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Can not set device_class to none on UI binary template #21123

Open Mariusthvdb opened 2 weeks ago

Mariusthvdb commented 2 weeks ago


Describe the issue you are experiencing

as title, creating a new Helper template binary

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-21 om 11 55 21

then check the config options in the more info reveals:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-21 om 11 44 53

but we can not select the None as displayed on:


which is the only possible option to show those icons And the correct state

Describe the behavior you expected

be able to select None

I did try to click the X in that Show_as dropdown, and save. It returns to the Active device_class though

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. see above
  2. ...

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?

No response

In which browser are you experiencing the issue with?


Which operating system are you using to run this browser?

Mac OS

State of relevant entities

see screenshot

Problem-relevant frontend configuration

No response

Javascript errors shown in your browser console/inspector

No response

Additional information

Note the icon in the preview on the UI is correct below the template field, and how that differs from the one in the show as line

Note there also is an odd separator line, that probably shoulknt be there

Mariusthvdb commented 2 weeks ago

made a second one:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-21 om 12 01 57

and that does show alright. checking the entity_registry on those reveals something interesting:

{"aliases":[],"area_id":null,"categories":{},"capabilities":null,"config_entry_id":"c81b18ff91b463722f311755b7c13f6d","device_class":null,"device_id":null,"disabled_by":null,"entity_category":null,"entity_id":"binary_sensor.donker_thema_2","hidden_by":null,"icon":null,"id":"8fed530249c0e3efe9f8afa346ff2a9f","has_entity_name":false,"labels":[],"name":null,"options":{"cloud.google_assistant":{"should_expose":false},"conversation":{"should_expose":false}},"original_device_class":null,"original_icon":null,"original_name":"Donker thema","platform":"template","supported_features":0,"translation_key":null,"unique_id":"c81b18ff91b463722f311755b7c13f6d","previous_unique_id":null,"unit_of_measurement":null}

has device_class set to null, while the first try has:

{"aliases":[],"area_id":null,"categories":{},"capabilities":null,"config_entry_id":"6b66880d8b2992b11a731f176d96997a","device_class":"","device_id":null,"disabled_by":null,"entity_category":null,"entity_id":"binary_sensor.donker_thema","hidden_by":null,"icon":null,"id":"9ba19e6d01b96ae70c7fb6d89adc9b89","has_entity_name":false,"labels":[],"name":null,"options":{"cloud.google_assistant":{"should_expose":false},"conversation":{"should_expose":false}},"original_device_class":"running","original_icon":null,"original_name":"Donker thema","platform":"template","supported_features":0,"translation_key":null,"unique_id":"6b66880d8b2992b11a731f176d96997a","previous_unique_id":null,"unit_of_measurement":null}

device_class set to "".

Still can Not select None, or No class in the drop down

karwosts commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think there's anything that can be done from the frontend.

No matter what is sent in the config/entity_registry/update API for device_class, core will always revert back to the entity's original_device_class if we request a nullish value for device_class. That logic in the entity registry would need to be changed.

Mariusthvdb commented 2 weeks ago

but... are you saying now that if we dont set a device_class (I did not do that), it would set it to active? Because that is what happened and really shouldnt.

And, as Ive found, the X does not do anything in this case, while it should really unset any choice previously set? If this needs to be taken to the Core, can you move that? I wont be able to describe what you just said above...

karwosts commented 2 weeks ago

No I'm not saying that.

Entity registry has two fields: original_device_class and device_class.

original_device_class is set by the integration. In the case of the template binary sensor, it is set by the choice made in the config flow when the entity was first created. This can't be changed after creation.

device_class can be set by user picking a value in the show_as field. This can be changed at any time.

Even after changing device_class, the original_device_class always remains its original value. The device class attribute for an entity is defined as: if device_class has a value, use that, else use original_device_class.

This means when you clear the device_class/show_as field in the registry settings, the device class attribute reverts back to original_device_class.

If clearing device_class field sets your entity to Active device_class, than I believe that would have been the value selected at entity creation, and that must be the value of original_device_class. You can check this in your entity registry entries that you posted. If you claim you didn't set that, I would ask you to try one more time to make sure, since if I do:

it reverts back to no device class as expected.