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Default dashboard keeps resetting to Overview #18626

Open GitHubGoody opened 8 months ago

GitHubGoody commented 8 months ago


Describe the issue you are experiencing

I recently reconfigured my primary custom .yaml dashboard configuration to clean up the URL (i.e. remove reference to anything "lovelace"). My configuration now looks like this:

  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      filename: dashboard.yaml
      title: Home
      icon: mdi:home-account
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false

Ever since, some of my devices seem to reset the default dashboard every 1-2 days to the Overview which is marked as default even if I stay logged in and on WiFi and/or when the app has to switch to external access (Nabu Casa) and then back to internal.

I cannot seem to pinpoint what part of the configuration changes are causing this. Any ideas or is this just a bug I need to report?

Describe the behavior you expected

The dashboard I set as the default to persist.

Steps to reproduce the issue

See above

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


In which browser are you experiencing the issue with?

Multiple including iOS HA app and Edge

Which operating system are you using to run this browser?

iOS 17.0.3 and Windows 10

State of relevant entities

No response

Problem-relevant frontend configuration

No response

Javascript errors shown in your browser console/inspector

No response

Additional information

No response

codemunkie15 commented 7 months ago

I am also having this issue on iOS. On Android it is fine.

My configuration.yaml looks like below which I am setting as default on iOS but it keeps resetting the default to Overview.

  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      filename: dashboards/mobile-dashboard/mobile-dashboard.yaml
      title: Mobile Dashboard
GitHubGoody commented 7 months ago

More context added here.

janrivo commented 5 months ago

I also experience this. From what I can tell the defaultPanel in the local storage is reset on a refresh of the page, but I don't know why this happens.

jprokopowich commented 5 months ago

This occurs on my android device, ios device and desktop.

prohidium commented 4 months ago

Can you clarify if this is just in your user setting for your own default dashboard or is it actually changing the default dashboard outside of your own user default dashboard under user settings?

I have the problem which appears to be related to the above complaint which is triggered by connecting to a different network for example: I am away from home and on LTE or a different network and I connect via the iphone APP using NabuCasa. My user profile defaults to the HA default dashboard instead of my user default dashboard. I then have to go into my user profile and change it back to my actual default dashboard which is a different dashboard than the Overview default dashboard. My default in HA is not the Overview default dashboard but rather a dashboard I created.

GitHubGoody commented 4 months ago

Well, with all the changes I made trying to put things back to default setting, my dashboards are still not displaying as intended and my problem now is that I cannot seem to get the Overview page to stay in the sidebar (ironically, the inverse symptom of my original issue).

I've returned my configuration.yaml back to the default setting for a YAML Overview dashboard:

  mode: yaml #I have also tried storage
  resources: !include resources.yaml

But, unless I manually select Overview on each device, it doesn't default to Overview. Also, even when I manually set it per device (via Profile>Dashboard OR Settings>Dashboard>Overview>SET AS DEFAULT ON THIS DEVICE), it seems any number of things (*including force closing and reopening the iOS app while still on my home network OR turning off WiFi on my iPhone forcing a refresh) can cause it to still disappear from the sidebar. In both cases, if I go back into Settings>Dashboard, Show in sidebar is once again deselected and none of the dashboards are selected as default (same under Profile). So, in this way, this is still symptomatic of my original issue which is that the default device dashboard keeps resetting (previously to Overview and now to null).

So, instead, I've had to create a duplicate dashboard (title Dashboard) that is visible in the sidebar and does seem to hold as a default. Here is that part of my configuration...also under lovelace:

      mode: yaml
      filename: dashboard.yaml
      title: Dashboard
      icon: mdi:home-account
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: true

Fortunately, my configuration is split, so I just had to duplicate the reference ui-lovelace.yaml file to dashboard.yaml which only contains

views: !include_dir_merge_list views

Here is a look at my current Dashboard summary from my laptop:


*If this were on my iPhone, the two checkmarks on the Overview line would disappear if I did either of the things mentioned.

I'm open to any ideas on how to get back to a stable dashboard configuration since this affects all of the members of my family. It's relatively easy (but still a PITA) for me to get a dashboard back up every.single.time since I'm an Admin, but the rest of my family couldn't get to any of the HA features until I implement the duplicate Dashboard workaround.

akropp commented 2 months ago

This happens to me periodically as well. It will save for a while, but eventually will revert back to Overview.