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TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' when using conditional cards in a vertical stack #4896

Closed skarfacegc closed 4 years ago

skarfacegc commented 4 years ago


The problem

Using conditional cards in a vertical stack sometimes doesn't work. 2 conditional cards in a vertical stack monitoring a 2 state external entity. External state 'toggles' between the two cards. Seems like there's a race condition between the state flip and the right card being writable at the right time. Condensed example config below

Expected behavior

The cards toggle on and off correctly

Steps to reproduce

Create horizontal stacks of button cards (not sure if type matters) inside of two different conditional vertical stacks. Conditions for both stacks are different so only one stack shows at a time (show different sets of buttons based on activity)


Problem-relevant configuration

        - type: vertical-stack
            - type: horizontal-stack
              title: Basement TV
                - name: "Power Off"
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                  icon: mdi:power
                  entity: remote.basement
                    - value: 'on'
                      color: white
                    - operator: template
                      value: >
                        [[[ return states['remote.basement'].attributes.current_activity === 'PowerOff' ]]]
                      color: grey
                    action: call-service
                    service: remote.turn_off
                      entity_id: remote.basement 
                - name: "Watch TV"
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                  icon: mdi:television  
                    - operator: template
                      value: >
                        [[[ return states['remote.basement'].attributes.current_activity === 'TV' ]]]
                      color: var(--paper-slider-active-color)
                    action: call-service
                    service: remote.turn_on
                      entity_id: remote.basement
                      activity: "TV"
                - name: "Play Xbox"
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                  icon: mdi:xbox
                    - operator: template
                      value: >
                        [[[ return states['remote.basement'].attributes.current_activity === 'Play Xbox One' ]]]
                      color: var(--paper-slider-active-color)
                    action: call-service
                    service: remote.turn_on
                      entity_id: remote.basement
                      activity: "Play Xbox One"
            - type: conditional
                - entity: sensor.basement_tv_activity
                  state: 'Play Xbox One'
                type: horizontal-stack
                - icon: mdi:arrow-left
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                - icon: mdi:arrow-right
                  type: "custom:button-card" 
                - icon: mdi:circle-medium
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                - icon: mdi:arrow-up
                  type: "custom:button-card"
                - icon: mdi:arrow-down
                  type: "custom:button-card"
            - type: conditional
                - entity: sensor.basement_tv_activity 
                  state: 'TV'
                type: horizontal-stack
                  - name: "Netflix"
                    type: "custom:button-card"
                    icon: mdi:netflix
                      action: call-service
                      service: remote.send_command
                        entity_id: remote.basement
                        device: Samsung TV
                        command: Netflix
                  - name: "Amazon"
                    type: "custom:button-card"
                    icon: mdi:amazon
                      action: call-service
                      service: remote.send_command
                        entity_id: remote.basement
                        device: Samsung TV
                        command: Amazon
                  - name: "Plex"
                    type: "custom:button-card"
                    icon: mdi:plex
                      action: call-service
                      service: remote.send_command
                        entity_id: remote.basement
                        device: Samsung TV
                          - "SmartHub"
                          - "DirectionRight"
                          - "DirectionRight"
                          - "Select"
                        delay_secs: 0.4

Javascript errors shown in your browser console/inspector

5hui-stack-card.ts:97 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' of null
    at HTMLElement._rebuildCard (hui-stack-card.ts:97)
    at HTMLElement.t.addEventListener.once (hui-stack-card.ts:85)
    at r (fire_event.ts:76)
    at create-card-element.ts:111

Additional information

skarfacegc commented 4 years ago

Finally got upgraded to 105.5 haven't seen the issue. Closing, will re-open if I see it again.

skarfacegc commented 4 years ago

Issue is showing up again. Added some actions to the button arrow cards, set some sizes and colors. Haven't backed out change to see if it changes things at all. I suspect I was just getting lucky before in whatever race condition I was hitting

skarfacegc commented 4 years ago

Seems to happen less frequently on a freshly loaded browser (Confirming that I did in fact dump the full file cache with ⌘y in chrome)

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

ok, confirmed i have this too when i am using conditional cards , when the card is invisible, the error is thrown

for now i am using state-switch card, they dont have the issue

allthough, i still prefer confitional card

any update on this case?

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

guys, is this fixed for you? i still have the same issue on 108.2

skarfacegc commented 4 years ago

I still see the warning periodically, but the conditional cards are working fine now. Not sure they were actually related.

pergolafabio commented 4 years ago

Yeah, for me too, still same errors on conditional cards, when no card is shown

poldim commented 4 years ago

No sure if #5398 (@bramkragten) was supposed to fix this, but as of yesterday, I was still getting these errors on the latest stable build. I replaced the conditional cards with the custom:state-switch and it eliminated the errors.