home-assistant / intents

Intents to be used with Home Assistant
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German sentences that should be supported #40

Closed balloob closed 1 year ago

balloob commented 1 year ago

If you don't feel comfortable contributing to the YAML in this repository, you can post your German sentences that match our supported intents below.

Skorfulose commented 1 year ago

For covers, I usually say:

And others will interchangeably say „die Jalousie(n)“ instead of „Rolladen“

envy commented 1 year ago

I'm currently using the HomeKit integration witha Homepod and I frequently ask/tell Siri this:

Scorpoon commented 1 year ago

For covers, I usually say:

  • Öffne/schließe den/die Rolladen in Pauls Zimmer
  • Öffne/schließe den/die Rolladen im Wohnzimmer
  • Öffne/schließe alle Rolladen
  • Rollladen auf x Prozent
  • Rollladen in Pauls Zimmer auf x Prozent
  • Alle Rollladen öffnen/schließen
  • Alle Rollladen hoch/runter

And others will interchangeably say „die Jalousie(n)“ instead of „Rolladen“

Alles außer x Prozent ist dann mit #92 abgedeckt.

kroimon commented 1 year ago

Alles außer x Prozent ist dann mit #92 abgedeckt.

"hoch/runter" für Cover fehlt

ChristophHoltmann commented 1 year ago

A few more granular ideas regarding covers: "Öffne/Schließe die Rollläden\Jalousien ganz/komplett" for 0/100 % or "Öffne/Schließe die Rollläden/Jalousien halb/zur Hälfte" for 50 % Even more precise would be something like: "Öffne/Schließe die Rollläden/Jalousien auf Schlitz/Spalt". The percentage might depend on the covers then..

shurli commented 1 year ago

Additionally to "Schalte ein/aus" i also would say "Dreh(e) auf/ab".

jones1894 commented 1 year ago

Hi, You should also take into account, that some would use "RollÄden" and some "RollAden" as the plural form of "Rolladen"

jones1894 commented 1 year ago

And for getTemperature I'd like to use: Wie warm ist es (in/im) (der Küche/Schlafzimmer/draußen/oben etc.)? and for setTemperature: Stell(e) die Heizung (in/im) (der Küche/Schlafzimmer/oben etc.) auf x Grad. or even: Heize das Bad für's Duschen/Baden auf. (in this case you'd have to have a variable containing the precise temperature)

geg2048 commented 1 year ago

Hi how proper should the grammar be and should we include slight dialect variations?

Because even tho according to the duden it is:

it sounds weird for me so I use:

Regarding dialects sometimes I say:

instead of:

Also regarding areas. I often say:

ChristophCaina commented 1 year ago

Another variation for getting a temperature value:

Further more: Do we have other domains that needs to be added? At the moment, I am running some Amazon Echos and have integrated different routines in the devices with which scripts will be triggered. These will be used for changing settings on my EV Charging Station or start the charging of the EV... But I could also imagine (for a wider adaptation) to controll TVs (turn on & set channel)... Should we start with creating files for such examples, too? Or isn't that planned as of now?