homebysix / recipe-robot

A kick ass tool for creating AutoPkg recipes.
Apache License 2.0
300 stars 28 forks source link

Recipe Robot fails to build recipe for Kite Student Portal #198

Closed homebysix closed 9 months ago

homebysix commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug When Recipe Robot runs with this input URL, it fails to download the dmg:

% ./scripts/recipe-robot --verbose "https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg"

                     |  Welcome to Recipe Robot v2.3.0.  |
                                \   _[]_
                                 \  [oo]
                                   _/  \_

Processing: https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
Input path looks like a download URL.
    Download URL is: https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
Downloading file for further inspection...
    Download content-type is application/x-apple-diskimage
#=#=-#   #                                                                                                                       
    Downloaded to ~/Library/Caches/Recipe Robot/2023-10-15_15-32-46_413097/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
[WARNING] There's a good chance that the file failed to download. Looks like an XML file was downloaded instead.
Determining download format...
    File extension is dmg
[ERROR] I wasn't able to gather enough information about this app to make recipes. If you saw any warnings above, they may contain more specific information.

                                   _/  \_

Desktop (please complete the following information):

homebysix commented 9 months ago

This was probably due to changes in URL quoting that were fixed in 2.3.1.

% recipe-robot --verbose --ignore-existing "https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg"
[WARNING] Will build recipes even if they already exist in "autopkg search" results. Please don't upload duplicate recipes to public AutoPkg repos on GitHub.

                     |  Welcome to Recipe Robot v2.3.1.  |
                                \   _[]_
                                 \  [oo]
                                   _/  \_

Processing: https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
Input path looks like a download URL.
    Download URL is: https://files.kiteaai.org/installers/studentportal/latest/mac/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
Downloading file for further inspection...
    Download content-type is application/x-apple-diskimage
################################################################################################################# 100.0%
    Downloaded to ~/Library/Caches/Recipe Robot/2023-10-21_20-18-06_965465/Kite%20Student%20Portal.dmg
Determining download format...
    File extension is dmg
    Successfully mounted disk image
    Copying Kite Student Portal.app into cache...
Validating app...
    This app seems valid
Getting bundle name...
    Bundle name is: KiteStudentPortal
Bundle name differs from the actual app filename.
    Actual app filename: Kite Student Portal.app
Getting bundle identifier...
    Bundle identifier is: org.ats.kitestudentportal
Checking for a Sparkle feed...
    No Sparkle feed
Looking for version key...
    Version key is: CFBundleShortVersionString (9.0.1)
Looking for icon...
    Icon is: ~/Library/Caches/Recipe Robot/2023-10-21_20-18-06_965465/unpacked/Kite Student Portal.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon
Getting description...
    Description (from Softonic.com): Free web browser for Mac
Gathering code signature information...
    Code signature verification requirements recorded
    3 authority names recorded
    Developer: Achievement and Assessment Institute
    Team ID: BK4732M7XX
Generating download recipe...
    ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRobotTestOutput/Achievement and Assessment Institute/KiteStudentPortal.download.recipe
Generating pkg recipe...
    ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRobotTestOutput/Achievement and Assessment Institute/KiteStudentPortal.pkg.recipe
Generating munki recipe...
    ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRobotTestOutput/Achievement and Assessment Institute/KiteStudentPortal.png
    ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRobotTestOutput/Achievement and Assessment Institute/KiteStudentPortal.munki.recipe
Generating jamf recipe...
[REMINDER] Remember to manually set the category in the jamf recipe. I've set it to "Productivity" by default.
    ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRobotTestOutput/Achievement and Assessment Institute/KiteStudentPortal-pkg-upload.jamf.recipe

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