homebridge-eufy-security / plugin

Homebridge plugin to control certain Eufy Security devices
Apache License 2.0
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S340 looking to get support homebridge-eufy-security #537

Closed turagit closed 5 months ago

turagit commented 5 months ago

What happened?

Hello and thank you all for your hard work on this. I've been waiting for support for s340 and finally got some good news seeing some people having success in adding s340 to their HomeKit. However that is not my case.

I've reinstalled homebdrige and homebridge eufy security multiple times but always getting the same results. Two issues I have: Issue 1) Unless I disable homebridge-eufy-security plugin I always get an error when adding homebridge as a device to HomeKit saying: "Unable to add accessory. Accessory is out of compliance." in apple Home app.

Subsequent retries claim accessory has already been added to a new home, when a new home does not exist. Removing all cached accessories and resetting homebridge fails to solve this issue as it repeats this behaviour.

Issue 2) In plugin config, Camera shows up as Homebase (called Garden in this case) but no devices are seen under it. Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 07 42 46

This is a fresh homebridge install containing only this plugin.

Node.js v20.12.1.

root@monitor:~# grep -i pretty /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS"

Device Type

other (UnSupported)

Plugin Version

v2.3.x (Best Effort)

HomeBridge Version

v1.7.x (Supported)

NodeJS Version

v20 (Supported)

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04+ (Supported)

Relevant log output

[4/7/2024, 7:40:07 AM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge 9A43) is running on port 51230.
[04/07/2024, 07:40:18]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    Registering new accessory: GardenS340
[04/07/2024, 07:40:20]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    GardenS340 is set to handle snapshots with cloud images. Snapshots might be older than they appear.
[04/07/2024, 07:40:20]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    Registering new accessory: GardenS340
[04/07/2024, 07:40:43]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemCurrentStateGets: Wrong return value
[04/07/2024, 07:40:43]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemTargetStateGet: Wrong return value
[04/07/2024, 07:40:57]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    Looking for old cached accessories that seem to be outdated...
[04/07/2024, 07:40:57]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    No outdated cached accessories found.
[4/7/2024, 7:41:55 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-eufy-security] [2.3.20]      DEBUG   [server.js:82]  Using bropats eufy-security-client library in version 3.0.0
[4/7/2024, 7:41:55 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-eufy-security] Incoming Request: /storedAccessories
[4/7/2024, 7:41:55 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-eufy-security] Incoming Request: /storedAccessories

After a while I start getting these errors:
[4/7/2024, 7:33:11 AM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge 9A43) is running on port 51230.
[04/07/2024, 07:33:23]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   Error in stationAdded: Error: Overlapping services for device GardenS340 - GardenS340 != Garden - function SecuritySystem(displayName, subtype) {
        var _this = _super.call(this, displayName, SecuritySystem.UUID, subtype) || this;
        // Required Characteristics
        // Optional Characteristics
        return _this;
[04/07/2024, 07:33:25]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 while happending CameraFunction Error: Overlapping services for device GardenS340 - GardenS340 != Garden - function MotionSensor(displayName, subtype) {
        var _this = _super.call(this, displayName, MotionSensor.UUID, subtype) || this;
        // Required Characteristics
        // Optional Characteristics
        return _this;
[04/07/2024, 07:33:25]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    GardenS340 is set to handle snapshots with cloud images. Snapshots might be older than they appear.
[04/07/2024, 07:33:25]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   Garden while happending Delegate Error: Overlapping services for device GardenS340 - GardenS340 != Garden - function MotionSensor(displayName, subtype) {
        var _this = _super.call(this, displayName, MotionSensor.UUID, subtype) || this;
        // Required Characteristics
        // Optional Characteristics
        return _this;
[04/07/2024, 07:33:25]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   Error in deviceAdded: Error: Overlapping services for device GardenS340 - GardenS340 != Garden - function Battery(displayName, subtype) {
        var _this = _super.call(this, displayName, Battery.UUID, subtype) || this;
        // Required Characteristics
        // Optional Characteristics
        return _this;


    "username": "<MY GUEST ACCOUNT>",
    "password": "<SuperSecretPassword>",
    "country": "NL",
    "deviceName": "",
    "platform": "EufySecurity",
    "ignoreStations": [],
    "ignoreDevices": [],
    "cleanCache": true,
    "cameras": [
            "serialNumber": "<FineSerialNumber>",
            "rtsp": false,
            "talkback": true,
            "videoConfig": {
                "audio": true,
                "audioSampleRate": 0
            "snapshotHandlingMethod": 3
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Did you check this Common Issues pages ?

