homebridge / docker-homebridge

Homebridge Docker. HomeKit support for the impatient using Docker on x86_64, Raspberry Pi (armhf) and ARM64. Includes ffmpeg + libfdk-aac.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.57k stars 241 forks source link

Homebridge-docker won't start after update 2022-06-15 #449

Closed barthoefs closed 2 years ago

barthoefs commented 2 years ago

Describe The Bug

After automatic watchtower upgrade this morning (fetching the latest docker image) the container fails to start up properly. Until yesterday I had no issues (my logs are attached).

Don't know if this is the issue: image

Docker Config

   "CapAdd" : [],
   "CapDrop" : [],
   "cmd" : "",
   "cpu_priority" : 50,
   "enable_publish_all_ports" : false,
   "enable_restart_policy" : true,
   "enable_service_portal" : null,
   "enabled" : false,
   "env_variables" : [
         "key" : "PATH",
         "value" : "/opt/homebridge/bin:/var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
         "key" : "S6_OVERLAY_VERSION",
         "value" : ""
         "key" : "S6_CMD_WAIT_FOR_SERVICES_MAXTIME",
         "value" : "0"
         "key" : "PUID",
         "value" : "1024"
         "key" : "PGID",
         "value" : "101"
         "key" : "ENABLE_AVAHI",
         "value" : "1"
         "key" : "npm_config_store_dir",
         "value" : "/var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/.pnpm-store"
         "key" : "npm_config_prefix",
         "value" : "/opt/homebridge"
         "key" : "npm_config_global_pnpmfile",
         "value" : "/opt/homebridge/global_pnpmfile.cjs"
         "key" : "npm_config_global_style",
         "value" : "true"
         "key" : "npm_config_audit",
         "value" : "false"
         "key" : "npm_config_fund",
         "value" : "false"
         "key" : "npm_config_update_notifier",
         "value" : "false"
         "key" : "HOMEBRIDGE_PKG_VERSION",
         "value" : "1.0.24"
         "key" : "NODE_VERSION",
         "value" : "10.16.3"
         "key" : "HOMEBRIDGE_VERSION",
         "value" : "0.4.50"
         "key" : "CONFIG_UI_VERSION",
         "value" : "4.6.0"
         "key" : "HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT",
         "value" : "8888"
         "key" : "YARN_VERSION",
         "value" : "1.17.3"
         "key" : "PACKAGES",
         "value" : "ffmpeg"
         "key" : "DSM_HOSTNAME",
         "value" : "B33ST"
   "exporting" : false,
   "id" : "a2a1306e6b8139cbcd9c89fc82b846c966b1a8fc89eaa91745bbda034f7042fc",
   "image" : "oznu/homebridge:latest",
   "is_ddsm" : false,
   "is_package" : false,
   "links" : [],
   "memory_limit" : 0,
   "name" : "oznu-homebridge",
   "network" : [
         "driver" : "host",
         "name" : "host"
   "network_mode" : "host",
   "port_bindings" : [],
   "privileged" : false,
   "shortcut" : {
      "enable_shortcut" : false,
      "enable_status_page" : false,
      "enable_web_page" : false,
      "web_page_url" : ""
   "use_host_network" : true,
   "volume_bindings" : [
         "host_volume_file" : "/docker/homebridge",
         "mount_point" : "/homebridge",
         "type" : "rw"


