor for enforcing limits.

OK, so we will prioritize the internal and external sensors respectively. Thanks!

@robinsmidsrod thanks, I was able to find some of that after doing some Googling but it's nice to get confirmation.

I think I have everything I need to submit this PR, let's see what happens.

henrikeri commented 3 years ago

@raman325 So i checked with the manufacturer on this.

  1. Internal sensor is primary sensor (what is displayed on the thermostat), while floor sensor is used for enforcing limits
  2. External sensor is primary, floor for enforcing limits.

OK, so we will prioritize the internal and external sensors respectively. Thanks!

@robinsmidsrod thanks, I was able to find some of that after doing some Googling but it's nice to get confirmation.

I think I have everything I need to submit this PR, let's see what happens.

@robinsmidsrod and @raman325,

Just to pitch in on 1. primary sensor and display. On my thermostats what is shown in the display varies depending on which mode I select. If I use F, it displays F temp in the display and so forth. Not sure if this plays in for the coding to be done though?

raman325 commented 3 years ago

@henrikeri In the linked PR, I mapped current temperature to A (internal sensor) when the config parameter is set to A or AF, A2 (external sensor) when the config parameter is set to A2 or A2F, and F (floor sensor) when the config parameter is set to F.

If this doesn't match your expectations please clarify what you expect

henrikeri commented 3 years ago

@henrikeri In the linked PR, I mapped current temperature to A (internal sensor) when the config parameter is set to A or AF, A2 (external sensor) when the config parameter is set to A2 or A2F, and F (floor sensor) when the config parameter is set to F.

If this doesn't match your expectations please clarify what you expect

This sounds as if it would cover the current issues sufficiently. In the event the mode is changed, will it auto update, or will one have to rediscover the devices?

robinsmidsrod commented 3 years ago

@raman325 For reference, here is the product page (which has the manual with all the details I pasted earlier): https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/3802?selectedFrequencyId=1

Thumbs up for your mapping of sensors to modes you mentioned two comments up. That is in line with my expectations as well.

raman325 commented 3 years ago

@henrikeri In the linked PR, I mapped current temperature to A (internal sensor) when the config parameter is set to A or AF, A2 (external sensor) when the config parameter is set to A2 or A2F, and F (floor sensor) when the config parameter is set to F. If this doesn't match your expectations please clarify what you expect

This sounds as if it would cover the current issues sufficiently. In the event the mode is changed, will it auto update, or will one have to rediscover the devices?

Yes, it will auto update assuming the PR goes through. There is some concern about the approach I have taken for this though, so the PR is on hold pending further discussion

raman325 commented 3 years ago

Alright, so this PR didn't make it for 2021.5 but it will be there in 2021.6

quack3d commented 3 years ago

Is a separate PR required for HeatIt Z-TRM2fx or will it work for this too?

raman325 commented 3 years ago

As of now separate I think. Are the state options of that config parameter the same?

quack3d commented 3 years ago

Don't know. How to tell?

raman325 commented 3 years ago

Can you provide a state dump of your node? I can verify that way

quack3d commented 3 years ago

Like so? heatit.txt

quack3d commented 3 years ago

Was that state dump sufficient or do you need something else?

raman325 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for bumping this, almost forgot! Yes this is great, so it looks like the configuration parameter used to control the device is the same which is great news. The only thing to confirm is that the current temp endpoints match the z-trm3: endpoint 2 Internal endpoint 3 External

I don't think they do though because from this value, I am gathering that this device does not have an internal sensor. So which one is floor and which one is external?

  "endpoint": 0,
  "commandClass": 112,
  "commandClassName": "Configuration",
  "property": 2,
  "propertyName": "Sensor mode",
  "ccVersion": 3,
  "metadata": {
    "type": "number",
    "readable": true,
    "writeable": true,
    "label": "Sensor mode",
    "default": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 4,
    "states": {
      "0": "F-mode, floor sensor mode",
      "3": "A2-mode, external room sensor mode",
      "4": "A2F-mode, external sensor with floor limitation"
    "valueSize": 1,
    "format": 0,
    "allowManualEntry": false,
    "isFromConfig": true
  "value": 0
quack3d commented 3 years ago

I have one entity called Air temperature (2) at 0,0 C and another called Air temperature (3) at 28,8 C. But they only seem to be updated when doing a re-interview. I have it set to F-mode, floor sensor mode. I see now in the heatit.txt I attached that one of the 'Air temperature' has value 28.8. That is the temperature on my floor sensor (even though it's not being updated in HA for some reason).

ricmik commented 3 years ago

I would love to see this implemented for the Heatit Z-TRM2fx 😃

raman325 commented 3 years ago

I have one entity called Air temperature (2) at 0,0 C and another called Air temperature (3) at 28,8 C. But they only seem to be updated when doing a re-interview. I have it set to F-mode, floor sensor mode. I see now in the heatit.txt I attached that one of the 'Air temperature' has value 28.8. That is the temperature on my floor sensor (even though it's not being updated in HA for some reason).

Perfect that's exactly what I needed. Luckily with the way that I was guided to build the Z-TRM3 support should make this trivial to add

raman325 commented 3 years ago

btw I can't explain why those entities don't update. If you continue to face this problem, you could consider using the zwave_js.refresh_values service in an automation to "poll" the value. This is a much lighter operation on your network and much quicker as a result

Molodax commented 3 years ago

I have one entity called Air temperature (2) at 0,0 C and another called Air temperature (3) at 28,8 C. But they only seem to be updated when doing a re-interview. I have it set to F-mode, floor sensor mode. I see now in the heatit.txt I attached that one of the 'Air temperature' has value 28.8. That is the temperature on my floor sensor (even though it's not being updated in HA for some reason).

To get the updates, you need to adjust parameter "Temperature report hysteresis" to e.g. 1 instead of default "10".

quack3d commented 3 years ago

To get the updates, you need to adjust parameter "Temperature report hysteresis" to e.g. 1 instead of default "10".

Thanks for that. I don't know why it worked with the default settings in OZW. Nevertheless, I found that my associations on this device coming from OZW was causing a lot of issues. I fixed those and everything started working (it also started reporting watt changes).