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

can you try with 2.3.22 and enable debug mode (see wiki for the HOW TO) ?

turagit commented 5 months ago


So first we got this:

[04/07/2024, 22:08:14] [EufySecurity] ERROR

  ****** ERROR MESSAGE ******
  Error: Your current Node.js version (v20.12.1) is incompatible with the RSA_PKCS1_PADDING used by the plugin. 
  Please downgrade to a compatible version by running the command likes: sudo hb-service update-node 20.11.0.
  Refer to https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/How-To-Update-Node.js for upgrading/downgrading Node.js
  Refer to https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/february-2024-security-releases#nodejs-is-vulnerable-to-the-marvin-attack-timing-variant-of-the-bleichenbacher-attack-against-pkcs1-v15-padding-cve-2023-46809---medium for more information.

So did: root@monitor:~# hb-service update-node 20.11.0 ℹ Installing Node.js v20.11.0 over v20.12.1... ℹ Target: /opt/homebridge ✔ Download complete. ✔ Cleaned up npm at at /opt/homebridge/lib/node_modules/npm ✔ Installed Node.js v20.11.0 ⚠ Please restart Homebridge for the changes to take effect. root@monitor:~# hb-service restart Restarting Homebridge... root@monitor:~#

Was able to add homebridge to HomeKit after resetting device in 2.3.22 HSK, so that's a win.

Unfortunately, S340 still shows only as Homebase.

I'll add the zip for debug logs and pleas let me know if you need more details/logs.

Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 22 13 52 Unknown.zip

turagit commented 5 months ago

Quick update:

updated to v2.3.25 but behaviour remains the same. Logs show many functions related to camera but in plugin config camera is solely shown as Homebase still.

example: [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [BaseAccessory.ts:157] GardenS340 GET 'Battery / BatteryLevel': 92 [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [CameraAccessory.ts:422] GardenS340 GET 'On' enabled: true [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [BaseAccessory.ts:157] GardenS340 GET 'Switch / On': true [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [CameraAccessory.ts:422] GardenS340 GET 'On' motionDetection: true [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [BaseAccessory.ts:157] GardenS340 GET 'Switch / On': true [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [CameraAccessory.ts:422] GardenS340 GET 'On' light: false [04/09/2024 18:18:22] [EufySecurity-2.3.25] DEBUG [BaseAccessory.ts:157] GardenS340 GET 'Lightbulb / On': false

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

hum, is it possible to provide to me access to the camera ? homebridge.eufy.sec@gmail.com

turagit commented 5 months ago

Sent the invite. for how long do you think you’ll need the access?

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

checking now

turagit commented 5 months ago

Thanks. Meanwhile, upgraded to 2.3.26... same behaviour is seen.

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

Hmm, I've found that I can reliably obtain the stream by disabling HomeKit Secure Video (HKV), although it's not a consistent solution. Whenever the log entry [04/10/2024 08:51:50] [EufySecurity-2.3.26] DEBUG [BaseAccessory.ts:101] GardenS340 Raw Property Changes: 1295 {"points":[]} appears, it seems to indicate a favorable moment to initiate the stream.

I suspect this inconsistency might be due to the camera being battery-powered. Occasionally, it disconnects from the Wi-Fi network, sends a heartbeat to reconnect, and then starts the stream. However, Apple HomeKit appears to have a rather impatient nature — it won't wait longer than 10 seconds to receive the stream. Interestingly, I haven't observed this behavior with my Battery Homebase camera.

turagit commented 5 months ago

Interesting... That may cause extra challenges indeed for battery powered cameras. I find it strange that I only get it to show up as Homebase and never as a camera.

Shall I revoke your access or do you need any other logs from me to troubleshoot this behaviour?

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

I find it strange that I only get it to show up as Homebase and never as a camera.

for that part I will set HKSV disabled by default it should show up as camera now

You can revoke my access! thanks for sharing!

turagit commented 5 months ago

No worries, you're very welcome.

I've upgraded to 2.3.17 hksv and get the same behaviour, just FYI.

So which version do you think I should go with and what to disable to see it as a camera and not just Homebase?