date    stream  content
2022-06-16T06:32:50.101974359Z  stdout  Server startup complete. Host name is B33ST.local. Local service cookie is 2171673268.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.100985902Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.100253081Z  stdout  Registering new address record for ::1 on lo.*.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.099590663Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on bond0.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.099305521Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.099011653Z  stdout  Registering new address record for fe80::42:84ff:fe8d:6e8f on docker0.*.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.098659904Z  stdout  Registering new address record for fe80::c861:47ff:fef6:74c1 on docker29ace01.*.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.098388727Z  stdout  Network interface enumeration completed.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.098176620Z  stdout  New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.097900951Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:32:50.097676533Z  stdout  New relevant interface bond0.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.097361598Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface bond0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:32:50.097116725Z  stdout  New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.096750799Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:32:50.095669537Z  stdout  *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
2022-06-16T06:32:50.095071715Z  stdout  No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.089120905Z  stdout  avahi-daemon 0.7 starting up.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.088415888Z  stdout  Successfully dropped root privileges.
2022-06-16T06:32:50.087168569Z  stdout  Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 108).
2022-06-16T06:32:50.061621484Z  stdout  Starting Avahi daemon
2022-06-16T06:32:49.081292093Z  stdout  s6-rc: warning: unable to start service userdata: command exited 127
2022-06-16T06:32:49.076338274Z  stdout  /homebridge/startup.sh: 17: apk: not found
2022-06-16T06:32:49.041149893Z  stdout  Executing user startup script /homebridge/startup.sh
2022-06-16T06:32:49.026175382Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:49.001114911Z  stdout  Starting dbus-daemon
2022-06-16T06:32:48.986946498Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:48.981392320Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:48.948616860Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:48.947362512Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service userdata: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:48.946550223Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:48.905446471Z  stdout  usermod: no changes
2022-06-16T06:32:48.848953926Z  stdout  usermod: no changes
2022-06-16T06:32:45.646772886Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:45.456875122Z  stdout  Set system timezone to Europe/Brussels.
2022-06-16T06:32:43.226871087Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:43.158343457Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:43.155527649Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:43.121748037Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:43.115169579Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114985122Z  stdout                    https://paypal.me/oznu
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114787635Z  stdout              https://github.com/sponsors/oznu
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114651368Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114487978Z  stdout                  Or donate to the project:
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114342478Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.114131135Z  stdout           https://github.com/oznu/docker-homebridge
2022-06-16T06:32:43.113879461Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.113644389Z  stdout    If you find this project useful please STAR it on GitHub:
2022-06-16T06:32:43.113484860Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.113197304Z  stdout      Thank you for using the oznu/homebridge docker image!
2022-06-16T06:32:43.112885294Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:32:43.096537555Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:43.094604388Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:43.086607230Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:43.085369930Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
2022-06-16T06:32:43.081527632Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
2022-06-16T06:32:43.019496045Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
2022-06-16T06:31:12.107738919Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.102167831Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.101770455Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.099017382Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.098575270Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.097478478Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.093994971Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.093731869Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.091239297Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.090686151Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.085841689Z  stdout  avahi-daemon 0.7 exiting.
2022-06-16T06:31:12.085545074Z  stdout  Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:31:12.084210457Z  stdout  Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface bond0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:31:12.081622959Z  stdout  Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:31:12.081420445Z  stdout  Got SIGTERM, quitting.
2022-06-16T06:31:12.081182144Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.080559849Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate successfully stopped
2022-06-16T06:31:12.080331807Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.080068299Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.078758829Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate: stopping
2022-06-16T06:31:12.073867470Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
2022-06-16T06:19:11.973242305Z  stdout  Server startup complete. Host name is B33ST.local. Local service cookie is 1660885056.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.973128721Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972888258Z  stdout  Registering new address record for ::1 on lo.*.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972797249Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on bond0.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972702745Z  stdout  Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972600086Z  stdout  Registering new address record for fe80::42:d7ff:fe03:27a3 on docker0.*.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972476221Z  stdout  Registering new address record for fe80::98a6:10ff:feb3:9eac on dockerfffcd99.*.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.972263084Z  stdout  Network interface enumeration completed.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.964398550Z  stdout  New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.964105303Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:19:11.963419901Z  stdout  New relevant interface bond0.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.963263999Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface bond0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:19:11.963081576Z  stdout  New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.962738213Z  stdout  Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
2022-06-16T06:19:11.961678495Z  stdout  *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
2022-06-16T06:19:11.960960838Z  stdout  No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.956175067Z  stdout  avahi-daemon 0.7 starting up.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.955499454Z  stdout  Successfully dropped root privileges.
2022-06-16T06:19:11.954517888Z  stdout  Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 108).
2022-06-16T06:19:11.941831298Z  stdout  Starting Avahi daemon
2022-06-16T06:19:10.945827534Z  stdout  s6-rc: warning: unable to start service userdata: command exited 127
2022-06-16T06:19:10.944795642Z  stdout  /homebridge/startup.sh: 17: apk: not found
2022-06-16T06:19:10.937230242Z  stdout  Executing user startup script /homebridge/startup.sh
2022-06-16T06:19:10.928021656Z  stdout  Starting dbus-daemon
2022-06-16T06:19:10.921373433Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi successfully started
2022-06-16T06:19:10.913244233Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service avahi: starting
2022-06-16T06:19:10.912797084Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus successfully started
2022-06-16T06:19:10.897382590Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service dbus: starting
2022-06-16T06:19:10.895104981Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service userdata: starting
2022-06-16T06:19:10.891521804Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup successfully started
2022-06-16T06:19:08.023738983Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:08.023516027Z  stdout  Thanks for installing Homebridge!
2022-06-16T06:19:08.023074998Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:08.022844020Z  stdout  *
2022-06-16T06:19:08.022652367Z  stdout  *
2022-06-16T06:19:08.022442362Z  stdout  *
2022-06-16T06:19:08.022186256Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:08.021886325Z  stdout  You can access the Homebridge UI via:
2022-06-16T06:19:08.021679748Z  stdout  Homebridge Installation Complete!
2022-06-16T06:19:08.021455209Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:07.757389095Z  stdout  Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
