homenc / HElib

HElib is an open-source software library that implements homomorphic encryption. It supports the BGV scheme with bootstrapping and the Approximate Number CKKS scheme. HElib also includes optimizations for efficient homomorphic evaluation, focusing on effective use of ciphertext packing techniques and on the Gentry-Halevi-Smart optimizations.
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remove CC and CXX args in configure for gmp and ntl #359

Closed XuesongHu closed 4 years ago

XuesongHu commented 4 years ago

Adding notes on using XCode and warning against Command Line Tools.

faberga commented 4 years ago

Hi @XuesongHu thanks for pointing out the need for checking whether the command line tools are installed or not. In the forthcoming v1.0.2 release, that whole section of the INSTALL.md file has been redrafted and addresses additional requirements for both macOS and Linuxes. Bear with us for a couple of more weeks (or less) and the new release will be out. In the meantime if you have not yet opened an issue to raise the problem, can I ask you to do so, please?

Thank you Flavio

faberga commented 4 years ago

@XuesongHu we are closing this PR for the following reason: For the package build, it was/is a design choice that the same compiler, i.e the one specified CC and CXX, has to be used for the HElib, NTL and GMP compilation. This is done to guarantee that the full software stack that is packaged together has been compiled with the same compiler.

As far as issue #363 is concerned, it is caused by an idiosyncrasy introduced in macOS >= 10.14.x where Command Line Tools package installs the macOS system headers inside the macOS SDK itself. CMake correctly identifies CC and CXX and the location of the header files which it passes to the compilation it controls. But, as GMP and NTL run their own "configure", passing CC and CCX is not enough it also requires -isysroot flag as additional CFLAGS options. This is a bug that we will be fixing.

The easiest workarounds when building HElib package on macOS >= 10.14.x is to invoke cmake with the the options -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/c++ and -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/cc


We will issue a bug fix for issue #363 shortly.