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:beginner: Home Assistant Operating System
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Home assistant get stuck in a reboot loop after the upgrade to HA OS 12.3 #3360

Closed danielsjf closed 2 weeks ago

danielsjf commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the issue you are experiencing

I've done the upgrade to HA OS 12.3. Usually I upgrade quite quickly and the rest of the system was up to date. I didn't check it immediately since this update takes quite a while. A few hours later I noticed that HA was down. So I manually cycled the Raspberry Pi. After a few minutes, HA came online (port 8123). However, after a few moments I noticed it has been down again. Is has been doing this now a few times. Any tips for logs I could check?

What operating system image do you use?

rpi4-64 (Raspberry Pi 4/400 64-bit OS)

What version of Home Assistant Operating System is installed?

Latest (which should be 2024.05.something but I can't check due to HA not being online long enough)

Did you upgrade the Operating System.


Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Upgrade to HA OS 12.3

Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us?

I don't get here long enough

Anything in the Host logs that might be useful for us?

I don't get here long enough

System information

No response

Additional information

No response

danielsjf commented 3 weeks ago

Might be related to #3352. I have a Skyconnect for thread. I tested a reboot without the USB connected. I'll keep you posted.

b10n commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (rpi3-64). Disconnecting my peripheral devices (including a CC2531 configured with Zigbee2MQTT), rebooting, and plugging them back in kept it from rebooting. I downgraded to 12.2 for the time being.

mavotronik commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (rpi3-64). Disconnecting my peripheral devices (including a CC2531 configured with Zigbee2MQTT), rebooting, and plugging them back in kept it from rebooting. I downgraded to 12.2 for the time being.

Same on my Raspberry 3B+, I downgraded to 12.2 too

danielsjf commented 3 weeks ago

After unplugging the USB devices and disabling thread and ZHA, I got it stable. However, some other integrations such as Homewizard (local wifi connection) also failed.

joaohess commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (rpi3-64). Disconnecting my peripheral devices (including a CC2531 configured with Zigbee2MQTT), rebooting, and plugging them back in kept it from rebooting. I downgraded to 12.2 for the time being.

I’ve tried what you said and it worked, but after rebooting (on purpose) it breaks again. Apparently the coordinator (in my case, EFR32MG21) has to be unplugged during boot.

ghostsam45 commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue

[core-ssh ~]$ ha os info board: rpi4-64 boot_slots: A: state: booted status: good version: "12.2" B: state: inactive status: good version: "12.3" data_disk: CT240BX500SSD1-2050E4DAFBA9 update_available: true version: "12.2" version_latest: "12.3"

playaz44 commented 3 weeks ago

After update my HA is completely dead, disconnecting skyconnect does not help, I tried this command ha os boot-slot other from this but still nothing.

pavelrusiyan commented 2 weeks ago

Same on my Raspberry 3B+, I downgraded to 12.1 And including a SONOFF_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus ezsp configured with Zigbee2MQTT, GeneralPlus_USB_Audio_Device.

sairon commented 2 weeks ago

Closing this in favor of #3362. Please see this message and report details about your setup there.