2022-06-16T06:19:07.757132858Z  stdout  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
2022-06-16T06:19:07.752531022Z  stdout  Starting Homebridge service....
2022-06-16T06:19:07.751775205Z  stdout  Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/homebridge.service → /lib/systemd/system/homebridge.service.
2022-06-16T06:19:07.751150316Z  stdout  homebridge: not a valid unit name "homebridge": Invalid argument
2022-06-16T06:19:07.728407547Z  stdout  Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
2022-06-16T06:19:07.728140201Z  stdout  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
2022-06-16T06:19:07.651416906Z  stdout  Creating home directory `/home/homebridge' ...
2022-06-16T06:19:05.949483703Z  stdout  Adding new user `homebridge' (UID 106) with group `nogroup' ...
2022-06-16T06:19:05.948829721Z  stdout  Adding system user `homebridge' (UID 106) ...
2022-06-16T06:19:05.653075816Z  stdout  Running post-install steps...
2022-06-16T06:19:05.588435452Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:05.479086711Z  stdout  + homebridge-zp 1.4.18
2022-06-16T06:19:05.478803820Z  stdout  + homebridge-verisure 1.15.0
2022-06-16T06:19:05.478571116Z  stdout  + homebridge-unifi-occupancy-sensor 2.0.1
2022-06-16T06:19:05.478355622Z  stdout  + homebridge-tahoma 2.2.18
2022-06-16T06:19:05.478141369Z  stdout  + homebridge-miot 1.2.3
2022-06-16T06:19:05.477839066Z  stdout  + homebridge-lib 5.5.0
2022-06-16T06:19:05.477617474Z  stdout  + homebridge-harmony 1.6.1
2022-06-16T06:19:05.477390277Z  stdout  + homebridge-enphase-envoy 5.6.12
2022-06-16T06:19:05.477156043Z  stdout  + homebridge-camera-ffmpeg 3.1.4
2022-06-16T06:19:05.476826538Z  stdout  + @vectronic/homebridge-nut 2.4.5
2022-06-16T06:19:05.476583684Z  stdout  dependencies:
2022-06-16T06:19:05.475397604Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:19:02.550518399Z  stdout  node_modules/.pnpm/ffmpeg-for-homebridge@0.0.9/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge: Running install script, done in 7.6s
2022-06-16T06:18:54.859403194Z  stdout  node_modules/.pnpm/ffmpeg-for-homebridge@0.0.9/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge: Running install script...
2022-06-16T06:18:52.382261329Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 100, done
2022-06-16T06:18:51.291976062Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 90
2022-06-16T06:18:51.087052486Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 74
2022-06-16T06:18:50.881623164Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 51
2022-06-16T06:18:50.637641685Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 50
2022-06-16T06:18:50.109772367Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 49
2022-06-16T06:18:49.907374882Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 39
2022-06-16T06:18:49.661055276Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 38
2022-06-16T06:18:49.459470715Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 36
2022-06-16T06:18:49.137573654Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 35
2022-06-16T06:18:48.861148136Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 24
2022-06-16T06:18:48.121203546Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 23
2022-06-16T06:18:47.918790715Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 20
2022-06-16T06:18:47.717795795Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 14
2022-06-16T06:18:47.516487347Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 13
2022-06-16T06:18:47.206417995Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 12
2022-06-16T06:18:47.206101973Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 6
2022-06-16T06:18:46.697718276Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 5
2022-06-16T06:18:46.496951854Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 2
2022-06-16T06:18:46.293451614Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 1
2022-06-16T06:18:45.623260770Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:45.623087000Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:18:45.622798215Z  stdout  Packages: +100
2022-06-16T06:18:44.568598443Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 513, reused 413, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:44.344953954Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 503, reused 399, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.875438648Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 503, reused 398, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.673609285Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 488, reused 385, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.468169754Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 481, reused 378, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.417458505Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 465, reused 359, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.417235022Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 449, reused 341, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:43.416818914Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 426, reused 318, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:42.613543426Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 397, reused 289, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:42.410495312Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 388, reused 281, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:42.191382181Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 370, reused 260, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:41.977587847Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 359, reused 254, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:41.766998780Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 343, reused 234, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:41.555095352Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 329, reused 221, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:41.269501059Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 329, reused 220, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:40.570733993Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 318, reused 210, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:40.361094663Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 309, reused 202, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:40.156187526Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 291, reused 186, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.955197362Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 150, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.729120889Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 149, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.526420551Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 124, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.345846891Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 119, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.345732037Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 67, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:39.345539339Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 283, reused 46, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:38.719490632Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 281, reused 43, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:38.480119913Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 275, reused 41, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:38.273772787Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 273, reused 41, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:37.946237904Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 273, reused 40, downloaded 100, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:37.742937199Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 271, reused 38, downloaded 99, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:37.538609904Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 263, reused 29, downloaded 99, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:37.332209031Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 257, reused 23, downloaded 98, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:37.198699835Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 254, reused 20, downloaded 98, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:36.909881294Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 253, reused 19, downloaded 98, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:36.417354688Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 253, reused 19, downloaded 97, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:36.201564584Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 251, reused 17, downloaded 95, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:36.001017621Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 251, reused 17, downloaded 86, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:35.787714958Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 251, reused 17, downloaded 78, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:35.578597966Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 250, reused 16, downloaded 77, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:35.373479039Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 246, reused 15, downloaded 77, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:35.150951556Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 236, reused 14, downloaded 75, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:35.090986180Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 231, reused 13, downloaded 73, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:34.610151121Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 229, reused 12, downloaded 71, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:34.309760718Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 224, reused 11, downloaded 71, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:34.088001173Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 