homebysix / recipe-robot

A kick ass tool for creating AutoPkg recipes.
Apache License 2.0
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Add possibility to create a recipe for a file/directory #105

Closed bochoven closed 7 years ago

bochoven commented 8 years ago

For things like license files, I have to create a recipe manually that packages the file so I can distribute it with munki.

It would be nice if recipe robot could create a recipe based on a file or directory. The recipe would have to create a package that would install the file (or directory structure) with the correct permissions.

homebysix commented 8 years ago

Hi @bochoven. Since the license file (presumably) doesn't change with every version of its associated app, do you really need an AutoPkg recipe for it? Wouldn't it be simpler to build a one-off MunkiPkg project with the proper payload?

I've used MunkiPkg to create TextExpander, Sublime Text, and 1Password license packages and deploy them with Munki. I sometimes have to change them when a new major version is released, but not for each minor version.

sheagcraig commented 8 years ago

Just to chime in too-for stuff like this I just duplicate a git project that I have sitting around for a Luggage package. Probably a little more work (but a little more control) than MunkiPkg. But this is how I do a lot of my "not-likely-to-change" configuration packages. That way you've got it in version control, and can make changes and pump out new versions quickly when needed.