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Revert GRUB2 patch causing boot failure on some old x86_64 BIOSes #3324

Closed sairon closed 1 month ago

sairon commented 1 month ago

GRUB 2.12 release contains a change of the loader [1] used for loading the kernel on x86_64 platform. This change was identified to cause boot failure on some old Intel Atom boards with the NM10 chipset, and possibly some others. Revert this patch before we get a more proper fix for the issue.

[1] https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/commit/?id=cfbfae1aef0694b416aa199291cfef7596cdfc20

Fixes #3305

damitch300 commented 1 month ago

@sairon on my HP T620 i had the Grub update installed and have the issue. Somehow i also cant boot a usb ubuntu bootable anymore. The screen stays black after selecting try out Ubuntu. Do you have any idea how to fix the issue on Grub now?

Edit: I fixed it, i used Boot-Repair-Disk. Ubuntu or Lubuntu or any other linux did not want to start (Black screen). But Boot-Repair-Disk did, i used it to exchange the bootia32.efi and bootx64.efi for the older 2.11 version. HA started back up and i updated to 2.13.

Nismonx commented 1 month ago

not good, after the update my intel atom setup got stuck with 12.2 and claiming the 12.3 update still avalable. So I updated again... and still stuck in 12.2 I guess I'll have to plug a monitor and keyboard and switch betwen Slot A and B manualy.