211, reused 11, downloaded 69, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:33.849553841Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 202, reused 10, downloaded 66, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:33.566788085Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 194, reused 10, downloaded 65, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:33.323276125Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 186, reused 10, downloaded 64, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:32.965834836Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 176, reused 10, downloaded 61, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:32.607427676Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 164, reused 9, downloaded 56, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:32.346428040Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 156, reused 9, downloaded 54, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:32.075476003Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 142, reused 8, downloaded 47, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:31.758273532Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 132, reused 8, downloaded 45, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:31.523560186Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 129, reused 7, downloaded 44, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:31.191042766Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 125, reused 7, downloaded 43, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:30.988206075Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 123, reused 7, downloaded 40, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:30.626517834Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 120, reused 7, downloaded 38, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:30.244683476Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 110, reused 7, downloaded 33, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:29.999791664Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 106, reused 7, downloaded 32, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:29.789355274Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 106, reused 7, downloaded 29, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:29.473747547Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 100, reused 7, downloaded 25, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:29.212318765Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 94, reused 7, downloaded 24, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:29.211815272Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 88, reused 7, downloaded 23, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:28.733807009Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 84, reused 7, downloaded 23, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:28.511545135Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 83, reused 7, downloaded 19, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:28.219142895Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 80, reused 6, downloaded 15, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:27.927083189Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 71, reused 6, downloaded 13, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:27.715081121Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 67, reused 6, downloaded 13, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:27.487662832Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 65, reused 6, downloaded 12, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:27.269271929Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 61, reused 6, downloaded 12, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:26.960301211Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 55, reused 6, downloaded 10, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:26.667600106Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 47, reused 5, downloaded 9, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:26.330589941Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 45, reused 4, downloaded 5, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:26.076650880Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 44, reused 3, downloaded 4, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:25.712550670Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 41, reused 3, downloaded 3, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:25.351423676Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 33, reused 2, downloaded 2, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:24.981754577Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 32, reused 2, downloaded 2, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:24.490282607Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 28, reused 2, downloaded 2, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:24.134199614Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 27, reused 2, downloaded 2, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:23.903285055Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 26, reused 2, downloaded 1, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:23.661683846Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 25, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:23.441487825Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 22, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:23.087779844Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 21, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:23.087488062Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 18, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:22.535980136Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 13, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:22.049641472Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 12, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:21.441329393Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 11, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:21.156831159Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 10, reused 1, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:20.993069992Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 9, reused 1, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:20.629557027Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 8, reused 1, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:20.258058653Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 4, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:20.053892537Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:19.585183617Z  stdout  Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
2022-06-16T06:18:14.815391216Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:18:14.814295375Z  stdout  Re-installing user plugins, this may take a few minutes, please wait...
2022-06-16T06:18:14.279251473Z  stdout  Merging package.json file...
2022-06-16T06:18:14.278596026Z  stdout  Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
2022-06-16T06:18:14.278296895Z  stdout  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
2022-06-16T06:18:13.497117713Z  stdout  Setting up homebridge (1.0.24) ...
2022-06-16T06:17:15.103115765Z  stdout  Unpacking homebridge (1.0.24) ...
2022-06-16T06:17:15.102816254Z  stdout  Unpacking may take several minutes on low powered devices.
2022-06-16T06:17:14.882139054Z  stdout  Running pre-install steps...
2022-06-16T06:17:14.410342274Z  stdout  Preparing to unpack /homebridge_1.0.24.deb ...
2022-06-16T06:17:14.404159264Z  stdout  (Reading database ...  (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 35951 files and directories currently installed.)
2022-06-16T06:17:14.244993350Z  stdout  Selecting previously unselected package homebridge.
2022-06-16T06:17:13.297179792Z  stdout  Installing Homebridge...
2022-06-16T06:17:01.525834203Z  stdout  dpkg-query: no packages found matching homebridge
2022-06-16T06:17:01.193810630Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate successfully started
2022-06-16T06:17:01.142611880Z  stdout  Set system timezone to Europe/Brussels.
2022-06-16T06:17:00.401337687Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
2022-06-16T06:17:00.380748293Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
2022-06-16T06:17:00.379945330Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
2022-06-16T06:17:00.372017888Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits successfully started
2022-06-16T06:17:00.371766440Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.371545627Z  stdout                    https://paypal.me/oznu
2022-06-16T06:17:00.371332502Z  stdout              https://github.com/sponsors/oznu
2022-06-16T06:17:00.371125319Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.370870977Z  stdout                  Or donate to the project:
2022-06-16T06:17:00.370695050Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.370503416Z  stdout           https://github.com/oznu/docker-homebridge
2022-06-16T06:17:00.370362890Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.370102190Z  stdout    If you find this project useful please STAR it on GitHub:
2022-06-16T06:17:00.369826604Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.369548860Z  stdout      Thank you for using the oznu/homebridge docker image!
2022-06-16T06:17:00.369284800Z  stdout  
2022-06-16T06:17:00.359865753Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service credits: starting
2022-06-16T06:17:00.356753047Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service setup: starting
2022-06-16T06:17:00.355044986Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service tzupdate: starting
2022-06-16T06:17:00.354681700Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
2022-06-16T06:17:00.353580415Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
2022-06-16T06:17:00.340853179Z  stdout  s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting