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

try 2.3.27 and make sure to remove hsv:true from your config file

turagit commented 5 months ago

This is my config for 2.3.27:

    "enableDetailedLogging": false,
    "CameraMaxLivestreamDuration": 30,
    "pollingIntervalMinutes": 10,
    "hkHome": 1,
    "hkAway": 0,
    "hkNight": 3,
    "hkOff": 63,
    "ignoreStations": [],
    "ignoreDevices": [],
    "country": "NL",
    "cameras": [
            "serialNumber": "SERIAL",
            "rtsp": false,
            "talkback": true,
            "videoConfig": {
                "audio": true,
                "audioSampleRate": 0
            "snapshotHandlingMethod": 3
    "cleanCache": true,
    "ignoreMultipleDevicesWarning": false,
    "syncStationModes": false,
    "autoSyncStation": false,
    "username": "guest account",
    "password": "secret",
    "deviceName": "",
    "platform": "EufySecurity"

But upon restarting homebridge I get this:

[4/10/2024, 11:28:22 AM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge 9A43) is running on port 51230.
[04/10/2024, 11:28:33]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    Updating existing accessory: GardenS340
[04/10/2024, 11:28:35]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    GardenS340 is set to handle snapshots with cloud images. Snapshots might be older than they appear.
[04/10/2024, 11:28:35]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 could not fetch old snapshot: No currentSnapshot
[04/10/2024, 11:28:35]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    Updating existing accessory: GardenS340
[04/10/2024, 11:28:36]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemCurrentStateGets: Wrong return value
[04/10/2024, 11:28:36]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemTargetStateGet: Wrong return value
[04/10/2024, 11:29:12]  [EufySecurity]  INFO    No outdated cached accessories found.

and camera still shows as Homebase only.

Sorry for all this hassle. If it's too much I'll just forget about it.

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

Can I suggest you to use child bridge for this plugin ? https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/Child-Bridges

On the error : [04/10/2024, 11:28:35] [EufySecurity] ERROR GardenS340 could not fetch old snapshot: No currentSnapshot is there an SD-CARD ? if not you can ignore or use balanced cloud snapshot

[04/10/2024, 11:28:36]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemCurrentStateGets: Wrong return value
[04/10/2024, 11:28:36]  [EufySecurity]  ERROR   GardenS340 handleSecuritySystemTargetStateGet: Wrong return value

this is related to alarm mode.

Can I ask you to enable debug within global settings ?

Haglerd commented 5 months ago

For what it is worth I get the same compliance message on a brand new install as a child bridge with always powered cameras when I try adding it to homekit EufY: v2.3.29 Node: 20.12.2 Homebridge v1.7.0

I also get that node message:[04/10/2024, 18:50:59] [EufySecurity] ERROR Livestream functionality may not work as expected due to an incompatible Node.js version being used. [10/04/2024, 18:51:00] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (homebridge-eufy-security) is running on port 41847.

turagit commented 5 months ago


@lenoxys I think this camera has some internal memory, around 7Gb of it.

Setting the plugin as a child bridge and adding it to HomeKit shows an error:

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 10 19 30

Ive turned on debug on global settings. Anything I should care about removing before uploading them here? This is the only plugin I have running. Also, what is the best way to collect these logs for you?

Thanks @Haglerd. May be relevant info.

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

For what it is worth I get the same compliance message on a brand new install as a child bridge with always powered cameras when I try adding it to homekit EufY: v2.3.29 Node: 20.12.2 Homebridge v1.7.0

I also get that node message:[04/10/2024, 18:50:59] [EufySecurity] ERROR Livestream functionality may not work as expected due to an incompatible Node.js version being used. [10/04/2024, 18:51:00] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (homebridge-eufy-security) is running on port 41847.

This message is normal since you enable bypass and you're using incompatible NodeJS version. So streaming won't work. This message will appear once when plugin start.

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

Out of compliance? hum dunno first time I see that. In the meantime have a look here : https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/issues/3280

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

hum looks like the alarm stuff.... but I didn't touch anything....

lenoxys commented 5 months ago

found the issue, the way to distinguish alarm and camera sharing the same serial number was perfectible. I've release a fix but it will destroy all automatisation done before if some exist.

see 2.3.30

turagit commented 5 months ago

hum looks like the alarm stuff.... but I didn't touch anything....

ahaha... no worries. It's all good. and indeed you did fixed it!

2.3.30 works like a charm!

Thank you for your help and time on this!