home-assistant / frontend

:lollipop: Frontend for Home Assistant
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panel_iframe has zero height #2683

Closed LordBoos closed 5 years ago

LordBoos commented 5 years ago

Home Assistant release with the issue: 0.86.4 Frontend JavaScript version: latest

Last working Home Assistant release (if known): ~0.83

Browser and Operating System:

Windows 10 Home 1809 17763.253 Chrome 73.0.3683.10

Works fine in Edge browser.

Description of problem: iFrame panels have zero height making them invisible. When I manually edit the height then then iFrame is correctly shown.

This is chrome developer console screenshot of the iFrame element open in fullscreen window on FullHD monitor: image

Javascript errors shown in the web inspector (if applicable):

no errors

Additional information: Looks like new Chrome does not accept the CSS3 calc() for height (tested it in width and it worked fine).

LordBoos commented 5 years ago

Created bug in Chromium. Can anybody create a demo with this issue? I have no spare RPi to do it. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=930493

iantrich commented 5 years ago

what's your configuration? I can't replicate this

LordBoos commented 5 years ago

My configuration is:

    title: Configurator
    icon: mdi:wrench
    url: https://CCC.XXX.duckdns.org
    title: Terminal
    icon: mdi:console
    url: https://TTT.XXX.duckdns.org
    title: ESPHome
    icon: mdi:chip
    url: https://EEE.XXX.duckdns.org

Pages are exposed as HTTPS using Caddy reverse proxy hassio addon https://github.com/korylprince/hassio-caddy/tree/master/caddy

My hassio instance is also exposed as HTTPS to the internet.

Pages alone work as I can open them directly in the browser and also Lovelace iframe panel works fine:

  - badges: []
      - aspect_ratio: 54%
        type: iframe
        url: 'https://CCC.XXX.duckdns.org'
    icon: 'mdi:wrench'
    panel: true
    title: Config

Keep in mind that this only occurs on Chrome 73+ (73.0.3683.10 and latter 73.0.3683.20 is also affected) and it works fine on older versions (72.0.3626.96 works fine) and also other browsers (tried MS Edge).

LordBoos commented 5 years ago

Chrome 74.0.3702.0 fixed this issue.