Host Operating System

Synology DSM

Host Architecture

x86_64 / amd64

oznu commented 2 years ago

Remove the apk commands from the startup script (or delete it entirely) and see if that helps.

barthoefs commented 2 years ago

Remove the apk commands from the startup script (or delete it entirely) and see if that helps.

Hi. I just did that as the file seems to be from 2019... Renamed to _old and homebridge started without issues. Thanks for the support!

oznu commented 2 years ago

Great, errors in that script shouldn't stop it from running, I'll see what's going on.

barthoefs commented 2 years ago

Great, errors in that script shouldn't stop it from running, I'll see what's going on.

You can find my "defective" below. Error was on line 17?


# Docker Homebridge Custom Startup Script - oznu/homebridge
# This script can be used to customise the environment and will be executed as
# the root user each time the container starts.
# If using this to install plugins DO NOT use the global flag (-g).
# Example installing homebridge plugin:
# npm install homebridge-hue
# Example installing packages using default image (Alpine Linux):
apk add --no-cache ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs libpcap-dev
# If you're running a debian based version of this container please use apt-get to install packages.
oznu commented 2 years ago

It was the "apk" command. The image swapped from Apline based to Ubuntu based so "apk" is no longer present.


ffmpeg is now bundled with the image so it's redundant anyway.

oznu commented 2 years ago

Errors in the startup.sh script will no longer prevent Homebridge from starting as of the latest image.

maisun commented 2 years ago

Hi @oznu I also experienced some issue with latest update which could be related. After upgrading (tried both WatchTower and Manually) it losses all plugins, I received the below error messages: No plugin was found for the platform "Yeelighter" in your config.json. Please make sure the corresponding plugin is installed correctly. In the node_modules only homebridge and homebridge-config-ui-x exist. Tried to install again from UI without luck, it just hangs:

USER: homebridge DIR: /var/lib/homebridge CMD: pnpm install --save homebridge-harmony@latest

Progress: resolved 80, reused 21, downloaded 0, added 0 The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:p2QAMXNIC1TJYWeIOttrVc98/R1BUFWu3/LiyProgress: resolvedProgress: resolved 775, reused 775, downloaded 0, added 0gerprint])?

oznu commented 2 years ago

@maisun - please create a new issue. include the full contents of the package.json.

maisun commented 2 years ago

@oznu : sorry will create a new issue

maisun commented 2 years ago

@maisun - please create a new issue. include the full contents of the package.json.

New issue created, please let me know any info is missing, many thanks in advance!