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Big problem with geocoded location #2712

Open cryd-s opened 3 months ago

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

iOS device model, version and app version

Model Name: Iphone 12 Software Version: 17.4.1 App version: 2024.4

Home Assistant Core Version 2024.4.2 Describe the bug our mobile app pushes wrong locations - sometimes it say we are in libanon - than i have to open the app to get the correct location in germany

To Reproduce dont know

Expected behavior right location

Screenshots Wrong: image Normal: image

Additional context at first i thougt it is a problem with my new unifi network (switched from avm to unify) but then i checked and saw that the state is gps based.

Here are some logs from the app: 2024-04-11_14.30.29+0200.logs.zip

bgoncal commented 3 months ago

Do you have more than device tracked to your user? VPN? Any idea why Libanon? (like, have you been there)

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

no i never visited libanon - i only have my iphone to track my user - but the device of my girlfriend made the same problems. I have no vpn.

bgoncal commented 3 months ago

no i never visited libanon - i only have my iphone to track my user - but the device of my girlfriend made the same problems. I have no vpn.

Same issue and also same location (Libanon)? (on her phone)

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

yes the same location

bgoncal commented 3 months ago

yes the same location

That could be something related to your network indeed, iOS is the one that provides location to the app and it uses more than just GPS AFAIK, before you moved to UniFi this never happened? Also how often does it happens?

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

the first time i recognize this problem was after i switched to unify

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

it happens very often i think every background fetch

bgoncal commented 3 months ago

it happens very often i think every background fetch

Also when you are away from home? (Not connected to UniFi)

cryd-s commented 3 months ago

i have to test - will answer tomorrow