Closed VDRainer closed 5 years ago
Confirmed on Windows 10-Firefox using the long-press demo:
On my Windows 10 machine with touchscreen I have no errors, btw. Just my desktop machine that does not have a touchscreen.
Please try the long press demo in
Just for clarification, also short click doesn't work and raises the error.
Another data point - same error in glance card with touch-event defined for an entity in Mac Safari. Works fine in Mac Chrome. This is in 0.84.0b1:
2018-12-07 14:55:56 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201812070] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: TouchEvent
Home Assistant release with the issue: 0.84.0b1
Last working Home Assistant release (if known): 0.83.3
Browser and Operating System: FF on Ubuntu 18.04, works in Chrome
Description of problem: Clicking on a picture-entity in Chrome opens the more info (bigger picture). In FF nothing happens and error in the log: