I am running HASS 2023.1.5 as VM on Proxmox. Since today I am receiving these errors:
`Invalid config
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
ssdp (Show logs)
dlna_dmr (Show logs)
default_config (Show logs)
Please check your config and logs.`
`Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:377
First occurred: 19:24:33 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:24:33
Unable to set up dependencies of upnp. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp`
The fix from the other Github issue i posted in the first line did not change anything. No idea why this all of a sudden appeared. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
What operating system image do you use?
ova (for Virtual Machines)
What version of Home Assistant Operating System is installed?
Did you upgrade the Operating System.
Steps to reproduce the issue
There it is in the logs. No idea why the errors appeared all of a sudden
Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us?
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:377
First occurred: 20:12:51 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:12:51
Unable to set up dependencies of upnp. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp
Unable to set up dependencies of dlna_dms. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp
Setup failed for default_config: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: ssdp')
20:12:41 – (FEHLER) setup.py
Unable to set up dependencies of default_config. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp
20:12:41 – (FEHLER) setup.py
Error during setup of component ssdp
20:12:33 – (FEHLER) components/ssdp/__init__.py
Anything in the Host logs that might be useful for us?
Setup failed for default_config: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: ssdp')
20:12:41 – (FEHLER) setup.py
Unable to set up dependencies of default_config. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp
20:12:41 – (FEHLER) setup.py
Error during setup of component ssdp
20:12:33 – (FEHLER) components/ssdp/__init__.py
System information
System Information
Home Assistant OS
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API | ok
-- | --
GitHub Content | ok
GitHub Web | ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining | 5000
Installed Version | 1.29.1
Stage | running
Available Repositories | 1197
Downloaded Repositories | 3
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in | false
-- | --
can_reach_cert_server | ok
can_reach_cloud_auth | ok
can_reach_cloud | ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os | Home Assistant OS 9.4
-- | --
update_channel | stable
supervisor_version | supervisor-2022.12.1
agent_version | 1.4.1
docker_version | 20.10.19
disk_total | 30.8 GB
disk_used | 10.3 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
board | ova
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | Spotify Connect (0.12.2), File editor (5.5.0), Studio Code Server (5.5.1), Samba share (10.0.0), Terminal & SSH (9.6.1)
dashboards | 1
-- | --
resources | 0
views | 9
mode | storage
oldest_recorder_run | 9. Januar 2023 um 07:11
-- | --
current_recorder_run | 19. Januar 2023 um 20:12
estimated_db_size | 1587.27 MiB
database_engine | sqlite
database_version | 3.38.5
api_endpoint_reachable | ok
-- | --
Additional information
System was working without problems up and until today. Deleted all UPNP Devices as well as all DLNA Devices, yet these two errors still persist after the 10th boot or so
Describe the issue you are experiencing
Same problem as stated here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/81108
I am running HASS 2023.1.5 as VM on Proxmox. Since today I am receiving these errors:
`Invalid config The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
ssdp (Show logs) dlna_dmr (Show logs) default_config (Show logs) Please check your config and logs.`
`Logger: homeassistant.setup Source: setup.py:377 First occurred: 19:24:33 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 19:24:33
Unable to set up dependencies of upnp. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp`
The fix from the other Github issue i posted in the first line did not change anything. No idea why this all of a sudden appeared. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
What operating system image do you use?
ova (for Virtual Machines)
What version of Home Assistant Operating System is installed?
Did you upgrade the Operating System.
Steps to reproduce the issue
Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us?
Anything in the Host logs that might be useful for us?
System information
System Information
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API | ok -- | -- GitHub Content | ok GitHub Web | ok GitHub API Calls Remaining | 5000 Installed Version | 1.29.1 Stage | running Available Repositories | 1197 Downloaded Repositories | 3Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in | false -- | -- can_reach_cert_server | ok can_reach_cloud_auth | ok can_reach_cloud | okHome Assistant Supervisor
host_os | Home Assistant OS 9.4 -- | -- update_channel | stable supervisor_version | supervisor-2022.12.1 agent_version | 1.4.1 docker_version | 20.10.19 disk_total | 30.8 GB disk_used | 10.3 GB healthy | true supported | true board | ova supervisor_api | ok version_api | ok installed_addons | Spotify Connect (0.12.2), File editor (5.5.0), Studio Code Server (5.5.1), Samba share (10.0.0), Terminal & SSH (9.6.1)Dashboards
dashboards | 1 -- | -- resources | 0 views | 9 mode | storageRecorder
oldest_recorder_run | 9. Januar 2023 um 07:11 -- | -- current_recorder_run | 19. Januar 2023 um 20:12 estimated_db_size | 1587.27 MiB database_engine | sqlite database_version | 3.38.5Spotify
api_endpoint_reachable | ok -- | --Additional information
System was working without problems up and until today. Deleted all UPNP Devices as well as all DLNA Devices, yet these two errors still persist after the 10th boot or so