Closed eckartal closed 3 months ago
can you assign to me?
and actually you can just
<input spellcheck="false" class="nx-block nx-w-full nx-appearance-none nx-rounded-lg nx-px-3 nx-py-2 nx-transition-colors nx-text-base nx-leading-tight md:nx-text-sm nx-bg-black/[.05] dark:nx-bg-gray-50/10 focus:nx-bg-white dark:focus:nx-bg-dark placeholder:nx-text-gray-500 dark:placeholder:nx-text-gray-400 contrast-more:nx-border contrast-more:nx-border-current" type="search" placeholder="Search documentation…" value="">
Change placeholder to
placeholder="Search" value=""
@safe049 go ahead, you can refer to there is a config to change the search placeholder
@safe049 let me know if you have already checked, I can handle this if you don't have time 🙏🏻
glad it's already fixed,i been busy a while,sorry that i didn't reply you in time.
We should update the search bar text from Search documentation to Search